In the theme: „Dance of colours”. Józef Szermentowski He was born on 16 February 1833 in Bodzentyn, He died on 6 September 1876 in Paris. Polish painter.


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In the theme: „Dance of colours”

Józef Szermentowski He was born on 16 February 1833 in Bodzentyn, He died on 6 September 1876 in Paris. Polish painter of landscapes.The apprentice of Francis Kostrzewski, whom he met in Kielce, in the home of his patron, Thomas Zielinski. He studied at the School of Fine Arts in Warsaw under the direction of Christian Breslauer.


Descriptions of the images: The first painting shows two young women. The author drew attention to the greenery around by casting light on the women in the centre. In the foreground you can see a church and people going inside. The author shows rural nature and life in a characteristic way.

The museums where his works are displayed are: National Museum in Kielce National Museum in Poznań National Museum in Kraków National Museum in Warszawa National Museum in Wrocław

Jan Matejko He was born on June 24, 1838 and he died on November 1, He was a Polish painter known for his paintings of notable Polish historical, political and military events.His most famous pieces of art include oil on canvas paintings such as Battle of Grunwald, paintings of numerous other battles and court scenes, and a gallery of Polish kings.


Descriptions of the images: The figure is very well lit while the background is quite dark. The clown has the face of Jan Matejko and it reflects the painter’s concern about his homeland. The picture shows the shores of Lednickie Lake in Wielkopolska ( the Great Poland region). Poland is shown as a land covered with forests illuminated by the sun. The most important figure in the picture is Prince Mieszko I touching the cross with his left hand and holding a sword in his right hand, the symbol of his power.

The Museum where his works displayed are : National Museum in Warszawa Royal Lock in Warszawa Museum Czartoryskich in Kraków Vatican of the Jagiellonian University Museum of pieces in Łódź

Józef Chełmoński He was born on November 7, He died on April 6,1914. He was a recognised Polish painter.Chełmoński was born in the village of Boczki near Łowicz in the centre of Congress Poland, Russian Empire. After finishing high School in Warsaw, he continued his education in Warsaw Drawing Class (1867–1871) and took private lessons from Wojciech Gerson. From 1871 to 1874 Chełmoński lived in Munich. He worked with Polish painters assembled around Jozef Brandt and Maksymilian Gierymski.


Descriptions of the images: In the foreground you can see a man sitting on the grass in a meadow. Next to him there is a fair-haired boy. They are both looking at the sky and watching departing storks. Further afield, in the background, you can see two brown cows working on the land, a village full of white houses with brown roofs and storks nest located on a high tree. In the foreground you can see a flock of cranes. The migrating birds are in contrast with the landscape image behind. The painter uses light in such a way that it makes you feel you are there.

The Museums where his works are disaplayed are: Silesian Museum in Katowice Museum of pieces in Łódź National Museum in Warszawa National Museum in Kraków National Museum in Poznań

Kliknij, aby edytować format tekstu konspektu Drugi poziom konspektu  Trzeci poziom konspektu Czwarty poziom konspektu  Piąty poziom konspekt u  Szósty poziom konspekt u  Siódmy poziom konspekt u  Ósmy poziom konspekt u Dziewiąty poziom konspektuKliknij, aby edytować style wzorca tekstu Drugi poziom Trzeci poziom Czwarty poziom Piąty poziom Jarosław Miklasiewicz He was born in 1948 in Poznań and he is the best contemporary polish painter. He has been painting since In 1983 he received from the Ministry of Culture and Arts authority to practice graphic artist in the domein of painting. His works are in the National Museum in Poznan and the Ethnographic Museum in Warsaw and Krakow.

Kliknij, aby edytować format tekstu konspektu Drugi poziom konspektu  Trzeci poziom konspektu Czwarty poziom konspektu  Piąty poziom konspekt u  Szósty poziom konspekt u  Siódmy poziom konspekt u  Ósmy poziom konspekt u Dziewiąty poziom konspektuKliknij, aby edytować style wzorca tekstu Drugi poziom Trzeci poziom Czwarty poziom Piąty poziom pl.: „Datek”  ang.: „Charity”

Kliknij, aby edytować format tekstu konspektu Drugi poziom konspektu  Trzeci poziom konspektu Czwarty poziom konspektu  Piąty poziom konspekt u  Szósty poziom konspekt u  Siódmy poziom konspekt u  Ósmy poziom konspekt u Dziewiąty poziom konspektuKliknij, aby edytować style wzorca tekstu Drugi poziom Trzeci poziom Czwarty poziom Piąty poziom Pl. : „Miss rusałek rzecznych”  Ang. : „ Miss Fairy river”

Description of the image: In the picture you can see a lot of people. In the foreground there is a woman and I think that she may be a famous star because next to her we can see many journalists. They are taking photos because this star gives a homeless man handout. People are looking at it and admire her because she shared her money with the poor man.

Kliknij, aby edytować format tekstu konspektu Drugi poziom konspektu  Trzeci poziom konspektu Czwarty poziom konspektu  Piąty poziom konspekt u  Szósty poziom konspekt u  Siódmy poziom konspekt u  Ósmy poziom konspekt u Dziewiąty poziom konspektuKliknij, aby edytować style wzorca tekstu Drugi poziom Trzeci poziom Czwarty poziom Piąty poziom Marta Lipowska Born in She finished the Faculty of Arts University in Lublin. She paints in oil technique, inspired by nature. Her paintings depict scenes from everyday life, but the the most important out of these is light and color. Her works have been displayed at many exhibitions in Poland and abroad. Several times she was awarded in competitive exhibitions.

Kliknij, aby edytować format tekstu konspektu Drugi poziom konspektu  Trzeci poziom konspektu Czwarty poziom konspektu  Piąty poziom konspekt u  Szósty poziom konspekt u  Siódmy poziom konspekt u  Ósmy poziom konspekt u Dziewiąty poziom konspektuKliknij, aby edytować style wzorca tekstu Drugi poziom Trzeci poziom Czwarty poziom Piąty poziom pl. „Przystań rybacka”  ang. „Fishing harbor”

Description of the image: This image is also created with colored stains. In the picture we can see a fishing port situated next to a small village. We can see a person and I think that it is a man who is preparing to go fishing. The colors in the painting are bright and create a mood of peace.

Kliknij, aby edytować format tekstu konspektu Drugi poziom konspektu  Trzeci poziom konspektu Czwarty poziom konspektu  Piąty poziom konspekt u  Szósty poziom konspekt u  Siódmy poziom konspekt u  Ósmy poziom konspekt u Dziewiąty poziom konspektuKliknij, aby edytować style wzorca tekstu Drugi poziom Trzeci poziom Czwarty poziom Piąty poziom pl.: „Ogród różany”  ang.: „Rosary Garden”

Description of the image: This painting shows a garden with many roses and other flowers. It is a mysterious painting because in the background you can see a girl’s face. The author used color stains to create the painting therefore we can not say exactly what we can see in the picture. The author uses colors that create a mood.

Kliknij, aby edytować format tekstu konspektu Drugi poziom konspektu  Trzeci poziom konspektu Czwarty poziom konspektu  Piąty poziom konspekt u  Szósty poziom konspekt u  Siódmy poziom konspekt u  Ósmy poziom konspekt u Dziewiąty poziom konspektuKliknij, aby edytować style wzorca tekstu Drugi poziom Trzeci poziom Czwarty poziom Piąty poziom The END Thanks for Your attention