Is waste harmful to nature and economic? What is waste? Waste means all objects and soild substance and also useless liquid substances which are not.


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Zapis prezentacji:

Is waste harmful to nature and economic?

What is waste? Waste means all objects and soild substance and also useless liquid substances which are not sewages but made by people during their everyday activities.

Structure of waste in Poland (2000r) Solid : industrial – 75 % agricultural– 15 % municipal – 7 % dangereus– 3 % Municipal: Organic part– 32 % mineral – 21 % paper– 19 % glass– 8 % plastic – 4 % metal – 4 % Other – 12 %

How waste affects the nature?

Waste in water:

Water animal think rubbish is food and they eat for example : Turtles think foils bag is jellyfish, they eat it which clog alimentary canal, how to die in very suffering. Waves, salt water and ultraviolet radiation make crush plastic. Crus plastic look like sand. They floating on a water surface mix with thing what swim in water. In efect fish, bird and another animals eat huge account of plastic, and they die. Dangerous chemical waste mixed with water, which is drunk by water organism, pratlle anials. Floating rubbish reduces the access to oxygen in water which makes organisms living there die.

Waste on the ground:

Rubbish poisons the soil, so plants die or they are contaminated. If animals eat contaminated plants they die. In waste there is a lot of pathogenic bacteries and mushroom which attack people and animals. Landfull are the place of insects, birds and rodent, who delivers microorganisms. Animals think rubbish is food and they eat for example : foil which clog alimentary canal, how to die in a great suffer.

Birds build their nest with plastic strings that people unconsciously throw away and those strings block the access of blood to their limbs which causes swelling or even death.

Waste in the air :

When we combust many types of waste in home furnace, there arise carcinogenic dioxins or others chemicals, which combined with atmosphere cause acid rain.

Decomposition of waste Garbage on landfills, or the thrown out in forests or anywhere, decompose for a long time. That is why secondary processing is so important. It has huge effect on our natural environment. beverage carton: years tin can: years soda can: years plastic bag: years car tire: years plastic bottle: years glass bottle: several thousand years; practically does not decompose at all

How rubbish affects economy?

Garbage in parks, on the beaches and in similar places discourage tourist to visit contaminated city. Garbage lead to many diseases, which effect is absence at work. Costs of treatment of diseases induced by garbage is high. Waste pollute drinking water, and people don’t want to move house to such areas.

Photos: jpg.html jpg.html ocean/ ocean/ wilkiem-zalozycielem-i-opiekunem-biblioteki-polskiej/ wilkiem-zalozycielem-i-opiekunem-biblioteki-polskiej/ dmLj9hZjpqdWdDPDIzOjE3MzI8MjNLMTM1Kj80MCEyNGJxxxxPw%3D%3D/332dd 4434c90618c0bf36f60fa2f22af.jpg dmLj9hZjpqdWdDPDIzOjE3MzI8MjNLMTM1Kj80MCEyNGJxxxxPw%3D%3D/332dd 4434c90618c0bf36f60fa2f22af.jpg

niebo-chmury-slonce.jpeg niebo-chmury-slonce.jpeg gospodarczego/ gospodarczego/ a&hs=xHx&rls=org.mozilla:pl:official&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=1J bZUtjlLu_X7AaGmoCgCA&ved=0CCwQsAQ&biw=1600&bih=729#facrc=_&imgdii= _&imgrc=NSdjDf-3n6g3NM%253A%3BDiE2qwHn4pfa a&hs=xHx&rls=org.mozilla:pl:official&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=1J bZUtjlLu_X7AaGmoCgCA&ved=0CCwQsAQ&biw=1600&bih=729#facrc=_&imgdii= _&imgrc=NSdjDf-3n6g3NM%253A%3BDiE2qwHn4pfa Sources: encyklopedia Świat Wiedzy

Presentation created by : Martyna Jakubowska

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