Saint Nicolaus.


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Saint Nicolaus

St Nicolas – in Poland we are getting around his 06. 12 St Nicolas – in Poland we are getting around his 06.12., when we are handing out it to ourselves small gifts. Why 6 December? Because it is exactly 06.12. św died. Mikołaj of Myrrh. He became famous as the miracle-worker, he saved yachtsmen and he rescued the city from hunger. He demonstrated the courage and the justice saving from death unjustly sentenced imperial clerks. One could still long exchange what made... Święty Mikołaj – w Polsce jego święto obchodzimy 06.12., kiedy to rozdajemy sobie drobne upominki. Dlaczego 6 grudnia? Bo to właśnie 06.12. zmarł św. Mikołaj z Miry. Zasłynął on jako cudotwórca, ratował żeglarzy i uratował miasto od głodu. Odwagą i sprawiedliwością wykazał się ratując od śmierci niesłusznie skazanych urzędników cesarskich. Można by jeszcze długo wymieniać czego dokonał...

How do we walk round saint Nicolaus day ? Jak obchodzimy dzień świętego Mikołaja?

Many write children earlier the list to Nicolaus already Many write children earlier the list to Nicolaus already. They ask in them for presents. The custom exists that parents give presents under the pillow in night from 5 on 6 December to children in the Poland.

Parents invite Nicolaus home (someone disguised in the costume)sometimes. He comes unexpectedly, he speaks, he hands over gifts. This is very joyful.

Nicolaus also appears at the school ;). Parents and prepare small gifts. In classes however we draw the colleague. We later prepare for him the present.

The charitable action is organized since many years in the Poland "And you can become saint Nicolaus". We also take in her the part. We visit with presents House Child and House Lonely Mother.