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A to Polska właśnie.
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I am sorry, but I can’t go out with you
The legend of amber Reda, Poland 2010.
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Running Dictation Activity to Engage Students in Reading, Writing, Listening, and Speaking.
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My favorite city that i would be glad to visit is Pampeluna is Spain My favorite city that i would be glad to visit is Pampeluna is Spain. It's a modern city with the old town in center.

There are not any skyskrapers, only one family house.

My favorite place is the football stadion Reyno de Navarra, where the footballers of Barcelona play.

Very fascinating place is Plaza del Costillo with many bars and restaurants, some old churches San Saturnino and San Nicolas, and museum Museo de Navarra.

Pampeluna is famous because of korrida, the best atraction are bull chasing people in the city streets.

This is a very charming place. DZIĘKUJĘ ZA UWAGĘ