The Zero Conditional If + Present Simple Present Simple Example:


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Zapis prezentacji:

The Zero Conditional If + Present Simple Present Simple Example: If you see him, tell him to call. If I leave my house, I always lock the door. Use: regular events or instructions.

The First Conditional: If + Present Simple Will + infinitive Example: If you help me, we will be on time. If he doesn’t stay here, he will look for a hotel. Use: real situations in present or future Note: „If you will stay..” is a serious mistake!

The Second Conditional If + Past Simple Would + infinitive Example: If you helped me, we would be on time. If he didn’t stay here, he would look for a hotel. If I were you, I would take it seriosly. Use: hypothetical situations in present or future or advice

The Third Conditional If + Past Perfect Would + perfect infinitive Example: If you had helped me, we would have been on time. If he hadn’t stayed here, he would have looked for a hotel. Use: hypothetical situations in the past.

The Mixed Conditional If + Past Perfect Would + infinitive Example: If I had taken that job, I would be much happier now. If he had been careful, his car would not be damaged now. Use: past situations influencing the present

Some types of inversions are common: If I were in your shoes, I wouldn’t do it Were I in your shoes, I wouldn’t do it. If I had known before, I would have called. Had I known before, I would have called.

Another type of inversion (mostly for Cond 0) If you see the fire, call the police. Should you see the fire, call the police. And questions… If you see the map, you will know what to do. Will you know what to do, if you see the map. If I won a lot of money, I would save everything. What would you do if you won a lot of money.

You are about to see a few sentences in Polish You are about to see a few sentences in Polish. Try to translate them into English, but keep in mind they are: The First Conditonal The Second Conditional The Third Conditional And some more, maybe…

Gdybyś mógł odwiedzić jeden kraj na świecie za darmo, który byś odwiedził?

The answer: If you could visit one country in the world for free, which one would you visit?

Gdybym posłuchał wczoraj moich rodziców, nie poszedłbym na tą imprezę.

The answer: If I had listened to my paretns yesterday, I wouldn’t have gone to the party.

Gdyby mój samochód nie był taki stary, pojechałbym do Rumunii wraz z tobą.

The answer: If my car wasn’t so old, I would drive to Romania with you.

Jeśli będziesz mieć kłopoty z komputerem, zadzwoń do mnie.

The answer: If you / Should you have any problems with your computer, call me.

Gdybym się uczył w podstawówce, nie miałbym dziś problemów.

The answer: If I had learned in the primary school, I wouldn’t have problems now.

Jeśli nie wiesz, co teraz robić, szef coś dla ciebie znajdzie.

The answer: If you don’t know what to do, the boss will surely find something for you.

Jeśli jutro będzie słonecznie, zajmę się moim ogrodem.

The answer: If it is sunny tomorrow, I will do some gardening.

Gdybym nie wypił tyle kawy zeszłej nocy, udałoby mi się usnąć.

The answer: If I hadn’t drunk so much coffee last night, I would have managed to fall asleep.

Gdybym miał nieco więcej pieniędzy, nie potrzebowałbym pożyczki.

The answer: If I had some more money, I wouldn’t need the bank loan.

Jeśli John nie przestanie, będzie miał poważne kłopoty.

The answer: If John does not stop, he will have serious problems / be in serious trouble.

Co zrobisz, jeśli zacznie padać?

The answer: What will you do, if it starts raining?

Gdybym był przeczytał tę książkę, powiedziałbym ci o tym.

The answer: If I had read this book, I would have told you.

Gdybym miał więcej czasu, na pewno bym ci pomógł.

The answer: If I had more time I would definately help you.

Gdybym mieszkał w Stanach Zjednoczonych, zmieniłbym swój styl życia.

The answer: If I lived in the United States, I would change my lifestyle.

Jeśli nie kupisz tego domu, ktoś inny zrobi to szybko.

The answer: If you don’t buy / Unless you buy this house, somebody else will do it quickly.

Co byś robił przez całe dnie, gdybyś nie musiał pracować?

The answer: What would you do all day, if you didn’t have to / need to work?

Jak tylko mama znajdzie ten adres, zaraz dam ci znać.

The answer: As soon as mum finds the adress, I will let you know.

Wypiłbym jeszcze jedną kawę, gdyby doktor mi na to pozwolił.

The answer: I would drink one more coffee, if my doctor allowed me to do it / let me do it.

Now, let’s change the task Now, let’s change the task. Please, finish the sentences so they are true for you. Again, pay attention to: The First Conditonal The Second Conditional The Third Conditional

If I found a stray dog in front of my door…

If I could bring alcohol to the classroom…

If my computer breaks down again…

If I have to walk through an old forest, late at night…

If I was in Africa and they gave me worms to eat…

If I had been born in England…

If I had been at a party last night…

If the Chinese come to eat us…

If I saw a strange, moving object in the sky…

If they transfer your job to Japan…