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Przemysław Mazurkiewicz, CompFort Meridian
Service Automation Przemysław Mazurkiewicz, CompFort Meridian
Bieżące wyzwania w IT Wydajność Kontrola Rozwój Koszty
Jak być w zgodzie z oczekiwaniami użytkowników i umowami SLA Kontrola Jak zdefiniować i zarządzać ryzykami Rozwój Jak w pełni wykorzystać potencjał pracowników, zasobów IT, projektów Koszty Jak poprawić jakość funkcjonowania i jednocześnie ograniczyć koszty Key Point Performance How do you meet service expectations and commitments? Users, both external and internal, have higher expectations than ever before. Trends like cloud computing and agile (rapid) development are pushing expectations for time to market and time to delivery. Control How do you define and manage risk? The evaluation of risk covers everything from the risk of downtime due to misconfigurations, to the risk of security breaches. The severity and breadth of the risks of running enterprise IT today can be overwhelming. Growth How do you get the most out of every person, asset, project, and activity? As we emerge from the economic slowdown, most business are growing at a rapid pace. However, budgets are not necessarily being increased, which means that IT must become more efficient and lean. Cost How do you continue to improve operations while managing costs? Cost management and containment is still one of the most important priorities to CIOs around the world. At the same time, however, IT organizations are being asked to continue improve and offer more services. Transition to Next Slide If we agree on the challenges you face, let’s talk about where you want to be.
Korzyści z automatyzacji w Data Center
Ograniczenie przestojów usług Wzmocnienie kontroli środowiska i zgodności z politykami Zwiększenie efektywności pracowników IT Redukcja kosztów Key Points Reduce service downtime The expectations for service availability are higher than ever before, and all IT services are being expected to meet those new expectations. Reducing Service Downtime is a particularly good metric for the expectations from users – extended downtime is no longer acceptable. Enforce controls and policies To be able to reduce risk and reduce service downtime, it is essential to enforce the policies in place. Those policies clearly include regulatory requirements for something like the Payment Card Industry (PCI) or Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) and security requirements from an organization like the National Institute of Standards and Technologies (NIST). They can also include operational policies like configuration standards, change processes, etc. The bottom line is that policies will be ineffective without proper enforcement. Increase effectiveness of IT Staff With budgets either flat or decreasing, problems cannot be solved by adding more people. Higher effectiveness and productivity of IT staff will provide more time to focus on business objectives and strategic activities. Reduce costs As always, a top priority of most IT organizations is to control and preferably reduce the costs of operations. Transition to Next Slide Now that we have established what your needs are, and where you want to end up, let’s discuss how BMC can help you achieve your desired state.
Jak BMC może pomóc: BSM for Data Center Automation
Poprawa efektywności i zwiększenie niezawodności usług poprzez automatyzację opartą na politykach Dostarczanie i konfiguracja usług Umożliwienie szybkiego dostarczania usług przy zachowaniu pełnej kontroli Dostarczanie aplikacji Szybsza dostawa aplikacji z mniejszą ilością błędów Automatyzacja zgodności z regulacjami Zapewnienie ciągłej zgodności Konsolidacja Data Center Przyspieszenie i optymalizacja konsolidacji Zarządzanie cyklicznym przetwarzaniem zadań Integracja różnych zadań w ramach jednego procesu Service Request Management Change & Release Management Cloud Lifecycle Management Application Automation Orchestration Database Automation Service Catalog Service Model The foundation of BMC’s approach is Business Service Management (BSM). This provides an effective way to align IT with business through an integrated IT management platform. BSM addresses many of an IT organization’s needs, but we have just selected the relevant functionality elements on the blueprint that apply to Data Center Automation. We have highlighted in blue those functional areas that are a core part of BSM for Data Center Automation. Those functions in grey play a more supportive role in achieving the results. We can sum up the aim of BMC’s solution for DCA in one sentence: “Improve efficiency and increase service reliability through policy-driven automation” This means that BMC provides a solution that is focused on achieving your business goals. The automation that provides the foundation for the solution is bounded and driven by the your IT policies. This is important since what is needed is not a collection of disconnected, automated activities, but rather automated processes that are driven by your organizations priorities and rules. No IT organization tries to tackle all of Data Center Automation all at once, so we have divided the large initiative into some “project-sized” chunks called value paths. Each of these value paths address some end-to-end solution within the larger subject of Data Center Automation, that, if implemented, should provide a clear path to the benefits we discussed earlier. Service Provisioning and Configuration Enable rapid provisioning with control BMC provides the industry leading solution for provisioning and managing your devices, on physical and virtual platforms, in traditional or cloud-based data centers. BMC provides an end-to-end provisioning solution that not only addresses provisioning the base operating system, but also the applications and configurations on top of that OS. Once deployed, BMC also provides the ability to set configuration baselines and manage the configurations over time, all with proper change controls. Application Service Delivery Deliver applications faster with fewer errors BMC provides the solution to tie your business-critical application development activities to your production operations. BMC can manage the application release process from development through testing, QA, staging to production. In those all stages, BMC’s model-based application intelligence provides the kind of surgical accuracy required to provide faster time-to-value and reduce downtime. Compliance Automation Enable Continuous Compliance BMC’s policy-based automation engine provides the tools you need to enforce your regulatory, security, and operation policies. This solutions includes rules-based audit functionality with integrated remediations, built-in policy exception documentation, cross-platform patch management, and integration with change management for automated, continuous compliance. Data Center Consolidation Accelerate and Optimize Consolidation Planning for a Data Center Consolidation can be an enormously complex process, and BMC provides the tools you need to make the right decisions throughout the process. This includes a discovery and dependency mapping solution to find out what you have and how it is related, population of an enterprise CMDB, a industry-leading capacity optimization platform to make the right decisions about what to consolidate and virtualize, and the automation tools implement the plan you create. Job Scheduling & Workload Automation Integrate Workload Processes BMC’s industry leading workload automation tools provides the tools you need to ensure that your business critical workloads complete within the required time, and make the most efficient use of the resources available. Transition to Next Slide Now let’s dig a little deeper into those value paths that you found most applicable to your business… Server Automation CMDB / CMS Policies Blueprints Network Automation Dashboards & Analytics Discovery & Dependency Controls & Compliance Client Automation Enterprise Scheduling & Workload Automation 4
Dostarczanie i konfiguracja usług: korzyści
Zapewnia szybkie dostarczanie usług przy zachowaniu kontroli Provisioning & Implementacja Dostarczanie wirtualnej i fizycznej infrastruktury Implementacja aplikacji Integracja hardeningu bezpieczeństwa Dostarczanie wszystkich warstw usługi Korzyści Skrócenie czasu dostawy i konfiguracji usług Redukcja kosztów poprzez eliminację pracochłonnych procesów Minimalizacja wpływu zmian poprzez redukcję błędów konfiguracyjnych Redukcja złożoności poprzez rozszerzenie kontroli nad Hybrydowym Data Center Konfiguracja & Kontrola Utrzymanie spójności Umożliwienie zarządzania konfiguracją Wsparcie procesu zarządzania zmianami Konfiguracja Post Provisioning Key Points BMC provides the industry leading solution for provisioning and managing your devices, on physical and virtual platforms, in traditional or cloud-based data centers. BMC provides an end-to-end provisioning solution that not only addresses provisioning the base operating system, but also the applications and configurations on top of that OS. Once deployed, BMC also provides the ability to set configuration baselines and manage the configurations over time, all with proper change controls. Provisioning and Deployment The first step in the lifecycle of any device is provisioning the right operating environment and configuring it correctly. BMC provides all the tools you need to provision Server and Network devices on both physical and virtual platforms. BMC supports all major server operating systems, network vendors, and virtualization platforms. BMC also provides the industry leading tools for provisioning and configuring the database and middleware environments on top of those server environments. Most importantly, BMC’s integrated platform provides a full stack provisioning solution that can build the entire stack – Storage, Network, OS, and Applications – in an end-to-end process, including the integration of your security hardening process (security policies and patch management). Configuration and Control Once a device has been provisioned, all of the day 2 activities begin. To reduce downtime and increase the efficiency of your IT resources, it is essential to enforce consistency and change management processes. BMC provides the ability to not only configure your devices and applications at an extremely granular level, the solution also provides an integration with Change Management. This means that Change Approvals can be enforced, while also greatly reducing the complexity and inaccuracies of a non-automated change process. Self-Service Automation The best way to deliver consistent services to your user and clearly set expectations is to populate a standardized service catalog, and then allow your users to ask for the services they need, when they need them. This builds on the modular provisioning we discussed a earlier, combined with BMC’s Service Request Management platform. Now you can provide rapid time-to-value for your users, while also reducing the number of custom requests that you have to support. Transition to Next Slide Now let’s talk about the BMC solutions you can leverage to start down this value path Automatyzacja samoobsługi użytkowników Zapewnienie modularnych opcji dostarczania usług Skrócenie Time to Value Wzmocnienie niezależności użytkowników Umożliwienie korzystania z usług w trybie Cloud
Dostarczanie i konfiguracja usług: Elementy składowe
Zapewnia szybkie dostarczanie usług przy zachowaniu kontroli Oferta BMC BMC BladeLogic Automation Suite Dostarczanie, Konfiguracja, Zarządzanie fizycznymi i wirtualnymi zasobami BMC Change Management Wspiera najlepszy standard procesu zarządzania zmianą BMC Cloud Lifecycle Management Samoobsługa, dostarczanie usług, inteligentne rozmieszczenie zasobów w hybrydowym datacenter Uzupełniająco BMC Atrium Orchestrator Provisioning & Implementacja Dostarczanie wirtualnej i fizycznej infrastruktury Implementacja aplikacji Integracja hardeningu bezpieczeństwa Dostarczanie wszystkich warstw usługi Konfiguracja & Kontrola Utrzymanie spójności Umożliwienie zarządzania konfiguracją Wsparcie procesu zarządzania zmianami Konfuguracja Post Provisioning Key Points BMC provides the industry leading solution for provisioning and managing your devices, on physical and virtual platforms, in traditional or cloud-based data centers. BMC provides an end-to-end provisioning solution that not only addresses provisioning the base operating system, but also the applications and configurations on top of that OS. Once deployed, BMC also provides the ability to set configuration baselines and manage the configurations over time, all with proper change controls. Provisioning and Deployment The first step in the lifecycle of any device is provisioning the right operating environment and configuring it correctly. BMC provides all the tools you need to provision Server and Network devices on both physical and virtual platforms. BMC supports all major server operating systems, network vendors, and virtualization platforms. BMC also provides the industry leading tools for provisioning and configuring the database and middleware environments on top of those server environments. Most importantly, BMC’s integrated platform provides a full stack provisioning solution that can build the entire stack – Storage, Network, OS, and Applications – in an end-to-end process, including the integration of your security hardening process (security policies and patch management). Configuration and Control Once a device has been provisioned, all of the day 2 activities begin. To reduce downtime and increase the efficiency of your IT resources, it is essential to enforce consistency and change management processes. BMC provides the ability to not only configure your devices and applications at an extremely granular level, the solution also provides an integration with Change Management. This means that Change Approvals can be enforced, while also greatly reducing the complexity and inaccuracies of a non-automated change process. Self-Service Automation The best way to deliver consistent services to your user and clearly set expectations is to populate a standardized service catalog, and then allow your users to ask for the services they need, when they need them. This builds on the modular provisioning we discussed a earlier, combined with BMC’s Service Request Management platform. Now you can provide rapid time-to-value for your users, while also reducing the number of custom requests that you have to support. Transition to Next Slide Now let’s talk about the BMC solutions you can leverage to start down this value path Automatyzacja samoobsługi użytkowników Zapewnienie modularnych opcji dostarczania usług Skrócenie Time to Value Wzmocnienie niezależności użytkowników Umożliwienie korzystania z usług w trybie Cloud
Dostarczanie i konfiguracja usług: : Działanie
Hardening serwerów Stosowanie polityk bezpieczeństwa i patchowania Logika Biznesowa Dostarczanie pełnego stosu Konfiguracja Aplikacji Provisioning & Implementacja Dostarczanie aplikacji Proste i skomplikowane aplikacje Infrastuktura Aplikacji Konfiguracja & Kontrola Delivering new services or changing existing services involves more than just installing an Operating System (OS) on a physical or virtual server. Indeed, the full stack from network to databases and applications has to be involved in a complete solution. Once the hardware is in place, connected and powered up, the process of instantiating a server begins with setting up network addresses and allocating storage to the newly created server with appropriate OS configuration. Continuing up the stack by instantiating databases, middleware applications and application data. Properly patched, configured and hardened to comply with operating and security policies, the service has been delivered rapidly with confidence that all reasonable risks to service performance have been addressed. Building this comprehensive service delivery environment is a solid foundation for a roadmap towards successful cloud data center automation. Transition to next slide: Going further, the granular configuration visibility and control enables the flexibility to meet disparate requirements of each service and the changes that occur in daily operations of a data center with the service provisioning platform. Dostarczanie OS Implementacja systemu operacyjnego Konfiguracja OS Automatyzacja samoobsługi użytkowników System Operacyjny Server
BMC Server Automation: Aktualny widok obiektów konfiguracji
Infrastruktura, Aplikacje i Usługi Zależności między elementami Updaty w czasie bliskim rzeczywistego
BMC Server Automation : Wysoka szczegółowość danych
Common Object Dictionary Informacje o zasobach w odniesieniu do czasu rzeczywistego Dostęp oparty na rolach do poszczególnych elementów (również linii czy sekcji plików) Akcje mogą być podejmowane na poziomie parametrów Jednolita obsługa różnych platform i aplikacji Server port=”8005” shutdown=”SHUTDOWN”
BMC Server Automation: Dostarczanie infrastruktury
Szybkie, skuteczne i spójne dla różnych platform Tworzenie heterogonicznych pakietów Provisioning platform fizycznych i wirtualnych Cross-Platform Provisioning Consistent across Physical and Virtual Rapid and Reliable BladeLogic offers Provisioning (installation and configuration) of Operating Systems, onto “bare metal” physical and virtual servers (that is, servers on which no OS yet exists). Note that installing an OS onto a Physical or Virtual machine follows the same steps, and uses the same configurations – unifying the provisioning and config process It uses several technologies to actually do the bootstrap installation, which is dependent on the target hardware and OS: • Pre-boot Execution Environment (PXE) (pronounced “pixie”) —for provisioning Windows and Linux servers. The PXE-based approach to provisioning allows Intel-based computers to boot from a PXE-compliant Network Interface Card (NIC) and retrieve their operating system installation instructions and files over the network, instead of relying on floppy disks and CD-ROMs. • Sun™ Microsystems JumpStart™ software—for provisioning Solaris servers. • IBM® Network Installation Manager (NIM) software—for provisioning AIX servers. • Hewlett-Packard Ignite software—for provisioning HP-UX servers. BladeLogic can also provision ESX servers. Bare metal to full stack Supports all leading OS’s Consistent for Physical and Virtual Same build and config policies Same processes Silent installs for unattended operations Graceful handling of server reboots Automation eliminates errors and delay Provision in hours rather than days
BMC Network Automation
Zarządzanie zmianą i konfiguracją urządzeń sieciowych Wgląd w dane bieżące i historyczne nt. konfiguracji i zmian Co się zmieniło? Kto to zmienił? Jak przeprowadzono zmianę? Provisioning urządzeń Inteligentne dostarczanie usług z możliwością szybkiego roll-backu Równoległe dostarczanie wielu urządzeń sieciowych przy pomocy pojedynczego zadania Zgodność Automatyczny audyt i detekcja dryfu oraz automatyczne akcje naprawcze Interaktywne dashboardy z informacją o zgodności Wsparcie cloud computing Administracja i dostarczanie kontenerów sieciowych i profili usług Zarządzanie zasobami chmury pozwala na implementację wielowarstwowych aplikacji webowych Automatically generates the change scripts used to implement mass configuration updates, enforce policies, and perform non-disruptive rollbacks Simplifies complex configuration changes using pre-defined jobs and configuration templates Implements network containers and service profiles for repeatable IT service provisioning Automatically groups network elements for targeted job execution Streamlines access control list (ACL) management and eliminates security vulnerabilities during updates Maintains a trusted baseline configuration for one-click comparison and remediation Provides real-time, policy-based compliance auditing based on built-in content and user-defined rules Quickly identifies and quarantines suspect endpoints SmartMerge is a particular competitive advantage of BNA: scripts are automatically generated and the syntax is verified against the actual device before executing the job. Scripts may be reviewed for approval prior to execution. If the job is not executed successfully, in whole or on some devices, push a button and the unsuccessful changes or the entire job are rolled back. This is relating to the first product capability on slide 10 – “Configuration & Change Automation” This is the core of BNA: creating jobs, enforcing policies and executing jobs without disrupting service. A key attribute is creating jobs from a policy change that effects all devices effected by the change or the selected group to reduce the workload compared to discrete change management for every device in the network. Automatically generated scripts for ACL changes do not open security vulnerabilities often overlooked. Be sensitive the fact that SmartMerge may not execute jobs without disruption on some network devices, but the most widely deployed vendors and devices are supported and the list is growing with every release. This is an area for verification on follow-up discussions. Job Automation Policy change Group selective Single or multi-device Single or multi-change Approval Automation Change Management process enforcement Standard, Normal and Emergency processes SmartMerge™ Automatic Script Generation Device specific Smart ACL change Smart syntax checking Pushbutton roll-back Non-disruptive execution
BMC Database Automation
Simulate Provision Patch and Upgrade Maintain BMC BladeLogic Database Automation automates and standardizes database environments Symulacja Walidacja gotowości środowiska przed przeprowadzeniem zmiany Implementacja Wdrażanie pojedynczych instancji i baz w klastrze Patchowanie i Upgrade’y Patchowanie międzyplatformowe i przeprowadzanie upgradów dla prostych i złożonych baz danych Utrzymanie Automatyzacja typowych zadań administracji baz danych Inventories database configuration and infrastructure Automates time-consuming, error-prone database tasks Enforces standard operating procedures for the database Allows DBAs to focus on high value work Empowers organizations to maximize their workforce Database Provisioning BBDA can build databases in an automated fashion, from the simplest to the most complex (clustered). With Oracle Real Application Clusters (RAC) in particular, this install can be so complicated that customers avoid it when possible. Database Patching and Upgrades Patching on Databases is much more complicated than that on servers. Databases providers change patching methodologies on at least a yearly basis. There is also very significant risk of downtime and lost data for business critical apps. Most customers put off their patching and upgrades because of the lack of confidence in the process and the risk involved. BBDA takes that burden off of the customer by incorporating that constantly changing knowledge in the product. Database Configuration Management BBDA can deploy changes in a one-to-many fashion across databases. This can include deploying and running SQL scripts for database maintenance and updates. Pre-Flight Checks for Database Changes The number of pre-requisites for installing databases correctly is daunting and constantly changing. Any missed requirements can cause a failure in the install and./or leave the new database in an unsecure or unstable state. BBDA incorporates hundreds of “pre-flight checks” in the product, developed internally and by customers. This again takes the burden off of the customer to keep up with these changes. Database Administrator Task Automation DBAs are very expensive and highly trained resources that spend as much as 85% of their time performing routine and mundane tasks that should be automated.
BMC Atrium Orchestrator
Atrium Orchestrator integruje się z istniejącymi systemami i pozwala automatyzować różne inicjatywy IT np.: Cloud Computing Automatyzacja Data Center IT Governance – ryzyko i zgodność Zarządzanie operacjami IT Procesy workflow mogą być uruchamiane automatycznie (harmonogram, reguły) lub półautomatycznie w Operator Control Panel OCP pozwala operatorom ręcznie startować, dostarczać dane i monitorować przebieg procesów Operatorzy mogą realizować usługi IT bardziej dokładnie i efektywnie, zachowując pełną kontrolę działania procesu Dane wyjściowe oraz metryki procesowe/biznesowe mogą być gromadzone w logach i raportach
Dostarczanie aplikacji
Skrócenie Time-to-Market dla aplikacji przy jednoczesnej poprawie satysfakcji użytkowników Zarządzanie Release’mi Modelowanie i śledzenie procesów zarządzania wydaniami Pakietowanie komponentów wydań Zapewnienie ciągłej integracji Dystrybucja między różnymi platformami Korzyści Lepsza współpraca z biznesem dzięki spójnemu, audytowalnemu procesowi Release Mgt Eliminacja incydentów związanych z wydaniami dzięki możliwości symulacji dystrybucji i rollbacku Zapobieganie nieautoryzowanym zmianom dzięki dostępowi opartemu na rolach Redukcja awarii dzięki proaktywnemu wskazywaniu przyczyn przestojów Zarządzanie konfiguracją aplikacji Wykrywanie i przechowywanie konfiguracji Utrzymywanie relacji między danymi Przegląd/Edycja elementów konfiguracji Utrzymanie spójności środowiska Key Points Business users expect applications to change faster than ever, but current application service delivery strategies cannot keep pace with business demands. Development and Operations must work together to redesign the way application changes are delivered to Production. BMC Application Service Delivery enables efficient, optimized application change processes by coordinating and automating release activities from Development to Production. It dramatically reduces the time-to-market for application changes while improving user experience by preventing the leading causes of outages. Continous Release Management The foundation of accelerating the release process is platform-neutral process integration, coordination and execution. Application Release Management models, tracks and controls the release process from beginning to end. It packages release components so that all the artifacts associated with a release are kept together and promoted through the process. It enforces access control to prevent unauthorized changes as well as integration with change management systems so that critical milestones are approved and change tickets are updated. It also controls the distribution and scheduling of deployments across multiple platforms. Application Configuration Management One of the most challenging aspects of application release is the maintenance of known-good application environments throughout the process. BMC Application Service Delivery provided granular configuration management for even the most complex Java and .Net deployments. It discovers configurations and models the interdependencies of configuration elements, while enabling the viewing and editing of those elements. Configurations can be included in release packages so that known-good configrations are reliably replicated from Production back to Development, then back out to Production. Application Problem Resolution When an application fails it’s because of either a configuration problem or an application bug. The whole point of the release process is to expose and quickly identify problems before they get to Production. When an application works in one environment but not in another, it’s a configuration problem. We automate configuration comparisons to identify differences between environments and eliminate tedious, lengthy and ineffective manual comparison approaches. Complementing that is a unique ability to record application execution and play the recording back to see exactly what the application was doing when it failed – down to the code level. These capabilities combine to quickly identify the root cause of application failures, accelerate problem resolution and further reduce time to market while proactively eliminating the causes of application outages. Transition to Next Slide Let’s look at the core offerings that support Application Service Delivery… Rozwiązywanie problemów w aplikacjach Przyspieszenie analizy żródłowych przyczyn problemu Porównanie i naprawa konfiguracji Nagrywanie i odtwarzanie działania aplikacji
Dostarczanie aplikacji: Elementy składowe
Skrócenie Time-to-Market dla aplikacji przy jednoczesnej poprawie satysfakcji użytkowników Oferta BMC BMC Application Release Automation Niezależne od platformy tworzenie pakietów, harmonogramowanie zadań, rozproszone wykonanie, kontrola dostępu BMC Application Release Automation - Middleware Konfiguracja i dystrybucja aplikacji opartych na WebSphere, WebLogic, Jboss BMC Application Problem Resolution Nagrywanie & Playback wykonania aplikacji Elementy dodatkowe BMC Release Process Mgt (StreamStep) BMC ITSM Change Management BMC Atrium CMDB Zarządzanie Release’mi Modelowanie i śledzenie procesów zarządzania wydaniami Pakietowanie komponentów wydań Zapewnienie ciągłej integracji Dystrybucja między różnymi platformami Zarządzanie konfiguracją aplikacji Wykrywanie i przechowywanie konfiguracji Utrzymywanie relacji między danymi Przegląd/Edycja elementów komfiguracji Utrzymanie spójności środowiska Core Offerings BMC Application Release Automation Provides the market-leading automation technology for application packaging for any type of application, task scheduling and distributed execution to stage and deploy applications during maintenance windows, Role-based Access Control (RBAC) to empower administrators with tailored access privileges while preventing unauthorized changes. BMC Application Release Automation – Middleware Uses a unique and patent pending data modeling technique to manage the configuration of application environments, deploys applications into application server containers along with rollback and version migration support. Provides installation change reports and configuration comparisons for problem resolution and drift detection. BMC Application Problem Resolution Records application execution down to the code level to enable playback of application behavior to determine the root cause of an application bug. Supporting Offerings StreamStep SmartRelease (MZ) Plan, Coordinate and Execute complex release processes composed of human and automated workflows. Enable distributed teams to collaborate more effectively through a singular, shared view of the release process. BMC ITSM Change Management Leverage Industry standard Change Management Processes. BMC’s Change Management model allows you to integrate your automation processes with your change processes, for a fully integrated change solution. BMC Atrium CMDB The CMDB provides the single source of truth for your environment. Rozwiązywanie problemów w aplikacjach Przyspieszenie analizy żródłowych przyczyn problemu Porównanie i naprawa konfiguracji Nagrywanie i odtwarzanie działania aplikacji
BMC Application Release Management
Tworzenie pakietów Możliwość tworzenia pojedynczego pakietu (lub zestawu) z bieżącego widoku lub zdefiniowanej zawartości Możliwość wdrażania wielu zmian konfiguracyjnych w ramach jednego pakietu w tym samym czasie Wdrażanie Możliwość umieszczenia w pakiecie instrukcji pre/post w celu implementacji zmian konfiguracji Możliwość wdrożenia tego samego pakietu dla heterogonicznych serwerów/test efektów wdrożenia przed samą implementacją Audyt & Zgodność Możliwość walidacji konfiguracji istniejących zależności aplikacji i konfiguracji docelowego serwera – przed implementacją Możliwość tworzenia akcji naprawczych dla serwerów przed implementacją Promocja Możliwość promocji przetestowanego pakietu do środowiska o wyższej krytyczności (Dev-QA, Stage-Produkcja) z automatycznymi zmianami konfiguracji wbudowanymi w pakiet Pełna delegacja odpowiedzialności za każdą akcję Możliwość wycofania pakietu Raportowanie Możliwość generacji raportów dotyczących wszystkich akcji i użytkowników Raportowanie spójności krytycznych elementów konfiguracji wewnątrz aplikacji ARM is most important to the application development team. The goal is to have the operations teams do as little as possible, to automate ARM as much as possible so that operations teams are not relied upon to make manual, complex configuration changes. Pierwszy obrazek- Typically where manual “packaging” takes place in the process; Process is inflexible & unable to accommodate change Packaging is manual & platform dependent Typically happens too late in development process Cost of “change” is prohibitive (WYGÓROWANY) Drugi obrazek: Automated Packaging from the Beginning; Consistency throughout the elevation Issues related to packaging found earlier No penalty for change
BMC Application Release Automation - Middleware
Implementuje, konfiguruje i analizuje błędy w aplikacjach Java EE. Zapewnia spójność środowisk poprzez szybkie diagnozowanie problemów w konfiguracji serwerów aplikacyjnych - Eliminuje skrypty konfiguracyjne i ręczne akcje Automatycznie pobiera informacje konfiguracyjne ze znanej prawidłowej instancji, co daje możliwość replikacji konfiguracji między środowiskami Pozwala wykonać symulację wdrożenia aby sprawdzić jakie zmiany będą wykonane bez ich implementacji Eliminacja przyrostowych skryptów lub „hot fixów” co pozwala zacząć od dowolnego punktu startu do docelowej konfiguracji serwera Automatyczna migracja starych konfiguracji serwerów do nowych w krótkim czasie Logowanie i przechwytywanie wszystkich zmian, w tym starych i nowych ustawień i umieszczanie ich w raportach Na rysunku : 2 Create and Test Package in Development; 1 - Running periodic comparisons between the Gold Standard and the running configuration, Franco detects a mis-configuration and remediates before the service is impacted. Quickly deploy applications and expertly manage their configurations — without scripting — for faster delivery and fewer outages Deploy, configure, and troubleshoot Java EE applications quickly, efficiently, and safely. Ensure the consistency of your deployment environments by quickly diagnosing problems in application server configurations. BMC Middleware Automation eliminates configuration scripts and manual steps. In addition, this product: Automatically obtains configuration information from a known good instance, so you can replicate configurations across environments Lets you take your deployments through a dry run to see what changes will be made without making them Eliminates incremental scripts or “hot fixes” so you can catch up from any starting point to where that server needs to be Rolls back to the last known “good state” if all or part of an installation fails Automatically migrates older server configurations to new versions in minutes Establishes standard configurations and regularly compares production servers against the standard Logs and captures all changes, including old and new settings, in detailed reports
BMC Release Process Management
Wspiera współpracę pomiędzy Developmentem a Operacjami poprzez stworzenie centralnego źródła informacji dla wszystkich releasów (wykonanych, obecnych, planowanych) z dostępem przez interfejs webowy Modelowanie obecnych procesów release, zapewnienie planowania, wykonania i śledzenie postępów w czasie rzeczywistym – dla przyspieszenia implementacji usług i aplikacji Integracja z BMC Remedy ITSM suite i rozwiązaniami automatyzacji BMC Planowanie — Zarządzanie wszystkimi aspektami planowania wydań, od wzorców typowych releasów do dokładnych planów wdrożenia Realizacja release — Wykonanie planów z naciskiem na aktywności wdrożeniowe Śledzenie — gromadzenie metryk z wykonania i wgląd w aktywności związane z implementacją
BMC Application Problem Resolution
Nagrywanie wykonania aplikacji i logowanie w czasie rzeczywistym akcji użytkownika, zdarzeń systemowych, metryk wydajnościowych, danych konfiguracyjnych i wykonania kodu Wykorzystaniu opantentowanej technologii zbliżonej do samolotowej „czarnej skrzynki” Automatyzacja procesu rozwiązywania problemów podczas developmentu, testowania, implementacji i wsparcia produkcyjnego Obserwacja aktywności użytkowników poprzez zsynchronizowane przejmowanie ekranu i wykonywanych czynności (klawisze, mysz itd.) Śledzenie wszystkich zdarzeń systemowych, danych konfiguracyjnych i wykonywanego kodu na platformach Windows, .NET, Java EE Przeprowadzanie analizy transakcji end2end oraz wydajności Integracja z SD i narzędziami śledzenia defektów pozwalająca na usprawnienie komunikacji ws. problemu .NET
Automatyzacja zapewnienia zgodności (compliance)
Automatyzacja zgodności Automatyczny audyt polityk i usunięcie niezgodności Kontrola dostępu do konfiguracji Wykrywanie niezgodnych elementów Populacja CMDB/CMS Wzmocnienie dostępu opartego na rolach Korzyści Zmniejszenie kosztów poprzez eliminację pracochłonnych procesów Redukcja „false positives” dzięki obsłudze wyjątków Zapewnienie ciągłej zgodności z wbudowanymi politykami Redukcja czasu koniecznego na usunięcie problemów dzięki automatycznemu zarządzaniu zmianami Zmniejszenie ryzyka nieudanego audytu poprzez predefiniowane raporty i trendy zgodności Zarządzanie Konfiguracją Śledzenie dryfu konfiguracji Powrót do konfiguracji bazowej Wzmocnienie procesu aprobaty zmian BMC’s policy-based automation engine provides the tools you need to enforce your regulatory, security, and operation policies. This solutions includes rules-based audit functionality with integrated remediations, built-in policy exception documentation, cross-platform patch management, and integration with change management for automated, continuous compliance. Key Points Configuration Access Control Before you can properly secure your environment, you need to know what you don’t know. That is, you need to discover all assets on your network, track those assets, and control access to those asset. BMC provides the ability to quickly find all the server, network, and client assets on your network, discover their dependencies, and see what applications are being used. This information can then be inserted into an enterprise CMDB. This will allow you track those assets over time, and enable other important asset management functions like software license management. Once those assets are discovered, they can be placed under management, and access can be tightly controlled. With BMC’s tools you can consolidate your administrative access to devices, and control permissions down to the individual configuration level. Configuration Management Configuration Management is the leading indicator of Compliance. In other words, you can’t easily maintain compliance if you can’t control change and track configurations. Once assets are placed under management, you can establish configuration baselines and track drift from those baselines. BMC allows you to customer those baselines to meet your specific requirements. If there are deviations from those baselines, BMC’s automation platform can quickly identify the delta and create a package to remediate the system back to the baseline. The remediation function can be integrated with change management, to force any remediations to go through the proper change management process, including change approvals. Security and Regulatory Compliance BMC provides the solution to allow you integrate your change and compliance processes. The solutions provides granular, rules-based compliance audits that significantly reduce false positives. Once deviations are found, the deviations can either be documented or remediated. The solution also provides integrated patch compliance for both server operating systems and applications. Instead of wasting time searching for patches, BMC’s solution will automatically download patches from the vendors and evaluate what patches are required for your systems. Once the patches are identified, the patch deployments can be scheduled or executed ad-hoc. For the complex patch deployments to database platforms, BMC can perform dozens of pre-requisite checks before install, and take all of the complex interdependencies in account because of deep application intelligence built-in to the automation platform. To enable continuous compliance, the compliance platform can be integrated with BMC change management. Once undocumented deviations are found, remediations can be automatically created and automatically attached to a change request for approval. BMC provides pre-configured policies for the regulation frameworks for Sarbanes Oxley, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), and the Payment Card Industry (PCI). BMC also provides policies for the Center for Internet Security (CIS) and Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) security standards. BMC supports Windows, Linux, Solaris, HP-UX, and AIX patch management. Transition to Next Slide Now let’s talk about the BMC solutions you can leverage to start down this value path Zgodność z wymaganiami bezpieczeństwa i innymi regulacjami Zapewnienie zgodności z politykami Dokumentowanie akceptowalnych odchyleń Umożliwienie patchowania obsługującego wiele platform
Automatyzacja zapewnienia zgodności : elementy składowe
Automatyzacja zgodności Automatyczny audyt polityk i usunięcie niezgodności Kontrola dostępu do konfiguracji Wykrywanie niezgodnych elementów Populacja CMDB/CMS Wzmocnienie dostępu opartego na rolach Oferta BMC BMC BladeLogic Automation Suite Automatyczny audyt i remediacja do stanu zgodności BMC Change Management Wsparcie procesów zmian opartych na najlepszych praktykach Elementy dodatkowe BMC Atrium CMDB BMC Atrium Discovery and Dependency Mapping Zarządzanie Konfiguracją Śledzenie dryfu konfiguracji Powrót do konfiguracji bazowej Wzmocnienie procesu aprobaty zmian Core Offerings BMC BladeLogic Automation Suite Automatically audit and remediate against policies BMC provides an end-to-end solution for continuous configuration compliance on all of your servers, network devices, and clients. BMC provides an integrated solution to manage and enforce your regulatory and security policies, including patch management, with built built-in remediations and change management integration. BMC Change Management Leverage Industry standard Change Management Processes BMC’s Change Management model allows you to integrate your automation processes with your changes processes, for a fully integrated change solution. Supporting Offerings BMC Atrium CMDB The CMDB provides the single source of truth for your environment BMC Atrium Discovery and Dependency Mapping ADDM allows you to continuously populate and update your CMDB, to make it as relevant and useful as possible. Zgodność z wymaganiami bezpieczeństwa i innymi regulacjami Zapewnienie zgodności z politykami Dokumentowanie akceptowalnych odchyleń Umożliwienie patchowania obsługującego wiele platform
Cross-platform patching Dependency analysis & simulation
Patch management Cross-platform patching Dependency analysis & simulation Efficient packaging & deployment Dynamic grouping & notification Rapid rollback Patchowanie międzyplatformowe Automatyczna analiza zależności Efektywne pakietowanie i implementacja Policy-Based patch analysis – again, using a single and common approach independent of the underlying OS platform. Because BladeLogic draws from and abstracts the detailed vendor patch data, it makes it much easier, and therefore less expensive, to approach patching, Cross-Platform Patching Uniform approach to patching Draws from vendor patch data Automatic Dependency Analysis Live server view ensures accurate decisions Pre-requisites and Co-requisites Automatically detected Efficient Packaging and Deployment Policy-Based patch analysis filter criteria Combines all needed patches into single deployment package Graceful handling of server reboots Całościowa Informacja o serwerach i patchach- info na konkretnym serwerze- analiza zależności
Konsolidacja Data Center
Przyspieszenie konsolidacji dzięki optymalizacji i automatyzacji Wykrywanie Wykrywanie infrastruktury, aplikacji i usług Mapowanie komponentów na usługi biznesowe Projektowanie priorytetów usług Korzyści Redukcja kosztów IT dzięki całościowemu planowaniu pojemności Redukcja przestojów usług dzięki dynamicznej analizie wirtualizacji Redukcja czasu implementacji i konfiguracji usług Redukcja złożoności poprzez rozszerzenie kontroli nad Hybrydowym DataCenter Planowanie konsolidacji Określenie wymagań bazowych na zasoby Identyfikacja kandydatów do konsolidacji Budowa całościowego planu Planning for a Data Center Consolidation can be an enormously complex process, and BMC provides the tools you need to make the right decisions throughout the process. This includes a discovery and dependency mapping solution to find out what you have and how it is related, population of an enterprise CMDB, a industry-leading capacity optimization platform to make the right decisions about what to consolidate and virtualize, and the automation tools implement the plan you create. Key Points Discovery BMC’s solution allows you to quickly discover your underlying infrastructure, servers, network devices, clients, and the applications running on them. Once these assets are discovered, you can populate them and track them in a CMDB. Most importantly, the solution now allows you to map those assets to your business services. This will allow you to understand what impact any changes have on your business, and allows you to prioritize your services based on your business priorities. Fundamentally, all of this allows you to set the baseline for what services you provide to your users (internal and external), and make the best decisions based on business priorities. Consolidation Planning Once you have identified and classified your assets, it is essential to establish a resource usage baseline for your environment. One of the major drivers for data center consolidation is driving up resource utilization, which is impossible without some kind of idea of the current state. Additionally, BMC’s capacity optimization solution will help you identify the best consolidation candidates, in particular for virtualization. Not all systems are good candidates for virtualization, and it is important to consider your resource usage in the broader context to properly answer that question. Finally, this data, combined with your service mappings, will allow you to properly build a consolidation plan. Consolidation Implementation Consolidation is a huge missed opportunity if you don’t use the process to implement automation. Deploying your new consolidated systems in an automated fashion will not allow you to enforce consistency, it will allows you to rebuild or expand any components easily and efficiently. In particular, BMC provides the ability to automate the provisioning of your entire “full stack” – operating system, applications, and your business logic/code. This will allow you to deploy your solutions in whatever environment - physical, virtual, or cloud – that makes sense for your business. Transition to Next Slide Now let’s talk about the BMC solutions you can leverage to start down this value path Implementacja konsolidacji Rozlokowanie skonsolidowanej infrastruktury fizycznej i wirtualnej Wdrożenie wszystkich warstw usługi
Konsolidacja Data Center: Elementy składowe
Przyspieszenie konsolidacji dzięki optymalizacji i automatyzacji Oferta BMC BMC Atrium Discovery and Dependency Mapping Wykrywanie zasobów i relacji między nimi BMC Capacity Management Identyfikacja wymagań na zasoby i planowanie przyszłości BMC BladeLogic Automation Suite Dostarczanie i zarządzanie zasobów fizycznymi i wirtualnymi Elementy dodatkowe BMC Atrium CMDB nLyte Capacity Planning Solutions Wykrywanie Wykrywanie infrastruktury, aplikacji i usług Mapowanie komponentów na usługi biznesowe Projektowanie priorytetów usług Planowanie konsolidacji Określenie wymagań bazowych na zasoby Identyfikacja kandydatów do konsolidacji Budowa całościowego planu Core Offerings BMC Atrium Discovery and Dependency Mapping Discover Assets and Relationships Automatically discover physical and virtual servers, applications, and network devices — and the relationships between them — enabling significant cost reductions and dramatically simplifying asset management, CMDB, data center consolidation, disaster recovery, and change and release management initiatives. BMC Capacity Management Identify Resource Requirements and Plan for the Future BMC Capacity Management delivers business-aware capacity planning for modern data centers — comprised of physical, virtual, and cloud technologies — by linking IT resources to measurable business impact. It combines flexible visualization, automated exception-based analysis and reporting, and a wide range of planning capabilities to provide a comprehensive solution for ensuring cost-effective, optimal business service performance and alignment. BMC BladeLogic Automation Suite Provision, Configure, and Manage Physical and Virtual Devices BMC’s BladeLogic Automation Suite provides all the tools you need to properly provision, configure, and manage your servers, network devices, and applications on physical and virtual platforms. Supporting Offerings BMC Atrium CMDB The CMDB provides the single source of truth for your environment nLyte Capacity Planning Solutions nLyte allows you to extended your capacity planning to the physical infrastructure – power, heating/cooling, and rack layout – and to plan for the best use of your data center space. Implementacja konsolidacji Rozlokowanie skonsolidowanej infrastruktury fizycznej i wirtualnej Wdrożenie wszystkich warstw usługi
Wykrywanie: Działanie
Konsolidacja Data Center Wykrywanie Planowanie konsolidacji Implementacja konsolidacji Wykrywanie zależności między aplikacjami Wizualizacja komponentów i relacji Key Points… Automatic dependency and service mapping ADDM accelerates your data consolidation project by providing an accurate picture of the assets you are trying to optimize – and how the assets relate to business applications and business services. At the heart of ADDM are powerful analytics tools that automatically build Application Dependency Maps that show the relationships between the components that make up enterprise applications. ADDM ships with an extensive library of patterns that model commonly deployed software (for ex Oracle E-business Suite and SAP), and these patterns are updated monthly via Technology Knowledge Updates (TKUs). The Technology Knowledge Network team work constantly to refine and update patterns and to create new patterns to increase coverage of the leading products running in global 2000 data centers. ADDM also excels in environments where many of the business applications are custom in nature. Models can be rapidly, and iteratively constructed to map custom business applications. The process is aided by the GUI that provides flexible search, and reporting capabilities in support of the modeling process. ADDM / BCO integration: BMC Capacity Optimization includes an out-of-the-box ADDM adapter so that discovered assets, configuration data and business services can be imported into BMC Capacity Optimization (BCO). An alternate option is for BCO to import the data from the CMDB. Capacity Optimization BMC Atrium Discovery and Dependency Mapping CMDB/CMS
Planowanie konsolidacji: Działanie
Konsolidacja Data Center Wykrywanie Planowanie konsolidacji Implementacja konsolidacji Przed: Wiele serwerów/VM Niska utylizacja Wysoki CapEx/OpEx After: Pojemność IT capacity zgodna z wymaganiami biznesu Optymalna utylizacja Zredukowany CapEx/OpEx Planowanie „Co jeśli” P2V, V2V, P2P, P2C & V2C Warunki techniczne Aplikacja, Typ OS Warunki Biznesowe Dev vs. Prod, USA vs. EMEA Wzorce działania aplikacji CPU, Memory, I/O, Network Key Points… Every company (small, medium and large) is looking to migrate (at least part) of their infrastructure to a virtualized, consolidated or (public or private) cloud. The benefits are numerous (greater agility, cost savings, flexibility, etc) but the risks are many, since these infrastructures are based on shared resources and complex hypervisors. The BMC advantage is that we now have the most comprehensive consolidation, virtualization/cloud planning capabilities…with policy based planning for optimum workloads which means that we take business and technical constraints into account when coming up with the a consolidation, virtualization or private-cloud plan. BMC also has the broadest support of virtual platforms for x86 and Unix virtualization technologies including….(VMware, Xen, MS hyper-v, Solaris (domains, containers, LDOMs), IBM (Lpars, SPLpars/micropartitions, Wpars), HP (n/Pars, v/Pars) (Note: see release notes for latest supported platforms) Integration wit h ADDM and CMDB ensures that capacity optimization has the latest inventory of servers and business-service definitions which means you have an accurate and complete account of the servers/applications in your environment and it improves the accuracy of your capacity analysis, report or plan. Analyst quote from JP Garbani, vice president and research analyst at Forrester, exposing the necessity of capacity planning… “To do it right virtualization, server consolidation, and cloud computing require capacity management. While it may seem intuitive that virtualization and cloud computing would allow a carefree lifestyle for resource provisioning, they do not. Consolidating servers using virtualization requires a careful matching of different workloads, complicated by the fact that virtualized resources may not function at their nominal capacity. Moving applications to an internal or external cloud requires a keen understanding of the application resource usage. Short of careful capacity studies, these technologies will fall short of expectations.” Discovery & Dependency BMC Capacity Optimization CMDB/CMS
Automatyzacja Data Center : Wyróżniki BMC
Optymalizacja jakości – dynamiczna implementacja warstwy serwera, sieci, aplikacji Dostarczanie wszystkich warstw usługi Optymalizacja jakości – Modelowanie w oparciu o rzeczywiste środowisko redukuje ilość przestojów Zarządzanie konfiguracją w oparciu o model Kontrola ryzyka – Możliwość skupienia się na konkretnych celach audytu Granularne, oparte na politykach zarządzanie zgodnością Full Stack Provisioning BMC’s core capabilities around server, network, database, and middleware are all industry-leading solutions. The end-to-end deployment of the Full Server Stack, with flexibility and modularity is unmatched. With the Operating System (OS) layer, BMC allows customers to deploy traditional “bare metal” (script-based) installs, Windows Image Management (WIM), or virtualization templates. On top of this, BMC’s platform can configure the operating system, and then deliver any applications on top of the OS. Which leads to our next point… Model-Driven Configuration Management Most application deployment solutions depend either on scripts or workflows to deliver the end-to-end install. In the real world, these methods are inflexible and difficult to maintain. BMC’s solution has built-in application intelligence that can adjust to complexities in the real world. The application environment is modeled, and all changes are made in the context of that model, which means that most complexities are taken into account and automatically adjusted for. Granular, Policy-based Compliance Management Compliance audits are only as good as their ability to truly discovery the current state of systems, accurately compare it to the standard, and then remediate any discrepancies found. BMC provides an end-to-end solution that combines the ability to discover and configure detailed configurations, and the ability to establish and enforce policies at that same level of granularity. This means that your audits will have fewer “false positives” (incorrect audit findings) and you will be able to more quickly resolve the discrepancies you find. Enterprise-Wide Capacity Management: A complete Capacity management solution that is detailed and precise – that delivers powerful analytic modeling which understands how application response-time is affected by increasing transactions. A solution that unifies technical resources and business data across all capacity management activities. And, a solution with the most efficient possible data collection mechanisms (after all if you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it; you can’t afford to have your measurement process be “expensive,” that is consume too many server resources). Bottom line -- only BMC offers a solution with the ability to consolidate network, storage, server, application, business KPI data, etc for comprehensive business-aware capacity mgmt. Support of Heterogeneity: Most IT organizations have business critical services that depend on more than just a single operating system or operating environment. BMC enables our customers to consolidate all of their data center management functions onto to an integrated platform, rather than creating new silos for virtualized or cloud-based resources. BMC provides an unprecedented level of support, with all of the major operating systems and the major virtualization platforms. This gives our customers the flexibility to pursue the right infrastructure solutions for their business. Transition to Next Slide Describe how to transition to next slide Redukcja kosztów – Połączenie zasobów IT z kluczowymi metrykami biznesowymi Optymalizacja pojemności dla całości środowiska IT Redukcja kosztów – Wsparcie wszystkich głównych platform OS i wirtualizacji Wsparcie heterogeniczności
BMC Data Center Automation Progress
50%+ license $$ growth in FY11 200+ new wins in FY11 – key success in Public Sector, Telcos, Outsourcers & FSI 35%+ of DCA deals are multi-domain (Server, Network, Database, App, Cloud) GTM partnerships with Cisco, Dell, NetApp, Others Optimize Quality and Reduce Costs Reduced Time to Provision servers from 24 hours to minutes Improve Application Rollout Reduced Time to Deploy applications by 70% and Defect Rate to nearly 0% Speaker Note Guidelines Key Points Key Point 1 Key Point 2 Key Point 3 Sample Delivery Example delivery script Transition to Next Slide Describe how to transition to next slide Consistently Enforce Compliance Reduced security audit time from 3-5 days per system to 12 minutes Optimize IT Operations Reduced manual tasks by 40-50% and downtime by 74.6%
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