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OpublikowałMaciej Brzóski Został zmieniony 11 lat temu
Legal Clinics in Poland Summary of the academic year 2004/2005 activity
Legal clinics in Poland Białystok – University of Białystok Białystok – Białystok School of Public Administration Gdańsk – Gdańsk University Katowice – Silesian University Kraków – Jagiellonian University Lublin – Catholic University of Lublin Lublin – Maria Curie-Skłodowska University Łódź – University of Łodź Olsztyn – Academic Association of the Law and European Education Propagators Wspólna Europa ** Olsztyn - The University of Warmia and Mazury* Opole – Opole University Poznań - Adam Mickiewicz University Rzeszów – Rzeszów University Słubice - Collegium Polonicum Szczecin – University of Szczecin Toruń – Nicolaus Copernicus University Warszawa - Academia Iuris Foundation Warszawa – Warsaw University Warszawa – Lazarski School of Commerce and Law** Warszawa - Leon Koźmiński Academy of Entrepreneurship and Management** Wrocław – Wrocław University * Legal clinic opened in 2004 ** Legal clinic opened in 2005 Białystok Warszawa Lublin RzeszówKraków Katowice Opole Wrocław Łódź Poznań Toruń Gdańsk Szczecin Słubice Olsztyn
Clinics accredited by the Legal Clinics Foundation 1. Student Legal Clinic in Białystok (University of Białystok) 2. Student University Legal Clinic in Gdańsk 3. Student Legal Clinic in Katowice 4. University Legal Clinic in Kraków 5. University Legal Clinic in Lublin (Catholic University) 6. University Student Legal Clinic in Lublin (Curie-Skłodowska University) 7. Student Legal Information Point Klinika Prawa in Łódź 8. Student University Legal Clinic in Poznań 9. Scientific Group Student Legal Clinic in Słubice 10. Legal Education Center – Student Legal Clinic in Szczecin 11. University Legal Clinic in Toruń 12. Academia Iuris Foundation in Warsaw 13. Legal Clinic, Student Center of Legal Aid in Warsaw (Warsaw University) 14. Student Legal Clinic in Warsaw (L. Koźmiński Academy) 15. University Legal Clinic in Wrocław
Academic year in numbers 7421 cases were submitted to legal clinics between October 2004 and June 2005; 1607 (22%) were civil law cases; 1049 students and 147 teachers worked in the clinics; 1 teacher supervised the work of 7 students; 7 cases were solved by one student.
Comparing to the last academic year … number of cases raised by 10 %, … number of students raised by 15 %, … number of faculty supervisors raised by 35 %, … quality of the legal advice increased – in 2003/2004 there was one supervisor for 9 students, now there are 7 students under one teachers supervision, … increase of cases dealing with NGOs (five times more than last year) number of the violence against women cases and inheritance law cases raised by 50%, … 50% of cases are dealt with in the normal course and lasts for maximum 14 days (last year it was 40%).
Number of cases accepted by the clinics Total: 7421 (6596 in academic year 2003/2004) * Clinic opened in 2004 ** Clinic opened in 2005
Number of students in the clinics Total: 1049 (913 in academic year 2003/2004) * Clinic opened in 2004 ** Clinic opened in 2005
Number of clinical teachers Total: 147 (109 in academic year 2003/2004) * Clinic opened in 2004 ** Clinic opened in 2005
Types of cases Total: 7421
Time of handling the case
Sources of information about legal clinic WomenMen
Have the clients used professional legal advice before? WomenMen
Legal Clinics Foundation - 2004/2005 Obtained the status of the public benefit organization; Organized second edition of the Pro Bono Lawyer Contest; Helped to build the Ukrainian Association of Legal Clinics and run several trainings for Ukrainian friends; Won a distinctive prize in the Best Pro Publico Bono Civil Initiative contest; Published first in Poland and in region texbook The Legal Clinics. The Idea, Organization, Methodology, available also in English; Organized, in cooperation with the legal clinic from Wroclaw, the III National Legal Clinics Conference; Organized a 7 days long workshop for the trainers of the psychological skills and clinical methodology usueful in clinical work; Trasferred material and financial grants of the total value of appr. 220 000 PLN to the clinics
Support the Polish legal clinics! Polish Legal Clinics Foundation www.fupp.org.pl Address: Szpitalna 5 app. 5, 00-031 Warsaw, Poland ph.: (+48 22) 828 91 28 ext.143, fax: (+48 22) 828 91 29 zarzad@fupp.org.pl Banc account: Bank PEKAO S.A. II o/Warszawa no.: 87 1240 1024 1111 0000 0269 4777
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