2 Review What is bionomial nomenclature Explain What is a genus 1 Review Identify two goals of systematics Explain Why do the common names of organisms like daisy or mountain lion often cause problems for scientists Infer What characteristics could systematists use to put organisms in a group 2 Review What is bionomial nomenclature Explain What is a genus 3 Unity and Diversity Which category has more biological meaning: all brown birds or all birds descended from a hawklike ancestor- why
18.1 Finding Order in Diversity Ch 18 Classification 18.1 Finding Order in Diversity
Assigning Scientific Names Biologists can be sure that they are discussing the same organism Common names can be confusing because they vary among languages and from place to place Cougar, puma, panther, and mountain lion are all the same animal Felis Concolor.
Early scientific names often used long phrases to describe species in great detail “Oak with deeply divided leaves that have no hairs on their undersides and no teeth around their edges” Difficult to standardize names because different scientists focused on different characteristics.
Binomial Nomenclature Two-word naming system Developed by Carolus Linnaeus Usually in Latin, first part is capitalized and second part is lowercase Genus species.
Polar Bear Ursus maritimus Other member of the bear family share Ursus maritimus is unique to polar bears Second part of the name is descriptive.
Grey Wolf Wilk (Canis lupus) jest największym przedstawicielem rodziny psowatych, osiąga długość do ok. 200 cm, ciężar 12-80 kg. Samce zazwyczaj są większe od samic o ok. 20%. Wilk jest przodkiem psa domowego. Spośród zmysłów najlepiej rozwinięte ma słuch i węch. Wzrok służy temu drapieżnikowi przede wszystkim do lokalizowania poruszających się obiektów. Jest niezwykle sprawny. Wilk to zwierzę szybkie, wytrwałe, mające doskonałą technikę polowania 圈養新生灰狼(Canis lupus)成長紀實 — 行為發展.
Systematics Taxa Science of naming and grouping organisms Larger groups of species that have biological meaning.
Linnaean Classification System Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus species.
But which similarities and differences are the most important?