Development of Polish Geothermics and Heat Flow data relationship. Marta Wróblewska, Jan Szewczyk ENGINE, Launching Conference, Orlean 12-15 February 2006.

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1 Development of Polish Geothermics and Heat Flow data relationship. Marta Wróblewska, Jan Szewczyk ENGINE, Launching Conference, Orlean 12-15 February 2006

2 Heat Flow Density HFD estimation errors Logging error caused by non equlibrium state Different methods of calculation Different depth interval taking for calculation HFD mapping error Random scatter data for maping Differeent approaches of HFD calculation in one image

3 HFD data Different authors published data of HFD value HFD evaluated on base of lab data of thermal conducivity HFD value with using of thermal conductivity model

4 Paleoclimate effect The observed vertical variations of HFD in shallow part of profiles are mainly due to Holocene warming. The lower part of profiles are still in thermal regime of the Weichselian glatciation.


6 Gosnold,2005 Depth interval of HFD estimation

7 Heat Flow Density of Poland (2005) 160 – 190 o C / 5km Stargard Uniejów Słomniki Podhale Mszczonów Pyrzyce

8 BHT Bottom Hole Temperatures Depth [m] Temperature

9 Geothermal plants & temperatures at 2 km depth T o C

10 Geothermal plants 1996 Jurassic,sandstone 61 o C, Mo ~120 g/l 2001 Cretaceous, sandstone 60 o C, Mo ~ 5 g/l 1999 Cretaceous,sandstone 40 o C, Mo~ 0,5 g/l 2001 Cretaceous,sandstone 17 o C, Mo ~ 0,4 g/l 1992/3 Triassic, limestone dolomite 82- 86 o C, Mo<3 g/l 2006 Currently starting Jurrasic, sandstone

11 Geothermal energy in Poland (2004) Application Installed Power (MW t ) Heat production (TJ/r) Heating i c.w.u.*82,8306,5 Balneology6,826,9 Greenhousing, fish culture, wood drying (project of IGSMiE PAN - Podhale) 1,04,0 others – mineral salt extraction0,31,0 Heating pumps~ 80,0~ 500 Total170,9838,4 * including 23,56 MWt i 74,4 TJ/r from absorbing heating pumps Kępińska B., (presented on WGC Turcja 2005)

12 Unification of European HFD estimation method is required and shallow holes data should be recalculated Heat Flow in Poland includes in range 40 – 90 mW/m2 and according to the new resulst it is 40 – 110 mW/m2 that still concludes low enthalpy resources classification For last few year the growing interest in geotermics is observed in Poland, and local authorities requires a clear answer for its opportunities Summary


14 Kalisz

15 CIEPŁOWNICZE ZAKŁADY GEOTERMALNE W POLSCE, 2005* plant Skały zbiornikowe, T gł, Mo Moc zainstal. MW t geoterm./ całk. Produkcj a ciepła, TJ/2004 geote. / całk. Spos ó b pracyUwagi Podhale 1992/93 Wapienie- dolomity, Trias / Eocen śr. 82- 86 o C, Mo<3 g/l 41/ 78187 / 247 Zintegrowany (geotermia + kotły gazowe) W trakcie rozbudowy Docelowo ~ 600 TJ/r (plan z 2003 – 2004) (2 otwory wydobywcze, 2 chłonne) Pyrzyce 1996 Piaskowce Jura 61 o C, Mo ~120 g/l 13 / 5072 / 146 Zintegrowany (geotermia + pompy ciepła + kotły gazowe) Ukończony (2 otwory wydobywcze, 2 chłonne) Mszczon ó w 1999 Piaskowce, Kreda 40 o C, Mo~ 0,5 g/l 3,8 / 10,227 / 100 Zintegrowany (pompy ciepła + kotły gazowe) Odwiert wykonany w latach 1970-tych zrekonstruowany do cel ó w wydobywania wody geotermalnej (system 1-otworowy) Schłodzona woda do cel ó w pitnych Uniej ó w 2001 Piaskowce, Kreda 60 o C, Mo ~ 5 g/l 3,2 / 5,615 / 20 Zintegrowany (geotermia + kotły gazowe) W rozbudowie (1 otwór wydobywczy, 1 chłonny) Słomniki2001 Piaskowce, Kreda 17 o C, Mo ~ 0,4 g/l0,3 / 2,30,25 / Zintegrowany (pompy ciepła + kotły gazowe) Płytki (~300 m ppt) poziom wodonośny, System 1 - otworowy Schłodzona woda do cel ó w pitnych * Oraz Stargard Szczecińśki w rozruchu

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