Autor: mgr Arleta Wygnalska

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1 Autor: mgr Arleta Wygnalska

2 Przekształć poniższe zdania ze strony czynnej (active voice) na stronę bierną (passive voice).
GRUPA I GRUPA II 1.My wife cleaned my desk two weeks ago. 2. We watched films. 3. They sang a nice song. 4. I took many photos last summer. 5. The gardener watered the flowers. 6. Henry wrote short text messages. 7. Kids didn't drink alcohol in schools. 8. They didn't sell sandwiches in church. 9. Tony sent ten s yesterday. 10. Did anybody cut the grass?

3 ODPOWIEDZI GRUPA I GRUPA II 1. My desk was cleaned by my wife two weeks ago. 2. Films were watched by us. 3. A nice song was sung. 4. Many photos were taken by me last summer. 5. The flowers were watered by the gardener. 6. Short text messages were written by Henry. 7. Alcohol wasn't drunk by kids in schools. 8. Sandwiches weren't sold by them in church. 9. Ten s were sent by Tony yesterday. 10. Was the grass cut by somebody?

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