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Współczesny Świat Pracy
Introduction (Please note: as speaker goes through introduction, different language translations of Contemporary Working appear. This slide should be only used as a moving backdrop to the introduction done by the speaker. It does not need to be addressed or referred to by the speaker. It is essentially a title page.) Speaker: Today we will be talking about the journey that Manpower has been on, about our present and our future… and the new exciting things that we are doing around the world in the new world of work. …We will be talking about our brand and our business, the changes and shifts that we have been making… and about our core idea… ‘Contemporary Working’. … ‘Contemporary Working’ is what we stand for as a business, how we approach things and what we want to be recognized for in the global marketplace. The market we work in is undergoing changes and we want to stay ahead. …you have come across ‘Contemporary Working’ in the training. We have talked about what this means for the way we do things individually, and as a company. We have made individual action plans to change the way we do things… Today we are telling the outside world all about what we have been doing and our vision. We are launching our core idea of Contemporary Working, shedding our old clothes, refreshing our look and showing a fresh personality. This will help us to express and be recognized for the business changes that we have been making in terms of our strategy, offers and operations. Let’s take a look at why we are changing and what’s new… Współczesny Świat Pracy
Świat pracy zmienia się
(Please note: This is essentially the first slide of the presentation.) Speaker: Work and the environment we are working in is changing. What are these changes? We need to understand how these changes will affect our business and what we do? Lead in to next slide… The result is that we need to take a different angle on things than before, consider what is the future of work and what we do… All around the world in the training sessions, we have already started to talk about these changes, about the future and how it will affect what we do, we have already started thinking about work differently…
Większe zaangażowanie rządu
Brak pracowników o wysokich kwalifikacjach Absolwenci uczelni którzy nie znają rynku pacy Coraz bardziej wymagające firmy i coraz mniej cennych pracowników Firmy oczekujące coraz większej elastyczności Speaker remains silent and lets slide build. The silence will create a more dramatic impact for the points that appear. Speaker: Summarize by referring to macro changes in work…(adapt to country as well as global) i.e.… Changing world of work declining workforce in the West changing makeup of workforce – older, multinational greater movement of workers – enlargement of EU skilled workers from abroad Companies changing decentralized less hierarchy greater democracy fewer permanent workers greater outsourcing Companies demanding more on demand workers specialist skills specialist teams People demanding more greater freedom in work increased flexibility in working arrangements income security social interaction career paths Większe zaangażowanie rządu Szefowie, którzy zaczynają rozumieć, że ludzie są kluczem do sukcesu firmy
Manpower się zmienia... (Please note: This is essentially the first slide of the presentation.) Speaker: Work and the environment we are working in is changing. What are these changes? We need to understand how these changes will affect our business and what we do? Lead in to next slide… The result is that we need to take a different angle on things than before, consider what is the future of work and what we do… All around the world in the training sessions, we have already started to talk about these changes, about the future and how it will affect what we do, we have already started thinking about work differently…
Pomyślmy o świecie pracy inaczej !
Speaker: Read out words on slide
Spójrzmy na Manpower w inny sposób
Speaker: How do we need to think about our business differently? How will the changes in the world affect us? We have been changing over the years. We have been at the leading edge of the changes in the world of work, influencing them. We not only need to take a different perspective on what is happening around us in the working environment, but we also need to take a different perspective on ourselves, realise our bigger vision. …and this is what we need to achieve with the outside world too. We need to get them to think about us differently, see us differently than they do today.
Dla nas liczą się efekty naszych działań a nie same działania.
Speaker: Our research done with clients and candidates when we started this journey told us that we are known for our past business in temporary staffing. It also told us that we can stretch our business and our brand to do much more such as higher level specialized recruitment, which we already do in some countries. We have their ‘permission’ to extend what we do because of our good reputation in our industry…because we have always been leaders.
Czy wiecie, że… Speaker:
We have grown to do much more… we still do temporary staffing but also more But often our clients don’t know about it. When we tell them a story about something we have been doing for another client they say…. ‘I didn’t know you did that…’ Lead into next slide… There is so much of what we do that people, including ourselves don’t know about We need to start telling the world all of what we do boldly and with confidence We have made new acquisitions…we have specialists in our family- Right, JW We are in many more countries, China, India, Eastern Europe… For example, did you know that…
Czy wiecie, że … ponad 3000 pracowników było średnio miesięcznie zatrudnionych dzięki Manpower w 2005? There is so much of what we do that people, including ourselves don’t know about We need to start telling the world all of what we do boldly and with confidence We have made new acquisitions…we have specialists in our family- Right, JW We are in many more countries, China, India, Eastern Europe…
Czy wiecie, że… prawie godzin przepracowali pracownicy tymczasowi Manpower w 2005 ? There is so much of what we do that people, including ourselves don’t know about We need to start telling the world all of what we do boldly and with confidence We have made new acquisitions…we have specialists in our family- Right, JW We are in many more countries, China, India, Eastern Europe…
Czy wiecie, że… 325 firm zaufało nam w 2005 roku, dla 198 przeprowadziliśmy rekrutacje stałą
Stare kierunki Przemysł Speaker:
As a company we have started to make a big shift… We are now going from being seen as ‘industrial’, belonging to the old world of manufacturing only…
Nowe kierunki Wszystkie sektory Speaker:
To feeling much more like a company that is inclusive, ‘for everyone’, belonging to today’s consumer world of business A company which is more dynamic and changing
Zmiany Wszystkie sektory Różnorodność Speaker:
From behaving like many fragmented companies around the world which presents many ‘faces’ and brands to the market. Różnorodność
Nowe kierunki Wszystkie sektory Specjalizacja Speaker:
To being one global family with a common approach and ambition. With one identity, a unified brand in the marketplace to represent our combined strength. Specjalizacja
Zmiany Wszystkie sektory Specjalizacja Praca tymczasowa Speaker:
So… going from a temp company Specjalizacja Praca tymczasowa
Nowe kierunki Praca Tymczasowa & Praca Stała Wszystkie sektory
Speaker: To a temp and perm company Specjalizacja
Zmiany Praca Tymczasowa & Praca Stała Wszystkie sektory Specjalizacja
Speaker: From just bluecollar Specjalizacja Pracownicy o niskich kwalifikacjach
Nowe kierunki Praca Tymczasowa & Praca Stała Wszystkie sektory
Speaker: To blue and white collar Specjalizacja Wszystkie zawody
Zmiany Praca Tymczasowa & Praca Stała Wszystkie sektory Specjalizacja
Speaker: From a company that finds jobs Specjalizacja Wszystkie zawody Praca
Nowe kierunki Wiele możliwości Praca Tymczasowa & Praca Stała
Wszystkie sektory Speaker: To one that not only finds jobs for clients and candidates but is also a long term partner and advisor to them… recognized for our smart advice and insight We are making a big move to… helping people and companies with the many choices available in the new, and changing, world of work. Specjalizacja Wszystkie zawody Praca & Doradztwo Wiele możliwości
Być liderem na rynku pracy, aby tworzyć i dostarczać usługi pozwalające naszym Klientom odnieść sukces na zmieniającym się rynku pracy. Speaker: Read out vision on screen We have a big ambition We are on the way to this already We are the only company who can truly own the end to end offer in ‘work’ We are about more than jobs It’s about job+advice + shaping the future of work with companies, countries and individuals We are ready to deliver this as a family of companies…Manpower and experts in our group - MP Professional, Elan, Jefferson Wells, Right Management Consultants
Pracując na co dzień z Klientami i Kandydatami na całym świecie, wiemy w jakim kierunku zmierza rynek pracy. Speaker: Read out words on slide
Współczesny Świat Pracy
“Współczesny świat pracy – to co dzieje się dzisiaj i co wydarzy się jutro na rynku pracy. To pomaganie ludziom w dokonywaniu wyborów ich drogi i odpowiadanie na potrzeby firm. To nowy sposób postrzegania pracy, polegający na identyfikowaniu nowych możliwości i szans. Speaker: Read out words on slide
“Marzenia pojedynczego człowieka pozostają tylko marzeniami, wspólne marzenia wielu ludzi stają się nową rzeczywistością.” Przysłowie brazylijskie
Speaker: Read out…
Speaker: We have a new look and style as Manpower. Our colors represent the multiple choices available in the new world of work and the shift we are making as a business.
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