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Profile of the patron School history Success story – our achievements School anthem Project members.

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2 Profile of the patron School history Success story – our achievements School anthem Project members

3 Leonid Teliga, yachtsman, the first man who has alone circumnavigated the world. Leonid Teliga is the patron of our school from the 25th of May 2002. Earlier he was the patron of the Elementary School No. 5, which had been located in the building of our school. Profile of the patron

4 Teligas live was strongly related to Grodzisk Mazowiecki. He lived here with his family in the Traugutt street. Here he went to primary and secondary school. Also in Grodzisk, being a young boy, Teliga began to dream of a lonely voyage. Profile of the patron

5 As a mature man Teliga fulfilled his dreams - he circumnavigated alone the globe. The yacht had been built for their own savings. Teliga had to overcome many difficulties, including his own illness. His journey lasted two years and three months. He made famous Polish name throughout the world. Profile of the patron

6 Secondary School No. 3 was established in 1999. It has taken over the building of the Primary School No. 5 in the hope to continue the glorious tradition of that facility. After one year of education the Board of Education decided to establish the patron Leonid Teliga. School history

7 The school is attended by more than 600 students who are successfull in sport, win medals in the municipal and county sports. Success story – our achievements

8 Jest gniazdo spokojne, daleki gdzieś dom Pod cieniem kwitnących kasztanów. I cisza opada na skronie zmęczone Sen spływa na ląd. Refren: Lecz nie śpi ocean, zielone, spienione głębiny I doba za dobą samotny kołysze się maszt I sztormy, i bryzy prowadzą w świat (bis) Jacht kapitana Teligi (bis) Wiślane gdzieś piany, bałtycki śpi brzeg, I słone bieleją mierzeje. I szumią sosnami oliwskie organy Od wieków po wiek. Refren: Lecz nie śpi ocean... Na morzach dalekich gdzieś czeka już port, Przylądek Szczęśliwej Nadziei, I błyska pod zorzą wybrzeże spokoju I wzywa gdzieś lad. Refren: Lecz nie śpi ocean, zielone, spienione głębiny I naprzód, i naprzód Samotny znów zrywa się jacht, Nie kończy sie nigdy I dalej trwa Rejs kapitana Teligi (bis)


10 Zuzanna ( on the lowest stair), Małgosia ( behind Zuzanna ), Magda ( in the center ), Kuba ( the most left boy ), Magda ( in the red jacket ), Karol ( in the center of the last row ), Tymoteusz ( the most right boy ). We all are 13 years old. Project members

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