Optymalizacja kosztów HR w oparciu o rozwiązania w chmurze


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Zapis prezentacji:

Optymalizacja kosztów HR w oparciu o rozwiązania w chmurze ROC – Making HCM business priority Krzysztof Luty

Pytania na jakie warto odpowiedzieć Czym jest optymalizacja? Jaką rolę w optymalizacji biznesu pełni kapitał ludzki? Co można zrobić aby móc i umieć prowadzić skuteczną optymalizację? Jak zadbać o najlepsze efekty optymalizacji? Jak to robią największe firmy na świecie? Kto powinien ją prowadzić? Jakie mamy narzędzia do tego celu?

Optymalizacja – jak ją postrzegamy? Często spotykane działanie w sytuacji kryzysowej Głównie ma na celu dopasowanie (zmniejszenie) kosztów wobec (zmniejszających się) przychodów Wg. Raportu KPMG „Optymalizacja kosztów a utrzymanie pracowników” 2011

Czym jest? optymalizacja - proces poszukiwania najlepszego (optymalnego) rozwiązania problemu, metody postępowania itp.; optymalizację można dokonywać ze względu na jedno wybrane kryterium oceny (optymalizacja jednokryterialna) lub określony zbiór kryteriów (optymalizacja wielokryterialna). Ciągły proces Związany z wieloma kryteriami Kryteria te wzajemnie się przenikają i mają wpływ na siebie Prowadzony przez ludzi Związany z ludźmi

Wyzwania Dyrektorów Personalnych Dokumentowanie wpływu inwestycji w kapitał ludzki na strategiczne dla przedsiębiorstwa wskaźniki Ukierunkowanie inwestycji w programy HR o szybkim zwrocie Umożliwianie zestawienia rachunków ROI dla inwestycji HR z ROI w sprzedaży, marketingu, produkcji Dokumentowanie przewidywań odnośnie zapotrzebowania na personel niezbędny do egzekucji strategii biznesowej w okresie 5 lat i wskazanie jaka strategia HR pozwoli na zbudowanie zespołu w optymalnym koszcie i na czas. What the CEO demands from HR is reasonable. CEOs are demanding the same from sales, marketing, etc. If they can’t answer these funadamental questions, they cnnot get support and budgets for their investments and programs. Asking HR for the same tyoe of documentation is not unreasonable, but few HR organizations are in a position to deliver. Most HR organization are ”spreading peanut butter” vs. investing in high ROI HR programs Ask the prospect: How are you measuring the success/business impact of your HR programs? If you can’t measure business impact, you are not strategic.

Wielka Szansa na Poprawę Efektywności Biznesu? ZASOBY LUDZKIE GENERUJĄ DO 60-80% KOSZTÓW OPERACYJNYCH ORGANIZACJI “ Czy podejmujesz decyzje związane z ludźmi w takim samym rygorze, zgodnie z taką samą logiką i determinacją jak swoje decyzje związane z pieniędzmi, klientami Produktami i technologią? “ DR. BOUDREAU, USC CENTER FOR EFFECTIVE ORGANIZATIONS Użycie analiz / kontrolingu personalnego i jego brak: (Y/Y % zmiana) Data and analytics drives business performance! You have analytics, reporting and BI tools for finance, sales, IT. etc. - why not for your people? Aberdeen conducted a study that showed that best in class companies far outperform so called laggards in terms of year over year employee performance, profit per FTE and revenue per FTE. The chart shows how companies using workforce analytics performed against companies not using workforce analytics. Other areas of the business like sales and manufacturing have shown that analytics and planning improves business outcomes and it is no different for Talent. The financial business case is real and significant. When you can fine tune how your manage your most strategic asset – it leads to results. Missing out on workforce analytics is missing out on an opportunity to massively improve your business performance As these business magazine cover pages show, workforce analytics is no longer an HR issue, it is something that interest executives and general managers, it is something that is covered not only by HR publications but by mainstream management publications, it is something that is considered crucila to stay competitive (Aberdeen, “Intelligent Human Capital Management”, 2010)

Dane – bilet do zarządzania UCZENIE SIĘ JĘZYKA BIZNESU Dyrektorzy Finansowi, Dyrektorzy IT Dyrektorzy ds. Sprzedaży Zyskują zaufanie Zarządów ponieważ ich opinie i działania oparte są o dane. NOWI LIDERZY HR Mogą dziś uzyskać autorytet poprzez godne zaufania dane Argumenty uzasadnione ekonomicznie i kalkulacje ROI. Data and analytcisalso determines who has executive credibility Who does your CEO go to to get answers to the tough questions? When was the last time your VP HR had a data driven discussion with your CEO based on easily acessible data, business cases and ROI models? Maybe your HR leaders do have regular data based discussions, but do they come easily, is there consensus around the credibility of the data, is there agreement around which metrics are the right indicators of workforce productivity, etc.? If you do not have data driven discussions with your CEO, then you have a problem! If there is a ”credibility gap” in your company you will not be able to drive strategic impact. Hard facts, data and analytics is the language of business. The reason why the CFO, the CIO and the VP sales are strategic advisors to the CEO is because they have data. Hard hitting fact based arguments for why what they do matter to the business. Why investing in project x will deliver ROI of Y to the business. HR is generally behind the curve in terms of assisting in making data driven strategic business decisions. Traditionally HR has been operations and process oriented, focused on the “soft” side of HR, on operational HR, on HR service delivery: making sure employees get their pension and benefits, managing the performance review processes, ensuring everyone gets paid on time, helping quickly fill open positions, etc. While these are all important roles to play within the business, they are operational or tactical, not strategic. HR generally also complain about not having opportunities in the executive spotlight, that HR is not offered a “seat at the table”, BUT: Almost anyone can get senior leadership’s ear if they try hard enough. The key is coming to the conversation with data to support your cause, and a cause that supports the overall corporate strategy… Until HR laders are able to translate what they do into a language that CEOS understand and embrace, HR will not get a seat at the board table. To become strategic, HR has to be able to deliver fact/data based business cases for what they are doing. Arguing why investing in workforce program x will help the company execute on its strategy and deliver ROI y. HR got into the analytics game late, because it wasn’t until relatively recently (compared to sales and finance) that applications such as the SF suite were developed that could properly manage and capture the right kinds of data to do analytics. Now there is no more room for excuses, but not everybody has caught on yet. So herein lies your opportunity to truly make a positive impact on how your business executes, and create a competitive advantage for your company.

HR ma mierzalny wpływ na biznes 10% wzrost satysfakcji klienta poprzez zmniejszenie rotacji wśród osób pełniących krytyczne role $6M oszczędności rocznie Poprzez zmianę procesu zatrudniania i wprowadzania pracowników na swoje stanowiska $4M oszczędności rocznie poprzez poprawę jakości lejka talentów i wzrost dostępności kandydatów dla ról krytycznych The financial business case is real and significant. When you can fine tune how your manage your most strategic asset – it leads to results. “ABC” Szpital

Analizy wspierają Strategiczne Planowanie Zasobów WYZWANIE Rozwiązanie REZULTATY 40+% krytycznych stanowisk zagrożonych odejściem na emeryturę do roku 2020 Spadająca podaż inżynierów Olimpiada, zmiana systemu kolejowego, czysta energia wpływają na wzrost popytu na nowe role w organizacji SuccessFactors Workforce Planning Stworzenie różnorodnych scenariuszy analizy popytu i rekrutacji Zidentyfikowanie luk kompetencyjnych i zaplanowanie działań korekcyjnych Edukacja techników Budowanie lejka rekrutacyjnego w oparciu o młodzież szkolną i rozbudowa programu stażów dla studentów Wdrożenie elastycznych ścieżek kariery dla ról krytycznych Audytowanie ryzyk operacyjnych i nakładów inwestycyjnych w sposób umożliwiających sprawną ich korektę “ “ Z naszego planu zasobów wynika że do roku 2020 potrzebować będziemy blisko 1000 inżynierów, a w tym czasie blisko 1/3 z tych, którzy dla nas pracują przejdzie na emeryturę. To jedno z największych wyzwań z jakim się mierzymy w biznesie National Grid owns and operates the electricity transmission system in England and Wales serving more than 52 million people. Situation: Changing regulations around renewable energy impact their business model and required skills 40+% of critical job roles are at risk of retirement by 2020 Rising demand for new hires to support their growing business (supporting energy requirements of the 2012 London Olympics and a new rail system Decreasing supply of Engineers (children, parents and schools aren’t interested in becoming or fostering interest in engineering roles) There were as many power engineers graduating in the entire UK that year as they needed to meet their projected demand. You can’t always count on external labor supply – the jobs may not even exist – you need to develop the workforce you need for the future. Results: National Grid worked with SuccessFactors to develop multiple scenarios based on business requirements, supply and demand 2. Identified gaps in skills and talent that could hinder execution of strategy 3. Created an action plan to cost-effectively address identified gaps Introduced flexible career paths for critical roles Auditing operating risks and expenses for real-time adjustments to policies and programs School Power’ programme to excite primary school students, teachers and parents about engineering and science. STEVE HOLLIDAY, CEO

SAP + SuccessFactors Połączenie unikalnych możliwości #1 W „TWARDYM” HR #1 W ZARZĄDZANIU TALENTAMI 40 lat doświadczenia i praktyki na rynku aplikacji i rozwiązań biznesowych 15,000 klientów SAP HCM niezrównana dostępność: 51 wersji lokalnych dostarczanych przez SAP + 28 przez partnerów SAP 10+ lat doświadczenia w oferowaniu aplikacji w modelu SaaS 3,500+ klientów/~15 mln użytkowników największy klient – 2 mln użytkowników 34 języki – klienci ze 168 krajów This presentation and SAP‘s strategy and possible future developments are subject to change and may be changed by SAP at any time for any reason without notice. This document is provided without a warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement

Korzyści z modelu wdrożenia w chmurze dla Zarządzania talentami Obszar Zarządzania talentami podlega częstym zmianom i innowacjom, co czyni go idealnym miejscem dla zastosowania rozwiązań w chmurze Łatwe wdrażanie innowacji Wysokie bezpieczeństwo Szybkie uzyskanie wartości Łatwość adaptacji Niskie TCO Szybkie ROI Bez infrastruktury i administr. Sprawdzona konfiguracja Cloud Computing is not a Hype, but the IT delivery model of the 21th century. All major business Analysts as McKinsey, Bosten Consulting and others as well as IT-Analysts as Gartner, Forrester, IDC etc. uniquely endorse the advantages of Cloud Computing. From the Business Perspective, cloud based Software as a Service (SaaS) offer the biggest benefits. No need for Hardware and local Delivery architecture. Just subscribe and have your company configurations, @ SF on average up and running in less than 90 days! -> Unbeatable Time to Value Success Factors delivers innovation in 4 releases a year. You can immediately leverage these by „Option in“ configuration. All SF customers leverage most recent development all the time! (EASE OF CONSUMPTION) The SF BizX suite architecture prevents customizations leading to inefficient performance or upgrade blocks but is open and flexible to configure customer needs. This Proof configuration concept saves money by preventing costly mistakes Security is always a concern. SF will process one of the most sensible data assets of an company: Employment data! In fact SF implemented highest and most recent Security standards and leads the industry. Customer‘s Data Security Officer can rely on SuccessFactors security guarantee and audit it at anytime. No local administration capabilities are needed! SF Operations ensures delivery upon Service Level Agreements (SLA) in a 24x7x365 follow the sun operations model. Even the integration to your local applications or other providers is based on Cloud Standards (Boomi). SF BizX suite allows you to easily consume the rapid innovations with fast time to value and lower TCO This presentation and SAP‘s strategy and possible future developments are subject to change and may be changed by SAP at any time for any reason without notice. This document is provided without a warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement

SuccessFactors BizX Dopasowanie Optymalizacja Przyspieszenie Strategia Spraw, by pracownicy zajmowali się właściwymi sprawami Optymalizacja Znajdź właściwe osoby i uczyń ich świetnymi pracownikami Przyspieszenie Prowadź swój biznes jeszcze lepiej Strategia Wyniki BizX Insights Analizy Rekrutacja Wynagra- dzanie Cele Wydajność Planowanie zasobów Szkolenia Następstwa Społecz-ności So what do we do at SuccessFactors? SuccessFactors is the leader in Business Execution Software, or "BizX" for short. We help companies close the gap between strategy and execution, so they can run their businesses in a better and more profitable way.   We help our customers get a better return on the investment they are making in their workforce, which in most organizations is 40 to 60 percent of their operating expenses, so big money is being spent on people. And today, most business leaders understand that they can't possibly optimize the performance of their business without optimizing the performance of their workforce. And this is exactly what we do at SuccessFactors. So how do we deliver on this vision of BizX? Well, for starters, we provide a next generation core HR solution called Employee Central, which is the central repository for all of your employee data and it's the foundation for all of the SuccessFactors solutions. Employee Central is built using modern technology, so it's much more flexible and much easier to use that traditional applications. And it's self-service capabilities are second to none. So with EC you get a product that's more flexible, easier to use, it's faster implement and much less expensive to maintain that traditional core HR products. So a lot of goodness here. On top of this Employee Central foundation, we help our customers do three things: The first is business alignment. Here, we help you break strategy into a series of goals which are then entered into our goals setting application and then cascade these goals across every employee in your company. Our performance management products enable you to give feedback to your employees on how they are performing in their jobs, where they are doing well, and where there's opportunity for improvement. Our goal setting and performance products are about visibility and accountability. These products get everyone in your company doing the right work in the right way. Every day. The next thing we do is you optimize the performance of your people. Here we start with a terrific recruiting product that helps you find and hire great people. Our compensation product allows you to pay for performance. We have what we believe is the best learning product in the market today so you can get your people trained up and coached up so they can do their jobs as well as they possibly can. And finally, our succession management module helps you manage your top talent and identify successors for key roles in your organization. This "optimize" part of our business is about helping you hire the right people, helping you keep the right people, and making them great! Once you're aligned and have optimized the performance of your team, then it's about acceleration. Here, we have a product called "Jam" that enables employees with specific expertise to create training videos and share them with people across the organization. Jam is especially valuable for ramping new employees, and making them productive faster. The other thing we do here is that we deliver what we believe is the best set of workforce analytics products in the market today. I want to emphasize here that these workforce analytics products aren't just about providing HR with information on the workforce, they are intended to provide business leaders with insights that can be a catalyst for driving changes that can improve the performance of the business. And the beauty of these analytics products is that all of this functionality is available right out of the box. Employee Central

Połącz HR ze strategią firmy i miej wpływ na biznes WYZWANIE w REALIZACJI WPŁYW NA BIZNES STRATEGIA BIZNESU WGLĄD W PERSONEL STRATEGIA HR Wzrost Nowe rynki Koszty operacyjne Serwis Czas dostarczania Innowacja Czy dysponujemy talentami pozwalającymi na realizację strategii? Gdzie znajdują się przyszłe niedobory talentów? Czy maksymalizujemy nakłady w nowozatrudnionych? W jakich działach rotacja generuje największe ryzyka operacyjne? Czy zatrzymujemy ludzi o najlepszej wydajności? Które programy HR mają największą wagę finansową? Czy odpowiednio wynagradzamy za wysoką wydajność? Menedżerowie Rotacja personelu Jakość rekrutacji Struktura płac Etc. Planowanie zasobów Optymalizacja wynagrodzeń Zmiana wprowadzania pracowników Etc. Wzrost Redukcja koszów Przywództwo w efektywności Produktywność OPRZYJ ODPOWIEDZI NA FAKTACH A NIE NA PRZECZUCIU POZNAJ WPŁYW JAKI MAJĄ TWOJE DZIAŁANIA Are you Basing strategic decisions on guesswork and gut feelings? Workforce analytics is a methodology for creating insights on how investments in human capital impact business outcomes. This is done by applying statistical methods to integrated HR, talent management, financial, and operational data. ZADAJ WŁĄŚCIWE PYTANIA

ze wskaźnikami Biznesu Połącz wskaźniki HR ze wskaźnikami Biznesu Zwiększyć udział w rynku Poprawić wydajność Zmniejszyć koszty operacyjne Strategia Firmy Strategia Funkcjonalna Pozyskanie Klienta Przywiązanie Klienta Zatrudnianie Najlepszych Zróżnicowanie zasobów Zmniejszenie rotacji Zarządzanie kosztami Zarządzanie marką i reklama Wzrost satysfakcji klienta Wzrost satysfakcji pracowników Jakość dostarczania usług Dostęp do nowych rynków Zatrzymanie kluczowych pracowników Zapewnienie spójności pomiędzy demografią zatrudnienia i bazą klientów Pokreślenie oczekiwania właściwego zarządzania jakością Ocenić całkowity koszt personelu Zidentyfikować obszary nadmiernych kosztów obrotowych Zarządzać wzrostem wynagrodzeń Zwiększać udział niefinansowych EVP Wskaźniki efektywności Biznesu Stan menedżerów Wskaźnik stabilności zatrudnienia Wskaźnik jakości zarządzania Wskaźnik mobilności personelu Czas szkoleń na pracownika Wskaźnik dobrowolnych odejść Wskaźnik stabilności zatrudnienia Wskaźnik jakości zarządzania Siła Marki Pracodawcy Wskaźnik etnicznego zróżnicowania zatrudnienia Dystrybucja wydajności Wskaźnik dobrowolnych odejść Średnia wynagrodzeń na rynku Net Hire Ratio Wskaźnik ROI w HCM Zysk operacyjny na zatrudnionego Wskaźniki efektywności HR

Zmiana sposobu komunikacji Powszechny przekaz od liderów HR: “Ten program zarządzania talentami będzie atrakcyjny i zatrzyma więcej wysoko wydajnych pracowników!” Lider HR wykorzystujący analizy i kontroling pracowniczy: “ “ Wyobraź sobie skalę możliwości gdy mówisz do menedżerów: Pracownicy, którzy wzięli udział w tym programie szkoleniowym sprzedali 30% więcej niż ci, którzy w nim nie uczestniczyli…lub, zwiększając wskaźniki zaangażowania o 10% w tej lokalizacji, zmniejszymy rotację o 5% i koszty o …... DAVID CRUMLEY, VP HRIS & CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT

Przeszkody w uruchomieniu analityki Menedżerowie nie używają analiz personalnych Brak po stronie HR umiejętności i zwyczajów analitycznych Brak godnych zaufania danych Jakim ufa biznes Nie wiem kto mierzy wartości wydajności personelu i ich wpływ na biznes You most probably have BI and analycts technology and tolls across your organization already. So why has that not transformed your business and made HR a strategy driver? It is not so much about technology, technology can enable an analytics capability but it cannot support you through the transformation process from being a service provider to becoming a business driver Based on survey conducted over the years on companies across many industries, we have identified 5 major challenges or hurdles if you will, to effective use of workforce analytcis: defining what to measure, report and analyse Establishing and maintaining accurate and credible data. Data verification is crucial. It is essential to establish the accuracy and validity of the data. If there is anything wrong with the data the window of opportunity shuts Building the necessary analytic capability within HR to conduct, interpret and communicate advanced HC analytics. (Our abilities to interpret and understand information continues to lag behind our capability to collect, store and report data.) Initiating and managing the required cultural and behavioural change within HR and the wider organisation to effectively utilise HC metrics. Obtaining adequate project resources. Few HR functions have a clear plan on how to make the transition to becoming strategic business partners. The resources and time required to make this transition will be substantial. Our research of companies using workforce analytcis show that project teams generally feelt that they were under resourced and needed to develop a case study from the data to demonstrate the utility of HC metrics in order to acquire more resources and senior management support by demonstrating ROI of HC metrics. One project manager expressed his frustrations that “there is no senior management support at the moment. We need to get them to buy into the process and claim ownership. This drives uptake of issues.” However, without the necessary analytic capability this is difficult to achieve

Pokonaj przeszkody z SuccessFactors SuccessFactors Workforce Analytics Zbudowane dla HR i dla biznesu Mapuje wartości wpływające na biznes Prowadzi benchmarking Skupia się na wglądzie i wsparciu podejmowania decyzji a nie na manipulacji danych Angażuje menedżerów liniowych Łączy HR ze strategią biznesową Wykorzystuje najlepsze praktyki Dostarczany z chmury w 100 dni Business Impact This slide summarizes the value props which are explained in detail on the next couple of slides. The key value prop to strike is that our offering is built for HR. This is not a big bang general purpose BI tool – this is built by HR specialist for HR people.

Zbudowany dla HR i biznesu WARTOŚĆ DLA HR WGLĄD ZARZĄDCZY BUSINESS ENGAGED “Jak wpływam na rozwój najlepszych pracowników?” “Czy mamy pozytywną korelację pomiędzy wynagrodzeniem a wydajnością?” “Którzy menedżerowie najlepiej zarządzają celami personelu w kontekście naszej strategii?” SF WFA is built for use by HR professionals, VPs of HR, and business managers. This is not just another generic BI tool – this is an application built for the exact purpose, accessible and easy to use for HR and business, packaged with best practice data and insght for these audiences. SF has spent decades building and enhacing this application, giving you unparalleled value.

Najlepsze praktyki Pytania związane z biznesem prowadzą do najważniejszych miar Prowadzą do mierników pokrywających wiele aspektów zagadnienia Podpowiadają możliwe interpretacje Rekomendują działania And we make the analyses actionable. Irst of all we allow users to find relevant metrics be selecting the business questions that they need answers to. Most HR people are not comfortable identifying the metrics that can deliver answers to their questions. We turn that around by allowing users to select questions, and then the app will present them with the metrics and data that we know will deliver answers to those questions. In addition, users are not just looking at data and metrics – with all metrics comes interpretation guides helping users understand the data that they are looking at, plus best practice strategy recommendations: which are the strategies most likely to impact the metrics that you are looking at. The app essentially turns any HR or Business person into an analytics guru.

Wiesz co mierzyć – Wykorzystaj Najlepsze Praktyki Zidentyfikuj mierniki jakie wpływają na Twój biznes 2000+ miar z najlepszych praktyk. Globalne standardy pomiarów zdefiniowane przez SF (“GAAP of HR”) Oparte o pytania, mierniki powiązane, przewodniki interpretacji i rekomendacje 25+ lat doświadczeń 100 Critical Human Capital Questions (SHOW THEM THE METRICS BOOK: Hammer the message: WE KNOW THIS SPACE BETTER THAN ANYONE) SF (infohrm) defined the defacto global human capital metrics standards) Ask the prospect if their in-house IT dept. has this kind of knowledge! So the first important step to starting the transformation journey is understanding, agreeing on and defining what to measure, report and analyse on Many organizations either lack the competencies to identify and define which metrics are relevant, or they simply cannot agree internally on which metrics matters to their business. Or often HR teams find it difficult to get executive support for spending resources on measuring workforce metrics. The confusion is understandable, since we alone have worked with more than 2000 workforce metrics. If you spend your time arguing internally on what to measure you will never become a strategy driver. We remove the noise and advise you on what and how to measure, using our standard metrics definitions as base point. The metrics are based on years of experience working with hundreds of companies across the world. The metrics cover all major Human capital topics, such as: Staffing, Retention, Capability, Compensation & Benefits, work environment, HR service delivery, workforce structure, and Organization Effectiveness The standards provide definitions on which data sources to use, how to calculate, how to interpret, how to set realistic performance goals, etc.. In fact. The SF metrics standards have become the defact0 global standards used in workforce analytcis. This is very comparable to the GAAP standards in Finance. We provide you with a standardized language and metrics that make sense. Imagine finance departments without a standard GAAP framework !! So we provide you with a standard set of workforce metrics with common definitions and business logic. Using this framework we work with you to identify and establish agreement on which metrics matter to you business. No BI tool can do this for you. If you do not have WFA experience and domain skills, you will never arrive at the metrics that are most important for your business. Your IT department can help you analyze whatever you ask them to analyze, but if you don’t know what to ask them for you will not get what you need. Our Metrics packs each cover different topics, such as e.g retention. With a metrics pack we ensure that you get all the metrics that are important to the challenges and questions that matter to your organization, based on our experience and best practices. So if e.g. retention is one of the challenges you want to target, we will make sure you have all te metrics The metrics packs means that you will not continously run into new metrics needs. Experience shows that answering one question often leads to 3 more questions that you then want the answers to – diving deeper or looking at data from a different angle. The 200 standard metrics are baked into our WFA products along with a description of the metric, how you should interpret your results, where the data comes from, some considerations when doing the analysis and what the related metrics are. Definitions and formula Don´t know/agree on how to measure workforce efficiency and business impact We can of course build custom metrics

Zidentyfikuj luki i podejmij działania Zbuduj wartość biznesową Benchmarking ZESTAWIENIE Wartości wobec 50th Zewnętrznie: Sektora Regionu Rozmiaru Najlepszych Wewnętrznie: Celów Działów Najlepszych prac. Stanowisk Zidentyfikuj luki i podejmij działania Zbuduj wartość biznesową “ “ Knowing what to measure is an important step, but equally important is knowing when a metrics is good and bad. Is 10% voluntary termination rate in a specific job role good or bad? Because all of our customers leverage our standard metrics framework, and we aggregate all data from our customers in central database, users of our WFAP products can benchmark themselves against their peers to help understand their data and set strong targets. Sometimes looking at your numbers compared to others in your industry or in your region help companies understand if they have a problem. Benchmark data can also help HR build business cases for workforce programs, arguing how programs make the company more competitive against the industry. SF pulls benchmark data from the underlying transaction data across all clients and we define metrics identically across customers. This gets rids of the two major problems with typical benchmarks – self-reported data tends to have emotion infused in the results (people tend to answer surveys according to how they want to be perceived versus how they are) and the issue of whether companies define the data the same way as you. Ask the prospect if their in-house IT dept. has this kind of knowledge! --- NOTE: Be cautious overselling the benchmarks. We do not have benchmarks across all geos, industries, etc. It usually is a good selling argument but few customers actually end up using the bechmarks. You cannot drive you business with benchmarks, they only give indications. Also, there are other benchmark data oferings out there (eg. Saratogs) that are more comprehensive and more detailed. The advantage of our benchmark data is that they are not self-reported data (as some other vendors will offer) but real data based on the actuals from our large customer base. No other vendor can offer you this, since we are the only ones who have been aggregating this data for years. Also, our data can be sliced all the way down to specific workforce segments (job roles, high performers, etc.) which other benchmark offerings cannot (others are usaly at industry level). To kompas mówiący co mamy robić jako przedsiębiorstwo. – PETER CHURCH, VP HR

Uwolnij HR od transformacji danych Data Transformation Engine Data Stewardship Credible Insight Data Warehouse Recruiting Performance HRIS Learning & Careers Talent Survey Financials Operations Employee Surveys CRM Skupienie na wglądzie i podejmowaniu decyzji SF mapuje dane istotne i zestawia we wglądy Integruje dane z systemów płacowych, HR, ERP, CRM, etc. Narzędzia transformacji danych zarządzają wyjątkami, wypełniają luki logiczne, wyłapują zmiany organizacyjne. Konsultant sprawdza dane po każdym odświeżeniu i sugeruje akcje Widoczność miar napędza jakość danych Once you have agreed on what to measure, you need to ensure that you have consistent and reliable data. Data that not only HR but also the business finds credible. Surveys show that HR spends on average 70% of their ”analytics” resources on collecting, integrating and tranforming data. That means very little time is left to extract insight from the data and drive decisions. SF removes the worry and pain involved in establishing a credible data foundation and allows HR to focus on insight and decison making. SF allows you to integrate data from literally any system, including third party talent and HR systems. But when you start integrating data from multiple system, to provide a single source of credible and consistent truth, it can turn out to a complex task. Companies spend years and millions of dollars on it, not only to get up running but also to maintain a consistent data quality. Analyzing and reporting on data from one system (like Taleo does) is relatively simple. At SF we can turn your raw data into credible workforce insights in100 days, at a fraction of the cost of other BI offerings. Almost every company we engage with believe that there data is ”too dirty” to be used for workforce analytcis, and the first feedback we get from pretty much every customer we work for is often that they are impressed with how much better their data has become. ”if you can do payroll. You have suffcient data to do valuable workforce analytics” Using our standard metrics definitions as basepoint and decades of experience, SF can not only tell you what to measure. instead of spending resources on cleaning ALL your data, we also help you focus on only agggregating the data that makes sense, maybe just 10% of your data. We simply help you zero in on the data that matter to your business, we help you prioritize your data transformation and data cleansing efforts. BI tools and IT departments cannot do that for you! (NOTE: It is important to not claim that we ”clean” data (normalizing data etc.). We do not clean data, we only transform data, but we DO report back on data quality issues (i.e. ”data quality verification”), allowing customers to then go back and fix the cause of the ”dirty” data (e.g. errors in a data entry module in the ERP system). ) Every company on this planet has ”dirty data”. If you have tried analysing data from multiple different systems, the challenge will be familiar. If you have not tried it yet, you cannot imagine that this may be your biggest hurdle to extracting credible insight from your workforce data. Your Talent, ERP and CRM systems will have different employee IDs, some employees will have multiple entries, there will be redundant/antiquated entires, there will be missing fields like date of birth, there will be missing history logs, errors in some date formats, etc. This makes analyzing raw data literally impossible. Don’t give up. If you can run payroll, we can deliver you workforce analytics! SF takes ownership of all processes from raw data to delivering credible insight. We have decades of experience integrating and transforming data from all kinds of systems and companies. We have built this experience into a data quality & data transformation framework, and a set of processes to manage the data transformation. Our Data Quality Verfication framework analyzes data and highlights issues like: Redundant data, unused data, orphaned/lost data, questionable data (e.g. # employees aged below 15 or above 90), changes in information over time, etc. Some issues can be solved automatically by our data transformation technology, which will e.g. fill-out missing data points if the data points can be logically deducted from the remaining data. But with each data refresh, their will also be a workforce consultant manually looking at your data and the exception/quality verification reports, identifying problems, and providing you with recommendations as to how to fix the issues. An issue might e.g. be lack of a validation process in your ERP system to ensure that certain data entered is typed in completely and in valid format. This may not be important for ERP use, but it may be crucial to workforce analytics. Our data transformation framework is based on unique SF IP, specifically aimed at the challenges of turning raw data into workforce insight.. But the proactive management by a consultant is cconsultant managing your data, its real numbers that look correct or out of order, allowing the consultant to spot anormalities, to decide if the issue is important or irrelevant, and to make recommendations for solutions. SF takes full ownership of the data transformation process and the data quality verfication, all the way from raw data. You do not have to do anything. Data quality maintenance by a consultant is included in your subscription. (IF youa re interested in a deep dive on our data cleansing and transformation solutions then that is worth a separate meeting with one of our expert consultants) Another challenge is that often HR cannot establish a business case for investing in cleaning data on on ensuring a quality data entry going forward. Companies are used to spending money and resources on cleaning data for finance and sales purposes, but not on workforce related data. By identifying the metrics and the data that matters to your business, and by establishing a business case for why these metrics can drive better strategic decisions and have real business impact, SF helps you establish the business case for spending reources on cleaning workforce data. Part of our process is to start out by identifying and getting agreement on a few key metrics, then run a data quality verification project, to ensure that we can get and transform the data that is necessary. Once you then start deivering business cases and value to the business based on those metrics, you will find it easier to get approval for data cleansing and analytics projects going forward. We get you started and out of the deadlock of not having data and therefore not getting the resources.

Zbuduj zdolności analityczne w HR Ustrukturyzowany transfer umiejętności Consulting, warsztaty identyfikacji miar efektywności, nauka interpretacji, etc. – dostarczane wraz z produktem Nauka przez wykonywanie: miary powiązane, przewodniki interpretacji, benchmarki, rekomendacje działań, etc. Dostęp do olbrzymiej społeczności i narzędzi komunikacyjnych “ “ Nie tylko zbudowali rozwiązanie oparte o wspaniała technologię ale również dostarczyli wiedzę ekspercką. Wiedzieli co robią, robili to wcześniej wzbudzając wiele naszego zaufania The skills transfer is possibly the most important part of accelerating your transformation process. If you do not success in establishing an analytics capability & culture in your HR organization and in your business team in general, you will have nothing more than fancy analytics tools, but no transformation and therefore no strategic impact This is the difference between “capability building” and point solutions. Most analytics vendros will offer you point solutions but they will not build your internal capability to use the solutions, engage the organization and derive value Many companies have tried implemented BI technologies, and found themselves with fancy technology, maybe with the technical skills or support to use the tools, but without the knowledge of how to use and interpret data, and what action to take based on data findings. IT tool training and an internal IT department to support you will not solve this. SF delivers a structured skills transfer, that allows you to build an internal analytics capability and culture, and which sets you on a track of continuous improvement. An important element of the skills transfer that we offer, is learning by doing. 25+ years experience and best practices from companies across the world have ben baked into our products, including ”how to interpret metrics” guidance, strateg recommendations, related metric, etc. Included in the annual subscription is also a certain amount of consulting – provoded by workforce analytics consultant (vs. IT people) Finally, memebership of our practice community of global companies using workforce analytics will allow you to tab into the knowledge and experience of successfull wfa pracitioners across industries. This is an important element of the ”continuous improvement” – the workforce analytics domain is still young, and companies across the world are experimenting and discovering new ways of deriving business value from workforce analytics. – MIKE MOLINARO, VP HR OPERATIONS

Zaangażuj menedżerów liniowych Uczyń analizy codziennością Uczyń to istotnym – połącz miary HR z KPI menedżera. Benchmarki pozwalają na prowadzenie rankingów Narzędzia raportujące automatyzują dystrybucję raportów. Wbudowane narzędzia pozwalają na dostosowanie Dopasowuje i porządkuje komunikację pomiędzy HR a menedżerami Osiągamy efekt skali w HR. Redukujemy zapytania ad-hoc, skupiamy się na wglądzie i decyzjach How do you get the line of business managers to understand and use workforce analytics A major challenge in embedding HC metrics is initiating and managing the required cultural and behavioural change. In the end, the long-term success of HC metrics depends upon HR business partners/consultants, who need to see value in and be willing users of HC metrics. The buy in and involvement of HR business partners will subsequently drive a change in the organisation’s data culture and the strategic role of HR. Thus, the embedding challenge is how do we get HR business partners to see HC metrics as adding value to their role rather than as an additional task (i.e., burden) that they have to do because corporate HR has told them to do it? Increasing the utilisation of HC metrics may be the hardest component of the measurement challenge to overcome as it will require significant cultural and behavioural change. senior management and line managers also needed to be convinced of the utility of HC metrics. Currently, most HR functions are not able to effectively answer line managers’ questions as they do not have access to timely and accurate HC data. We know how to get the business involved. We have the experiecne and the change mangagement skills to get the business involved and engaged. We help you get business managers so see the value of wf analytcis, to educate tehm, and to set in place the processes needed for wf analytcis to become part of the management culture By linking HR metrcis to business KPIs, by correlating HR data with business data, it becomes obvious to business managers how HR programs can impact their business results. It becomes relevent to business managers to engage in workforce analytcsc. HR metrcis without a documented link to business KPIs may seem irrelevant to business. Linking HR metrics to business data changes the conversation and the perception of the value of workforce analytics. whio Distribute regular analytic reports that build awareness, by incorporating HR metrics into business planning and management.

Zamień programy HR w wartość biznesową Połącz HR ze strategią Koreluj talent i dane HR ze wskaźnikami biznesowymi, danymi operacyjnymi, satysfakcją klienta, zaangażowaniem pracowników, etc. Zestaw dane HR z KPI menedżera Mierz biznesowy i finansowy wpływ programów HRowych WPŁYW BIZNESOWY PROGRAMÓW HR BIZX DATA WAREHOUSE A key difference between our analytcis offering and analyics offering of competiiong venors is our ability to link HR data to from business and operations. i.e. ERP, CRM, custome survey data, employee surveys, etc. “A clear link to business data and business strategy execution is what makes business execution solutions stand out from traditional Talent Management and HR solutions.” Without BUSINESS data you have no clue what your business impact is. Integrating data from more than just HR systems is important. Most HR systems vendors (like Taleo) offer analytics on talent data alone (Talent Analytics, comparable to our BizX Insights app). That will give you some insight into how well you are managing your talent processes. But it will not tell you how your talent and workforce programs impact your business – it will not drive business strategic impact. Integrating data from other business systems like finance, sales, etc. is what will link your HR strategies to the business, allow you to measure the business impact of your wf programs, and measure the ROI on your WF initiatives. Data integration will provide you with a holistic view of your business, and allow you to have strategic fact based discussion with your CEO. SuccessFactors workforce analytics allows you to do just that - in the cloud. SF allows you to integrate data from literally any system, including third party talent and HR systems. But when you start integrating data from multiple system, to provide a single source of credible and consistent truth, it can turn out to a complex task. Companies spend years and millions of dollars on it, not only to get up running but also to maintain a consistent data quality. Analyzing and reporting on data from one system (like Taleo does) is relatively simple. Recruiting Performance HRIS Learning & Careers Talent Survey Financials Operations Employee Surveys CRM

Analizy Pracownicze oparte o Najlepsze Praktyki dostępne w 100 dni ZAMIEŃ DANE HR WE WGLĄD W STAN PERSONELU PAKIET MIERNIKÓW: Dashboardy zarządcze: Rozmiar zasobów, koszt, produktywność, ruch kadr, rotacja, trendy, etc. Mierniki i wgląd menedżerski: Dostępne zasoby, pay for performance metrics, etc. Analizy HR: Profil pracowników, umiejętności, ruchy, ścieżki kariery, zatrudnienie z zewnątrz, stabilność liderów, wynagrodzenia, ruchy w segmentach, dobrowolne odejścia, etc. Warsztat : Mapowanie strategii w miary Szkolenia, Plan roll-out Uruchomienie, roll-out, Zarządzanie zmianą. STRATEGICZNY Day 14 Day 50 Day 100 Go Live Specyfikacja danych: Jak uzyskać dane Weryfikacja jakości danych, Zbuduj logikę Test Beta: Na rzeczyw. danych TECHNICZNY TECHNICAL HRIS Zaangażowanie Klienta Dni Sponsor 2 Kierownik Projektu 12 Specjalista funkcjonalny 15 Specjalista /Analityk 5 (60+ mierników, 20+ wymiarów) NOTE: BE CAUTIOUS USING THIS SLIDE, MAYBE KEEP IT UP YOUR SLEEVE. There is a risk that you will end up only selling this limited solution. Make sure you do NOT position this as a pilot then can try out, these is the first phase of whatever solution they need. This slidecan be used ton convincing the prospect that we can deliver value very fast with very limited involvement, and very low risk. Use it agressivly when up against vendros whose offering are limitedpretty uch to what our first 100 days offer. Consider showing the prospect the ”WFA – Core Workforce and Mobility Module” document, consisting of 31 pages describing all the data, metrics, KPIs, dimensions, etc. that are included in the delivered of the first 100 days: It is impressive! Should the customer end up uying just thise, dont worry! Once this gets live the business will srat asking for more metrcis and you can seel on the next BIG project. ---- This metrics pack requires only HRIS data so can be implemeted using only data from your HRIS system. The first phase we ALWAYS do when implementing any workfroce analytcis solutions is implementing our ”Core Workforce and Mobility” metrics pack. If you have 1 (one) HRIS system we can do this in 100 days! It deliver extremely fast ROI – we are confident that you will have positive ROI on your entire first years investement in SF WFA, implementation and subscription included, just form this one project. So it gives you a very rapid and measurable success, that will help you engage the business and drive WFA projects further. This gets you started on the right track, with best practice workforce analytics, based on experience from hundreds of wfa projects for companies worldwide. (NOTE: This does NOT mean that we sell this as a first project. This is rather the first phase of every WFA solution that we sell) This is a turnkey solution, but with vast configuration and customization opportunities, so the solution will meet the exact needs of your company. This implementation gives you more than 60 metrics across 20+ dmensions, and includes analyses relevant to both executive, business managers and HR analysts. After these 100 days you wil be able to answer questions like: What percentage of new hires leave voluntarily in the first six months? Which lines of business or managers have the highest voluntary turnover rates? What are the associated costs to the business? What percentage of our workforce moves internally each year between lines of business or functional areas? What is the balance of internal vs. external hires for open positions? Is the recruiting pipeline appropriately diverse to ensure diversity in hires and the overall workforce? How to we perform compared to other companies of similar size, industry, etc. The immediate business value you will be able to extract: A standard set of workforce metrics with common definitions and business logic – this is comparable to the GAAP standards in Finance. We provide you with a standardized language and metrcis that make sense. Easily identify potential hot-spots and areas of concern based on targets and external benchmarks Improve the quality of workforce plans Assess progress towards strategic plans and operational activities Publish key human capital facts for staff, manager, and executive review Track workforce costs IMPLEMENTATION PROCESS: Strategy workshop: Identify stakeholders and users Map business needs to specific metrics Identify business challenges/strategic needs Beta The customer will be testing on ”real” data! This is only the start of the journey. We get you started in 100 days, adding value. This is IMPORANT: One of the biggest challenges for companies that want to do anlaytycis is to get IT resources. Usaully they cannot get just oine report in 24 hours, we give them a full solution with 23 hours IT involvement. Ou cloud solution ensures minimal IT requirements. Plus our experience and tolls to extract data from just about any type of system. Total IT time at Coke was 24 hours!! IT involvement: 1 person that knows the data structure and how we can get the data The first 100 days we only integrate with HRIs, not with payroll. But most HRIS’ have an Annual Salary field in them. This is not comp or payroll data (amount paid or any breakdown between bonuses etc) but is indicative of your annual package. This is what we use to build the Salary Range dimension and average annual salary. Salary range:   Build on the first success This is just a start + custom metrics and KPIs Our continual development, 4 releases per year The ongoing community that you are part of Th business will start askin for more data Accredited partners around the world Building the wfa discipline HRIS: Wiek, Płeć, Stanowisko Historia, źródło rekrutacji, etc. ZWROT W PIERWSZYM ROKU EKSPLOATACJI

Dlaczego tradycyjny BI nie wykorzysta danych HR TWOJE PRZEDSIĘBIORSTWO WYKORZYSTUJE NARZEDZIA BI – DLACZEGO ICH NIE WYKORZYSTAĆ? Brak transferu umiejętności HR nie buduje kultury analitycznej Zbudowane dla IT Lub Finansów – Niska adaptowalność dla HR lub biznesu Stworzone do przetwarzania wielkiej ilości danych transakcyjnych nie danych nt ludzi Narzędzia uniwersalne Analizy HR budujemy od podstaw Ograniczona dostępność własnego IT Powoduje długi czas oczekiwania na raport Niska reaktywność na zmiany Własne IT nie jest w stanie odpowiedzieć tak szybko na dynamiczne potrzeby Długi czas i znaczne nakłady By wdrożyć i utrzymać Rozwiązania silosowe mniej dostępne dla HR i menedżer ów liniowych Wyłącznie wsparcie IT - z własnego działu IT. Brak wiedzy na temat zarządzania HR “ “ Why have tradional BI approaches to WFA failed? Why are companies stuck with expensive BI solutions that are not used, not delivering value, expensive to maintain, etc. Why has BI remained a tool of the CFO, the VP Sales, etc.? If you have data and tools, why did you not unlock the value of your data yet? BECAUSE IT IS NOT ABOUT TECHNOLOGY ALONE !!! Traditional BI (Business Objects, Cognos, Hyperion, etc.) are great for large IT projects where you need to analyze tera bytes of data from transactional systems, data mining, data cleaning, etc. BI solutions are IT centric, no built specifically for HR analytics and for use by HR. Traditional BI tools are generic tools, built for analyzing all kinds of data (ERP, production, finance, etc.) and all kinds of use cases. This forces them to be rather complex tools, built for specialists, not for everyday HR use. Also, BI tools come with no or limited workforce analytics, forcing you to build everything from scatch. In-house IT may be able to help you get access to data, but they cannot help you find out which data it makes sense to look at and how to measure workforce productivity. When IT loks at data, it is just data. You need someone with workforce analytyics domain skils to look at you data, and continously help you uncover what to measure, how to analyze, etc. Asking IT to do that is like asking IT to build Finance reporting and analyze the data- At SF we don’t dont deliver generic BI tools for all types of analysis. We have for decades focused on workforce analytcis for use by HR – that is ALL we do. BI tools could possible deliver what yo need if you have internal workforce analytics capabilities, know exactly which metrics map to you business challenges, know how to define and measure those metrics, know which exact data to use, know how to interpret data, have IT-expertise in HR, can wait several years to get a solution, etc. SF has invested several hundred man-years in building our WFA platform, something that cannot realisticaly be recreated with BI tools. Before turning yo SF, some of our customers had spent double digits $MM and 4-5 years trying to built WF analytics or wf planning using generic BI tools, before they realized they could not build what they needed and instead turned to SF. The SF WFAP platform was built for HR, by HR analysts. SF acquired Inform in 2010 – the global market and thought leader in the WFAP domain Our WFAP platform is based on best practice experience from hundreds of global companies that are engaged in workforce analytics BI solutions are only an option if: You have workforce analytics capabilities, know which metrics map to you business challenges, know how to define and measure those metrics, know which exact data to use, know how to interpret data, have IT-expertise in HR, can wait 2 years to get a solution, etc. …! Mieliśmy zupełnie nowy system SAP w zakresie HR, Oracle financials, dane z innych systemów… mieliśmy całe mnóstwo danych. Ale brakowało nam wartości tego co zgromadziliśmy – MIKE MOLINARO, VP HR

Udane analizy HR to proces transformacji KONTROLUJ REALIZACJĘ STRATEGII MIEJ WPŁYW Prognozujesz i planujesz kadry w przyszłości Długofalowe strategie HR Kierujesz strategicznym planowaniem biznesu Pełne wsparcie dla działań zarządczych URUCHOM W HR WYDAJNOŚĆ Analizuj jakość i wydajność programów HR Prognozuj biznesową i finansową wartość programów HR Biznes otrzymuje raporty i działa na ich podstawie Odpowiadasz na zapytania ad-hoc ze strony biznesu Analizujesz działania i procesy Związane z talentami Optymalizujesz wykorzystanie Technologii HR WPŁYW NA BIZNES Scalasz HR ze strategią biznesową Wprowadzasz planowanie kadr do planu biznesowego Delivering business value with workforce analytics does not come with BIG BANG BI implementations. Companies that have tried that approach find themselves stuck with expensive BI solutions that are not used. For HR and the business to truly embrace workforce analytics as an integrated part of decision making, HR needs to embark on a “transformation journey”, a phased development with each phase representing a more mature use of workforce analytics and increased business impact. In a workforce analytics perspective, you can think of this progression as moving from reporting (understanding what’s happening today) to analytics (why it’s happening), to planning (how do we take action today to ensure we have the right workforce tomorrow)? For HR this means that rather than spending time pulling data and preparing reports, HR will be proactively engaged with the business to uncover potential problem areas and ensure that they can quantify the impact of interventions. The deployment of data and workforce analytics has the potential to change the nature of work performed by HR professionals from an administrative transactional role to a strategic partner role. thereby enabling the redeployment of resources to more value- added strategic roles. This is the same journey that the CFO has gone through, from the times when the CFO was simply managing the accounting, to the appearance of ERP systems and then Business Intelligence. And this is the same journey that the VP Sales has gone through, with the appearance of CRM and later sales reporting and analytics Zwiększasz produktywność personelu Mierzysz wpływ biznesu na HR Optymalizujesz procesy zarz. talentami Zwiększasz wydajności HR HR OPERACYJNY HR STRATEGICZNY STRATEGIA BIZNESU

Wykorzystaj doświadczenia liderów We have global customers across all industries and with varying levels of expertise in analytics and strategic workforce planning.

O firmie - GLOBALNIE Autoryzowany partner SAP Na rynku europejskim od 1998 roku Ponad 300 konsultantów Ponad 500 pomyślnie zrealizowanych projektów SAP HCM Strategiczny partner SAP HCM dla wiodących integratorów systemów Międzynarodowa ekspansja (2007…): Europa Wschodnia (Polska) Europa Zachodnia (Niemcy, Francja, Szwajcaria, Kraje Beneluxu) Stany Zjednoczone Ameryki Australia i Nowa Zelandia Pierwsze biuro w Chinach I do like the handshake in this slide !

Funkcjonalności operacyjne Miękki HR i Zarządzanie talentami ROC Polska Prawie 5 lat na rynku polskim Ponad 20 konsultantów średnio z 9 letnim doświadczeniem w SAP HCM Około 100 klientów Oferta wdrożeniowa: Funkcjonalności operacyjne Miękki HR i Zarządzanie talentami Serwisy HCM (Samoobsługa) Produkty komplementarne oparte o technologię SAP Funkcjonalności analityczne (Raportowanie i Hurtowania danych)

Nasza przewaga Ludzie Wiedza Profesjonalizm Bezpieczeństwo Znamy się na tym, co robimy albo Tak osiągamy sukces Ludzie Międzynarodowy zespół Międzynarodowe doświadczenia Najbardziej doświadczeni konsultanci Wiedza Metoda Best Practice Najnowsze technologie (SaaS, RaaS, rozwiązania w chmurze) Profesjonalizm 100 SAP, 100% HCM Jakość, Jakość przede wszystkim SAP’s quality principles we follow and their quality logo These don’t change Bezpieczeństwo Dedykowane centrum wsparcia SAP HCM

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