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OpublikowałJoanna Walczak Został zmieniony 9 lat temu
Municipality of Morawica is located in the central part of the Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship. The municipality covers an area of 140.45 km 2. Municipality of Morawica consists of twenty-four villages : Bieleckie Młyny, Bilcza, Brudzów, Brzeziny, Chałupki, Chmielowice, Dębska Wola, Drochów Dolny, Drochów Górny, Dyminy-Granice, Kawczyn, Kuby Młyny, Lisów, Łabędziów, Morawica, Nida, Obice, Piaseczna Górka, Podwale, Radomice I, Radomice II, Wola Morawicka, Zaborze, Zbrza. We want to show you the most beautiful places of Morawica.
On this stage the concerts are organized and interesting events.
If you want to see virtual tour of our school,click: http://123456789asd.cb a.pl/alpha%202.html If you want to see virtual tour of our school,click: http://123456789asd.cb a.pl/alpha%202.html
Thank you for watchinng our presentation! Made by Ola and Milena
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