One day in my grandmother’s life


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One day in my grandmother’s life By: Dorota Wolska Weronika Kocwa Łukasz Wolski Kamil Szymański

Welcome to my family The Kowalski’s, who lived near Bochnia in 1920. This is my great grandmother Anna with her husband Stanisław and three daughters : Zosia,Stasia,Jasia. This is my great great grandmother Marianna Pajorska, who lived with The Kowalski’s family. In this foto we can see traditional clothes of a villige woman in the early years of the 20th century.

You can see a fragment of this prayer . In our presentation we want to show you how people lived 100 years ago. My great grandmother used to wake up at 5.3o am. First she kindled a fire in fireplace. JUTRZNIA DO ODMAWIANIA O ŚWICIE Zacznijcie wargi nasze, chwalić Pannę świętą, Zacznijcie opowiadać cześć jej niepojętą. Przybądź nam miłościwa pani, ku pomocy, A wyrwij nas z potężnych nieprzyjaciół mocy. Chwała Ojcu i Synowi Jego Przedwiecznemu, I równemu Im w Bóstwie Duchowi Świętemu. Jak była na początku i zawsze i ninie, Niech Bóg w Trójcy Jedyny na wiek wieków słynie. Hymn Zawitaj Pani świata, niebieska Królowa, Witaj, Panno nad panny, gwiazdo porankowa! Zawitaj, pełna łaski, prześliczna światłości, Pani, na pomoc świata śpiesz się, zbaw nas z złości! Ciebie Monarcha wieczny od wieków swojemu, Za Matkę obrał Słowu Jednorodzonemu; Przez które ziemi okrąg i nieba ogniste, I powietrze i wody stworzył przeźroczyste, Ciebie, Oblubienicę przyozdobił sobie, Bo przestępstwo Adama nie ma prawa w Tobie. Everyday started the same way. The woman was bustling in the kitchen,singing her prayer about Saint Virginia. You can see a fragment of this prayer .

Breakfast Have a nice meal! Marianna made dough from wheat flour,eggs,salt.Next she split cake for small pieces.Later she sprinkled it into the boilling milk.This dish is called „Zacierka drobiona”. Have a nice meal!

Village homemade bread Next Marianna prepared some breakfast for her grandchildren and she started bake the village bread by traditional Polish recipe … In the foto below we can a see straw basket which was used to form dough and let it rise before baking.

Making butter Whilst the bread was rising Marianna started making butter . She was whiping cream one hour. To whip the cream she used maśniczka (butterwhipper)You can see it in the foto.

Dinner Before noon Marianna started preparing dinner. We need ingredients like: a cabbage, a carrot, a celery,a parsley, potatos, an onion, a garlic,some cream,a flour,some salt and pepper. This dish is called „Zupa ze słodkiej kapusty” what means „Soup from sweet cabbage” The main course was „Kluski kudłate”(„Shaggy dumplings”) To make it we need: 1 kg potatos,some flour,some fat,an onion, some salt. This was a classic village dish. It’s cheap and easy to make.

Sewing machine Polish village was very poor so almost all things that people needed to live they had to make by themselves including clothes. That’s why Marianna bought old Singer sewing machine and she worked in the afternoon. The Singer company was known form its quality so this old sewing machine still works.

Supper At 6 p.m Marianna came back to the kitchen to prepare supper: Jajecznica oszczędna. To make it we need eggs, milk, flour, fat and salt. All of the products that Marianna used to cook came from her own self-sufficient farm. The dish was called „The furgal egg omelette”. Have a nice meal!

Evening In the evening Marianna set fire in the paraffin lamp to light the house because there was no electricity in the village at this time in Poland. Thanks to this lamps Marianna was able to prepare her children before going to bed, she could talk with the whole family. It was the end of another day full of hard work.

Vacabulary Here are a few words wich we don’t use nowadays but Marianna and the mebers of her family did it very offen. Balaski  płot which means a fence Chodak  chłopiec which means a boy Fajerka  doniczka which means a flowerpot Izdebka  pokój, sypalnia which means a room or a bedroom Juzyna  kolacja which means a supper Komora  spiżarnia which means a larder Nosić na narącku  nosić na przedramieniu which means to carry on forearm Miarkować się uważać which means to beware Obuć się  ubierać buty which means to wear shoes Powała  sufit which means a ceiling Przyodziewa  ubranie which means a clothes Sień  korytarz which means a hall Skopiec wiaderko na mleko which means a bucket for milk Statki  naczynia which means dishes Talorki  talerze which means plates Trzymać na podołku trzymać na kolanach which means to hold on your lap Warzyć  gotować which means to cook Wkładać za pazuchę wkładać pod pachę which means to put under yourarmpit Zapaska  fartuch which means an apron Zrobić plac zrobić miejsce which means to yield place

For everyone the most important place on the Earth is home – for me, too so I made my great great grandmother the main character of this presentation. I found photos and heirloom which are stored in my family till these days. I talked about my ancestry with my grandparents: Stanisława i Mieczysław Wolski. I knew rota of village female who lived hundret years ago. Thanks to this a history of my family became closer to me. All our four : Weronika, Kamil, Łukasz and I compile to this project. Past Present *All the recipes and some photos were taken from cookery book „Przygdowskiesmaki”.