Forest fire protection

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1 Forest fire protection
in Poland and Europe

2 2. Providing the forest fire protection devices,
Forest fire protection is depending on realization of actions, which aim for protection of life, health, property or environment against fire, natural disasters or other local dangers, by: What does forest fire protection mean in Poland? The definition is included in law about forest fire protection from the day 24th of August 1991. 1. Preventing the development and spread of fire, natural disasters or other local dangers, 2. Providing the forest fire protection devices, 3. Leading rescue efforts.

3 2. Providing the forest fire protection devices
Beyond forces we mean people with knowledge of fire fighting and required equipment. Minister of Internal Affairs is responsible for forest fire protection in Poland. He provides the devices and forces to fight against fire, natural disasters and other local dangers. Fire protection map. Forest District in Głogów Małopolski

4 1. Prevention Symbol of fire protection Reducing the causes. Compliance with rules, orders and bans defined in law about forest fire protection (chapter 2) and other annotations. Control of the compliance (leaded by National Fire Department units). It's the main point of tasks for forest fire protection. This task is depended on the whole society. If everyone stuck with the law… the danger would be reduced to minimum!

5 3. Leading rescue efforts
Fire fighting and rescue efforts are directed by main National Fire Department units and Voluntary Fire Department units. Aside from them, in the lineup of forest fire protection are included: Military Fire Department Professional Fire Department Professional Rescue Service Communal Professional Fire Department District Professional Fire Department Local Rescue Service Voluntary Fire Department and other rescue units

From 1st March to 31st October forest fire protection emergency service is activated. That means, the worker on duty watches the area using 3 fire protection cameras to look for smoke. Camera next to the forester's lodge.

7 Cameras spins and don't look inside the forest
Cameras spins and don't look inside the forest. They are located in Kolbuszowa, Świlcza and in our forestry management.

8 The entire country of Poland was divided into areas (excluding mountains), where prognostic centres are leaded. They define the danger risk depending on temperature of air and humidity of forest cover. Degrees of fire danger are defined on samples made by research institute of forestry. Map of forest fire risk April 27, 2017

9 We in Głogów Małopolski are located in 42th area of forest fire danger and our prognostic centre is located in Leżajsk. Additionally, we have assistant centre in the area of Kłapówka forestry management, where measurements such as wind, temperature, humidity are made. Assistant centre (Kłapówka) and fundamental prognostic centre (Leżajsk) collect information of weather and send it automatically to Regional Management, which shares it to forestry managements and research institute of forestry (WPSP). WPSP shares it further.

10 Informacje oraz zdjęcia ze stron:
Laboratorium ochrony przeciwpożarowej Instrukcja ochrony przeciwpożarowej lasu Portal ochrony przeciwpożarowej ppż Prawne aspekty ochrony przeciwpożarowej Część materiałów, oraz informacji wykorzystano z wywiadu przeprowadzonego w Nadleśnictwie w Głogowie Małopolskim.

11 Autorzy: Urszula Baran Anna Siłka Gabriela Kondras
Klasa III c gimnazjum Zespół Szkół w Głogowie Małopolskim im. Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego

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