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OpublikowałMichalina Drozd Został zmieniony 9 lat temu
DRINK DRIVING IN POLAND Latest drink driving developments in Poland SECRETARIAT OF THE NATONAL ROAD SAFETY COUNCIL "SMART approaches to tackling drink driving", PRAGUE, 07.05.2015 r.
Outline of the presentation The scale of the problem Current activities
The scale of the problem
Main road safety problems – Poland 1116 fatalities in 2014 Pedestrians safety Cause of 27% total number of fatalities Overspeed 16% of total number of fatalities Young drivers (18-24 years old) 15% of total number of fatalities Alcohol 13% of total number of fatalities Hitting the tree
Drunk road users Źródło: Komenda Główna Policji, baza SEWiK
Drink Drivers Źródło: Komenda Główna Policji, baza SEWiK
Drink perpetrators Źródło: Komenda Główna Policji, baza SEWiK Sprawcy 100% Kierujący pojazdami 71% Silnikowymi (osobowe, ciężarowe, motocykl itd.) 80% Samochody osobowe 89% Pozostałe 11% Bezsilnikowy mi (rower, motorower) 20% Piesi 27% Pozostali 2%
Drink perpetrators- drivers Źródło: Instytut Transportu Samochodowego
Drink perpetrators Źródło: Komenda Główna Policji, baza SEWiK
Current activities
Enforcement – Sober Control Rok Liczba kontroli Ogółem ujawnieni W tym: kierujący pojazdami mechanicznymi N % ogółu Razem % z ogółu ujawnionych 02,-05 g/l > 0,5 g/l 20092,3 mln1733247,5%10266759%1914383524 20103,4 mln1658855,0%9961360%2043179182 20115,7 mln1834883,2%11002360%2508484939 20127,4 mln1710202,3%10355161%2554678005 20138,9 mln1637771,8%9955161%2418875363 201415,4 mln1412030,9%10324673%2764875598 Źródło: Komenda Główna Policji, baza SEWiK
Current law: it’s forbbiden to drunk drive or drive under influence of alcohol. 0.02% means driving under influence of alcohol (driving license banned from 6 months up to 3 years, prison up to 1 month) – Offence 0.05% drunk driving (driving license banned from 1 year to 10 years, prison up to 2 years) - Misdemeanour
New law adopted: On 20 March 2015, the Polish parliament adopted a revised law to improve road safety, which was signed by the Polish president on 2 April 2015. The new law is expected to enter into force on 18 May 2015. The new law provides stricter punishment for drink-driving.
Comparison Old lawCurrent law Driving license banFrom 1 year up to 10 years / For life - if there are any fatalities or serious injuries From 3 years up to 15 years – drunk drivers sentenced for the first time / For life – drunk drivers sentenced for the second time Driving without driving license OffenceMisdemeanour Penalty assessment Facultative: up to 100 000 PLN Min. 5 000 PLN (drunk drivers sentenced for the first time) Max. 10 000 PLN (drunk drivers sentenced for the second time) Alcohol interlocksNoneObligatory installation if the driver wants to reclaim driving license Re-educational training course about alcohol problems NoneObligatory training course if the driver wants to reclaim driving license
Education and dedicated campaigns Source: Państwowa Agencja Rozwiązywania Problemów Alkoholowych
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