Objects of cultural heritage in Gościeradów Słowniczek: Heritage- dziedzictwo, dziedzictwa.


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Zapis prezentacji:

Objects of cultural heritage in Gościeradów Słowniczek: Heritage- dziedzictwo, dziedzictwa

Church There is a beautiful Neo- Gothic style Church. The church is named after Saint Stanley and Saint John the Baptist. It was built over 12 years from 1908 to The interior altar, statues and paintings. Słowniczek: Altar- ołtarz

Chapel with a figure Saint John of Nepomuk In front of the church there is a Chapel with a figure of Saint John of Nepomuk. It was founded by a bishop Szembeka and built in In front of the church there is a Chapel with a figure of Saint John of Nepomuk. It was founded by a bishop Szembeka and built in 1728.Słowniczek: Chapel- kaplica

Bunker In Gościeradów ther is a bunker and the whole tunnel system. It was an underground shelter against bombs. It was built by Germans in 1942 and surrounded by anti-tank ditches. On the terristory of Gościeradów Germans started to build a few bunkers but only this one was and crossing the Vistula river against partisans. Słowniczek: Shelter- schronienieagainst- przeciw Surround- otaczać Ditch-rów territory- obszar

School Feliks Bieńkowski is considered as the first founder of a public school in Gościeradów. He came to Gościeradów in 1864 and he was the first teacher in the city. At the beginning children were taught in private houses. The first school building was built in Słowniczek: Considered- uważać, uważany Founder- założyciel Beginning- początek, początkowo

Palace A palace complex set in a beautiful park was founded in the 18th century. It was built in 1781 by Eligiusz Prażmowski. A palace complex set in a beautiful park was founded in the 18th century. It was built in 1781 by Eligiusz Prażmowski. The complex consists of: a gorgeous classicist palace, a park, a gate, a Triumfal Arch, two chapels. The red brick construction gate leads to the palace. The Triumfal Arch was built in 1802 and nowadays is as beautiful as in the past. The complex consists of: a gorgeous classicist palace, a park, a gate, a Triumfal Arch, two chapels. The red brick construction gate leads to the palace. The Triumfal Arch was built in 1802 and nowadays is as beautiful as in the past. The last owner of palace was Eligiusz Suchodolski who left the palace complex in his will to Warsaw Company Charity. Today ther is a Social Welfare Home named after the count Eligiusz Suchodolski. The last owner of palace was Eligiusz Suchodolski who left the palace complex in his will to Warsaw Company Charity. Today ther is a Social Welfare Home named after the count Eligiusz Suchodolski.Słowniczek: Found- utworzyć, założyć century -wiek consists- składa Gargeous- wspaniałygate- bramachapels- kaplice Brick-cegłaleads-przewody,prowadzić Welfare-dobrobyt


A Granary A granary: a big farm building set in a large park. It was built in Nowadays in this place occupational Therapy workshops are taught. A granary: a big farm building set in a large park. It was built in Nowadays in this place occupational Therapy workshops are taught.Słowniczek:Occupational-zajęciowejWorkshops-warsztatyGranary-spichlerz

Three stones There are three huge stones near the country road no.74 in Gościeradów. They commemorate events which took place in this area. There is a mass grave wish ashes of people who died here in 1863, during the First and the Second Word Wars. Słowniczek: Huge- ogromny commemorate- uczcić Events-wydarzenia Area- obszargrave- grób

,,Źródliska” Near Gościeradów in the village of Łany there is a monument of nom- living nature named,,Źródliska”. There are some geysers. A curiosity is the fact that the temperature of water remains at a constant level independently from the seasons of the year and is 10,2-10,3 degrees Celsius. Słownik: Village- wioska Curiosity-ciekawość,ciekawostka Independently- niezależnie

The end Projekt wykonała: Natalia Myszka