Shakespeare's legacy 400th anniversary. Shakespeare's legacy Konkurs polega na wybraniu poprawnej odpowiedzi. Data zakończenia konkursu: 12 kwietnia 2016.


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Shakespeare's legacy 400th anniversary

Shakespeare's legacy Konkurs polega na wybraniu poprawnej odpowiedzi. Data zakończenia konkursu: 12 kwietnia 2016 Odpowiedzi prosimy przesyłać na adres: Konkurs przeznaczony jest dla studentów Politechniki Poznańskiej Wśród autorów poprawnych odpowiedzi wylosowane zostaną atrakcyjne nagrody. Zapraszamy do udziału i życzymy powodzenia! Organizatorzy konkursu: mgr Kinga Komorowska, mgr Karolina Kałużna, mgr Aleksandra Nikiel

1. When was William Shakespeare born? A: we don’t knowB: 26th April 1564 C: 23rd April 1616

2. Where was William Shakespeare born? A: London B: Edinburgh C: Stratford-upon-Avon

3. What did Shakespeare’s father do for a living? A: Farmer B: Lawyer C: Teacher D: Glove-maker

4. Who did Shakespeare marry? A: Anne Hathaway B: Anne Hall C: Anne Heathen D: Anne Halloway

5. How many children did William Shakespeare have? A: none B: two C: three D: four

6. How many sonnets did he write? A: around 100 B: around 150 C: around 200 D: around 300

7. How many plays did he write or co-write? A: around 30 B: around 40 C: around 50

8. When was the play, Henry VI, performed at he Rose theatre for the first time? A: 1592 B: 1597 C: 1600

9. Who could be actors at Shakespeare’s times? A: only men B: men and women C: men and boys D: only women

10. Some of the acting companies also went abroad, mainly to which countries? A: The Netherlands and Denmark C: Germany and Austria B: The Netherlands and Germany D: Germany and France