DIALOGUE Receptionist: Hello, Oxford Football Club. Adam: I want to join the club, please. R: Whats your …………………………………? A: Adam. R: And whats your ……………………….…….?


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Zapis prezentacji:

DIALOGUE Receptionist: Hello, Oxford Football Club. Adam: I want to join the club, please. R: Whats your …………………………………? A: Adam. R: And whats your ……………………….…….? A: Brown. R: How …………………………………………?. A: Im eleven. R: Whats ………………………………………? A: 42 River Street, Oxford. R: Thank you. your address old are you namesurname

DIALOGUE Receptionist: Hello, Oxford Football Club. Adam: I want to join the club, please. R: Whats your …………………………………? A: Adam. R: And whats your ……………………….…….? A: Brown. R: How …………………………………………?. A: Im eleven. R: Whats ………………………………………? A: 42 River Street, Oxford. R: Thank you. your address old are you name surname

DIALOGUE Receptionist: Hello, Oxford Football Club. Adam: I want to join the club, please. R: Whats your …………………………………? A: Adam. R: And whats your ……………………….…….? A: Brown. R: How …………………………………………?. A: Im eleven. R: Whats ………………………………………? A: 42 River Street, Oxford. R: Thank you. your address old are you name surname

DIALOGUE Receptionist: Hello, Oxford Football Club. Adam: I want to join the club, please. R: Whats your …………………………………? A: Adam. R: And whats your ……………………….…….? A: Brown. R: How …………………………………………?. A: Im eleven. R: Whats ………………………………………? A: 42 River Street, Oxford. R: Thank you. your address old are you name surname

DIALOGUE Receptionist: Hello, Oxford Football Club. Adam: I want to join the club, please. R: Whats your …………………………………? A: Adam. R: And whats your ……………………….…….? A: Brown. R: How …………………………………………?. A: Im eleven. R: Whats ………………………………………? A: 42 River Street, Oxford. R: Thank you. your address old are you name surname

WHATWHENWHOWHEREHOW czas urodziny osoby Ulubione rzeczy Na pod w rzecz kraj WIEK

WHATWHENWHOWHEREHOW czas urodziny osoby Ulubione rzeczy Na pod w rzecz kraj WIEK

WHATWHENWHOWHEREHOW czas urodziny osoby Ulubione rzeczy Na pod w rzecz kraj WIEK

WHATWHENWHOWHEREHOW czasurodziny osoby Ulubione rzeczy Na pod w rzecz kraj WIEK

WHATWHENWHOWHEREHOW czasurodziny osoby Ulubione rzeczy Na pod w rzecz kraj WIEK

WHATWHENWHOWHEREHOW czasurodziny osoby Ulubione rzeczy Na pod w rzecz kraj WIEK

WHATWHENWHOWHEREHOW czasurodziny osoby Ulubione rzeczy Na pod w rzecz kraj WIEK

WHATWHENWHOWHEREHOW czasurodziny osoby Ulubione rzeczy Na pod w rzecz kraj WIEK

WHATWHENWHOWHEREHOW czasurodziny osoby Ulubione rzeczy Na pod w rzecz kraj WIEK

…………….. is your favourite programme? …………….is your birthday? …………….is he? Hes a new student. …………….is your favourite teacher? …………….old are you? ……………..are you? Im fine. …………….is your phone number? when whoHow what HowWho

…………….. is your favourite programme? …………….is your birthday? …………….is he? Hes a new student. …………….is your favourite teacher? …………….old are you? ……………..are you? Im fine. …………….is your phone number? when whoHow what HowWho

…………….. is your favourite programme? …………….is your birthday? …………….is he? Hes a new student. …………….is your favourite teacher? …………….old are you? ……………..are you? Im fine. …………….is your phone number? when whoHow what HowWho

…………….. is your favourite programme? …………….is your birthday? …………….is he? Hes a new student. …………….is your favourite teacher? …………….old are you? ……………..are you? Im fine. …………….is your phone number? when whoHow what How Who

…………….. is your favourite programme? …………….is your birthday? …………….is he? Hes a new student. …………….is your favourite teacher? …………….old are you? ……………..are you? Im fine. …………….is your phone number? when who How what How Who

…………….. is your favourite programme? …………….is your birthday? …………….is he? Hes a new student. …………….is your favourite teacher? …………….old are you? ……………..are you? Im fine. …………….is your phone number? when who How what How Who

…………….. is your favourite programme? …………….is your birthday? …………….is he? Hes a new student. …………….is your favourite teacher? …………….old are you? ……………..are you? Im fine. …………….is your phone number? when who How what How Who

…………….. is your favourite programme? …………….is your birthday? …………….is he? Hes a new student. …………….is your favourite teacher? …………….old are you? ……………..are you? Im fine. …………….is your phone number? when who How what How Who