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Rozporządzenie wykonawcze (UE) 2019/947
Nowe kategorie lotów Rozporządzenie wykonawcze (UE) 2019/947 In our opinion the most important thing is knowledge and skills. So we have quite well developed implementing rules regarding remote pilots licencing – which determines the terms and conditions for obtaining qualifications to conduct drones operations. A Polish remote pilot license which is required when RPAS is used for commercial applications is called in the Polish law the Certificate of qualifications. To get the Certificate of qualifications is required to pass a theoretical and practical training course carried out by a qualified entity. Having passed the theoretical test and skill test conducted by a CAA examiner the applicant obtains a “Certificate of qualifications”. You want to operate in Poland for purposes other than sports or leasure You have to obtain certificate of qualifications. We have 3 operation ratings, 3 weight ratings and 4 a/c type ratings. Paweł Szymański Dyrektor Departamentu Bezzałogowych Statków Powietrznych Urząd Lotnictwa Cywilnego
Przepisy UE - Nowe kategorie lotów
OTWARTA Niskie ryzyko Nie wymaga zgody ULC Limity: do 25 kg; jedynie VLOS, max. 120m Drony ze znakiem CE SZCZEGÓLNA Średnie ryzyko Wymagana zgoda lub poinformowanie ULC. Warunki lotów określane w oparciu o analizę ryzyka. CERTYFIKOWANA Wysokie ryzyko Certyfikowany sprzęt i personel Rozporządzenie wykonawcze (EU) 2019/947
Kategoria OTWARTA Zasady ogólne
VLOS (Visual Line of Sight) Loty w kategorii OTWARTEJ wykonuje się w podkategoriach: A1, A2, A3 BSP do 25 kg podzielone na klasy C0, C1, C2, C3, C4 oraz BSP budowane samodzielnie Maksymalna wysokość lotu: 120 m Minimalny wiek pilota: 16 lat (planowane obniżenie do 12) W określonej odległości od ludzi 120m In our opinion the most important thing is knowledge and skills. So we have quite well developed implementing rules regarding remote pilots licencing – which determines the terms and conditions for obtaining qualifications to conduct drones operations. A Polish remote pilot license which is required when RPAS is used for commercial applications is called in the Polish law the Certificate of qualifications. To get the Certificate of qualifications is required to pass a theoretical and practical training course carried out by a qualified entity. Having passed the theoretical test and skill test conducted by a CAA examiner the applicant obtains a “Certificate of qualifications”. You want to operate in Poland for purposes other than sports or leasure You have to obtain certificate of qualifications. We have 3 operation ratings, 3 weight ratings and 4 a/c type ratings.
Kategoria OTWARTA Podkategoria A1 Visual Line Of Sight (VLOS)
Loty w podkategorii A1 wykonuje się BSP w klasie C0 (do 250 g), C1 (do 900 g) oraz budowanymi samodzielnie (do 250 g) przy maksymalnej prędkości do 19m/s Dopuszcza się przelot nad osobami postronnymi (z pewnymi ograniczeniami) ale nie wolno wlatywać nad zgromadzenia osób W przypadku kategorii C1 należy ukończyć szkolenie on-line i zaliczyć test on-line z wiedzy teoretycznej (40 pytań) Visual Line Of Sight (VLOS) 120m In our opinion the most important thing is knowledge and skills. So we have quite well developed implementing rules regarding remote pilots licencing – which determines the terms and conditions for obtaining qualifications to conduct drones operations. A Polish remote pilot license which is required when RPAS is used for commercial applications is called in the Polish law the Certificate of qualifications. To get the Certificate of qualifications is required to pass a theoretical and practical training course carried out by a qualified entity. Having passed the theoretical test and skill test conducted by a CAA examiner the applicant obtains a “Certificate of qualifications”. You want to operate in Poland for purposes other than sports or leasure You have to obtain certificate of qualifications. We have 3 operation ratings, 3 weight ratings and 4 a/c type ratings.
Kategoria OTWARTA Podkategoria A2 Visual Line Of Sight (VLOS)
Loty w podkategorii A2 wykonuje się BSP w klasie C2 (do 4 kg) Nie wolno wlatywać nad osoby i zgromadzenia osób Minimalna odległość pozioma od osób to 30 m lub 5 m jeżeli dron posiada funkcję ograniczającą prędkość lotu Należy uzyskać Certyfikat Kompetencji Pilota BSP (szkolenie on-line, samokształcenie praktyczne, egzamin teoretyczny pod nadzorem) Visual Line Of Sight (VLOS) 120m In our opinion the most important thing is knowledge and skills. So we have quite well developed implementing rules regarding remote pilots licencing – which determines the terms and conditions for obtaining qualifications to conduct drones operations. A Polish remote pilot license which is required when RPAS is used for commercial applications is called in the Polish law the Certificate of qualifications. To get the Certificate of qualifications is required to pass a theoretical and practical training course carried out by a qualified entity. Having passed the theoretical test and skill test conducted by a CAA examiner the applicant obtains a “Certificate of qualifications”. You want to operate in Poland for purposes other than sports or leasure You have to obtain certificate of qualifications. We have 3 operation ratings, 3 weight ratings and 4 a/c type ratings. 5m or 30m
Kategoria OTWARTA Podkategoria A3 (VLOS)
Loty w podkategorii A2 wykonuje się BSP w klasie C3 i C4 lub budowanymi (do 25 kg) Nie wolno wlatywać nad osoby i zgromadzenia osób Minimalna odległość pozioma od osób i zabudowy to 150 m Należy ukończyć szkolenie on-line i zaliczyć test on-line z wiedzy teoretycznej (40 pytań) (VLOS) 120m In our opinion the most important thing is knowledge and skills. So we have quite well developed implementing rules regarding remote pilots licencing – which determines the terms and conditions for obtaining qualifications to conduct drones operations. A Polish remote pilot license which is required when RPAS is used for commercial applications is called in the Polish law the Certificate of qualifications. To get the Certificate of qualifications is required to pass a theoretical and practical training course carried out by a qualified entity. Having passed the theoretical test and skill test conducted by a CAA examiner the applicant obtains a “Certificate of qualifications”. You want to operate in Poland for purposes other than sports or leasure You have to obtain certificate of qualifications. We have 3 operation ratings, 3 weight ratings and 4 a/c type ratings. 150m 150m
MODELARZE Loty realizowane w ramach modelarstwa będzie można realizować na 3 sposoby: W ramach klubu modelarskiego, który dostanie od ULC specjalne warunki wykonywania lotów (mogą być całkowicie inne niż w kat. OTWARTEJ W specjalnie określonych strefach przestrzeni powietrznej lub na zasadach określonych dla BSP w klasie C4 lub budowanych samodzielnie (do 25 kg) In our opinion the most important thing is knowledge and skills. So we have quite well developed implementing rules regarding remote pilots licencing – which determines the terms and conditions for obtaining qualifications to conduct drones operations. A Polish remote pilot license which is required when RPAS is used for commercial applications is called in the Polish law the Certificate of qualifications. To get the Certificate of qualifications is required to pass a theoretical and practical training course carried out by a qualified entity. Having passed the theoretical test and skill test conducted by a CAA examiner the applicant obtains a “Certificate of qualifications”. You want to operate in Poland for purposes other than sports or leasure You have to obtain certificate of qualifications. We have 3 operation ratings, 3 weight ratings and 4 a/c type ratings.
Kategoria SZCZEGÓLNA Kategoria SZCZEGÓLNA obejmuje wszystkie rodzaje lotów niemieszczące się w kategorii OTWARTEJ Loty realizowane będą na 3 różne sposoby: Na podstawie oświadczenia i tzw. „standardowego scenariusza” Na podstawie zgody ULC Lub po uzyskaniu certyfikatu LUC (Certyfikat Operatora Lekkiego Bezzałogowego Systemu Powietrznego) Będzie wymagane potwierdzenie kwalifikacji pilotów In our opinion the most important thing is knowledge and skills. So we have quite well developed implementing rules regarding remote pilots licencing – which determines the terms and conditions for obtaining qualifications to conduct drones operations. A Polish remote pilot license which is required when RPAS is used for commercial applications is called in the Polish law the Certificate of qualifications. To get the Certificate of qualifications is required to pass a theoretical and practical training course carried out by a qualified entity. Having passed the theoretical test and skill test conducted by a CAA examiner the applicant obtains a “Certificate of qualifications”. You want to operate in Poland for purposes other than sports or leasure You have to obtain certificate of qualifications. We have 3 operation ratings, 3 weight ratings and 4 a/c type ratings.
You are the pilot! The EASA Team TE.GEN
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