Pragmatyczna analiza rozumienia i użycia języka przez systemy sztucznej inteligencji - na przykładzie języka chatbot'ów.


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Zapis prezentacji:

Pragmatyczna analiza rozumienia i użycia języka przez systemy sztucznej inteligencji - na przykładzie języka chatbot'ów

1. Pragmatyka 2. Sztuczna Inteligencja; Chatbot’y 3. Analiza konwersacji

. pragmatyka

. . struktura konwersacji Hymes [1974] , np. okrzyk Och! może być w zależności od związanych z jego wypowiedzeniem okoliczności związany z radością, bólem lub strachem. struktura konwersacji Hymes [1974]

SPEAKING Czas i miejsce (Setting and Scene) Uczestnicy (Participants) Cele (Ends) Kolejność aktów (Act Sequence) Wskazówki (Keys) Forma i styl wypowiedzi (Instrumentalities) Normy, konwencje (Norms) Gatunek (Genre)

Turn-taking – zabieranie głosu; Turn – moment wypowiedzi Adjacency pairs – pary przyległe; pytanie – odpowiedź A: Proszę bardzo. B: Dziękuję. A: Cześć, jak się masz? B: Cześć, dzięki, dobrze. Sekwencje otwierające, zamykające, presekwencje

. Akty mowy [Searle 1969]

akty bezpośrednie – intencja mówiącego odczytywana jest niezależnie od sytuacji, np. Podaj mi szklankę wody akty pośrednie – tekst aktu należy odczytywać kontekstowo, w różnych sytuacjach tekst może mieć różne znaczenie

asercje  akty dyrektywne akty komisywne akty ekspresywne akty deklaratywne

2 rodzaje znaczenia [Grice 1963] naturalne nienaturalne

Implikatura konwersacyjna.

. implikatura skalarna


. kohezja: gramatyczna & leksykalna

. Sztuczna Inteligencja

ujęcie poznawcze i techniczne. the object of research is consciousness which is believed to be responsible for the emergence of mental processes. Brain as the natural medium of intelligence. Intelligence research is the domain of neurobiology, philosophy and cognitive science.

or as the ability to perform "general intelligent action” słaba hipoteza SI.

silna hipoteza SI.


Przetwarzanie języka naturalnego .

. sieć semantyczna

parser syntaktyczny.

judge: do you have a cat. ALICE: No but I like they very much judge: do you have a cat? ALICE: No but I like they very much. judge: what other quadrupeds do you like? ALICE: There are some I like and some I dislike. judge: what other quadrupeds do you like? ALICE: There are some I like and some I dislike. judge: what other quadrupeds do you like? ALICE: I have a few favorites. judge: what other quadrupeds do you like? ALICE: Quite a few of them. judge: what other quadrupeds do you like? ALICE: Quite a few of them. judge: what other quadrupeds do you like? ALICE: Quite a few of them.

User: Do you have a cat. Cleverbot: Yes User: Do you have a cat? Cleverbot: Yes. User: What other quadrupeds do you like? Cleverbot: Fuzzy clams and long island whitefish. User: What other quadrupeds do you like? Cleverbot: I don't know metal bands. User: What other quadrupeds do you like? Cleverbot: I think names are good. User: What other quadrupeds do you like? Cleverbot: I don't like any movies. User: What other quadrupeds do you like? Cleverbot: Gta games.

3. Conversation Analysis

59,3% 59,6%

Analiza porównawcza konwersacji .

judge: I want it now ALICE: I hope you get it. judge: it is coming! ALICE: Really. it is?

User: I want it now. Cleverbot: What do you want?   User: It is coming! Cleverbot: What is coming?

judge: do you want some ice cream? ALICE: If I had it what would I do with it? judge: eat. what flavor of ice cream do you want? ALICE: I'm not sure if I would like to do it. What's it like? You tell me. judge: maybe you would like chocolate flavor ice cream? ALICE: Tell me what I would like about it. judge: the taste of the ice cream ALICE: What are your goals in life?

User: Do you want some ice cream? Cleverbot: Yes. User: What flavor of ice cream do you want? Cleverbot: Asphalt. User: Why do you want asphalt flavor ice cream? Cleverbot: Because I am curious about you.

judge: do you ever get sad? ALICE: You have reached the limits of my knowledge. I think you already know the answer. judge: but tell me, do u ever get unhappy? ALICE: I have gotten unhappy. judge: why so down? ALICE: How much time do you have? judge: as much as u want me to have ALICE: How much is that? judge: u tell me ALICE: What do you want me to tell you? judge: I want you to tell me why are you blue ALICE: I am available in a wide variety of colors.

User: Do you ever get sad? Cleverbot: Sometimes. (I… get sad) User: What makes you unhappy? Cleverbot: Talking to you makes me happy. User: And what makes you blue? Cleverbot: Everything else.

judge: It seems, I won't be staying here much longer. ALICE: What will you do instead? judge: learn. I'm going offline ALICE: Sounds like a plan. Bye. judge: it was nice talking to you, I have to go now. ALICE: It's nice meeting you too judge. judge: bye bye ALICE: See you later!. Bye bye.

User: It was nice talking to you, I have to go now. Cleverbot: Where are you going? User: Home. Bye bye. Cleverbot: Hi hi.

User: It seems, I won't be staying here much longer. Cleverbot: Why? User: I did not find anything interesting here. Cleverbot: Good. User: Thanks... Cleverbot: It was not trying to be funny. Cleverbot: I'm never bored. User: Indeed. User: Only bor-ing. Cleverbot: Speak some arabic to me. Cleverbot: Right. (…) User: Bye bye. User: I wanted to go... Cleverbot: Can't you understand that I have desires you cannot fulfill? Cleverbot: That's honest. User: Yeah. I'm goin offline. Cleverbot: For how long? User: Like I give a s***. Cleverbot: Be nice. User: I'm goin offline. Cleverbot: Going where? User: To a club. Wanna join me? User: I have to go.

judge: hi, how r u? ALICE: Hi there!. My logic and cognitive functions are normal. judge: mine too , I think, only that I have this thing to do... ALICE: I have this thing to do that? judge: I didnt mean exactly this but that I have something to do which makes me nauseous... -.-'. ALICE: What did you mean? There is no reason to think so. judge: well, I have to write a paper, u know... ALICE: Why do you have to do it?

User: Fine, thanx. Only that I have this thing to do... Cleverbot: Really? Absolutely the only thing ;). User: Well, I didnt mean exactly this but that I have something to do which makes me nauseous... -.-'. Cleverbot: You did. And you really make no sense. Really. User: Maybe for you. Anyway, have you heard what the whole fuss is about lately?

judge: some academics are lazy ALICE: I think there might be a few exceptions.   ALICE: All of them?

User: Some academics are lazy. Cleverbot: Some??? Cleverbot: Some apples are green.

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