Przetłumacz podane w nawiasach fragmenty zdań na j. angielski.


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Przetłumacz podane w nawiasach fragmenty zdań na j. angielski.

Can you tell me what ( o której godzinie zaczyna się film) ………………………………?

Can you tell me ( o której godzinie zaczyna się film) what time the film begins?

(Muszę opiekować się) I……………………….. my younger brother.

(Muszę opiekować się)…….. I have to look after my younger brother.

My mum (lubi słuchać)………………………… music.

My mum (lubi słuchać)likes listening to music.

My cousins (pobrali się)…………………………….. while they were at the university.

My cousins (pobrali się) got married while they were at the university.

My students (prawie w ogóle)……………….. pay attention in the class.

My students (prawie w ogóle)hardly ever pay attention in the class.

(Czy mogłabym wymienić) ____________________________ this shirt, please?

(Czy mogłabym wymienić) Could I exchange this shirt, please?

!!!!!!!!(Nie mam wystarczająco) I ____________________________money for this car.

(Nie mam wystarczająco pieniędzy) I haven’t got enough money for this car.

These trousers (są w promocji) ____________________________ .

These trousers (są w promocji) are on special offer.

(Ile kosztują) ____________________________ these shirts?

(Ile kosztują) How much are these shirts?

(Czy mogę zapłacić) ________________________credit card, please?

(Czy mogę zapłacić) Can I pay by credit card, please?

(Chciałbym/Chciałabym złożyć) I __________________________ a complaint.

(Chciałbym/Chciałabym złożyć) I’d like to make a complaint.

(Jest 20% obniżki) _________________________ on all jeans this week.

(Jest 20% obniżki) There’s a 20 % discount on all jeans this week.

(Czy będzie padać deszcz) _______________________this evening?

(Czy będzie padać deszcz) Will it rain this evening?

(Gdybym mieszkał/mieszkała) ________________________ on an island, I would buy myself a yacht.

(Gdybym mieszkał/mieszkała) If I lived on an island, I would buy myself a yacht.

(Chciałbym/Chciałabym zarezerwować) ___________________________ a room in your hotel

(Chciałbym/Chciałabym zarezerwować) I’d like to book a room in your hotel

(Co zrobiłbyś/zrobiłabyś) ______________________if there was an avalanche while you were skiing?

!!!!!(Co zrobiłbyś/zrobiłabyś) What would you do if there was an avalanche while you were skiing?

What (będzie pogoda) ______________________next weekend?

!!!!What (będzie pogoda) will the weather be like next weekend?

(Powinieneś oszczędzać)______________ more water.

(Powinieneś/Powinnaś oszczędzać) You should save more water.

Uzupełnij zdania wpisując podane wyrazy w odpowiedniej formie.

I (like / retire) _______________ when I’m 55.

I (like / retire) ’d like to retire when I’m 50.

How much unemployment benefit (people / get) _______________ in your country?

How much unemployment benefit (people / get) do people get in your country?

The south of the country (be / warm) ______________________ than the west.

The south of the country (be / warm) is warmer than the west.

Hundreds of houses (be / destroy) ______________________ in the earthquake last year.

Hundreds of houses (be / destroy) were destroyed in the earthquake last year.

We’re looking for someone who (open / new) ___________________ ideas.

We’re looking for someone who (open / new) is open to new ideas.

(This / cold) ____________________ day of the year. It’s freezing

!!!!!!(This / cold) This is the coldest day of the year. It’s freezing

Three people (be / drown) ____________________ in the floods last year.

Three people (be / drown) were drowned in the floods last year.

transformacje The interviewer asked me lots of difficult questions. I was _______________________

The interviewer asked me lots of difficult questions !!!!!!!The interviewer asked me lots of difficult questions. I was asked lots of difficult questions.

My dad lost his job two months ago and he’s been unemployed since then My dad lost his job two months ago and he’s been unemployed since then. My dad hasn’t _______________________

My dad lost his job two months ago and he’s been unemployed since then My dad lost his job two months ago and he’s been unemployed since then. My dad hasn’t had a job for two months.

It’s possible that he’s a chef. He might __________________.

It’s possible that he’s a chef. He might be a chef.

1. ambitious, 2. noticed, 3. took

1. could, 2. reactions, 3. geneticist