The Sunday roast is perhaps the most common feature of English cooking


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The Sunday roast is perhaps the most common feature of English cooking The Sunday roast is perhaps the most common feature of English cooking. The Sunday dinner traditionally includes roast potatoes accompanying a roasted joint of meat such as roast beef, lamb , or a roast chicken and assorted vegetables, themselves generally roasted or boiled and served with a gravy. Yorkshire pudding and gravy is now often served as an accompaniment to the main course, although it was originally served first as a "filler". (The practice of serving a roast dinner on a Sunday is related to the elaborate preparation required, and to the housewife's practice of performing the weekly wash on a Monday, when the cold remains of the roast made an easily-assembled meal). An elaborate version of roast dinner is eaten at Christmas, with almost every detail rigidly specified by tradition. Since its wide-spread availability after World War II the most popular Christmas roast is turkey, superseding the goose of Dickens's time. Game meats such as venison which were traditionally the domain of higher classes are occasionally also eaten by those wishing to experiment with a wider choice of foods, due to their promotion by Celebrity Chefs, such as Antony Worrall Thompson, although it is not usually eaten regularly in the average household.

have also become popular in urban areas. Notably, England is famous for its fish and chips and has a huge number of restaurants and take-away shops that cater to it. It is possibly the most popular and identifiable English dish, and is traditionally served with a side order of mushy peas with salt and vinegar as condiments. Foods such as Scampi, a deep fried breaded prawn dish, are also on offered as well as fishcakes or a number of other combinations. The advent of take-away foods during the industrial revolution led to foods such as fish and chips, mushy peas, and steak and kidney pie with mashed potato (pie and mash). These were the staples of the UK take-away business, and indeed of English diets however, like many national dishes, quality can vary drastically from the commercial or mass produced product to an authentic or homemade variety using more discerning ingredients. However, through ethnic influences, particularly those of Indian and Chinese, have given rise to the establishment and availability of ethnic take-away foods.From the 1980s onwards, a new variant on curry, the balti, began to become popular in the West Midlands, and by the mid 1990s was commonplace in Indian restaurants and reasurants over the country. Kebab houses, pizza restaurants and American-style fried chicken restaurants aiming at late night snacking have also become popular in urban areas.

The full English breakfast (also known as "cooked breakfast" or "fried breakfast") also remains a culinary classic. Its contents vary, but it normally consists of a combination of bacon, grilled tomatoes, fried bread, black pudding, baked beans, fried mushrooms, sausages, eggs (fried, scrambled or boiled) and other variations on these ingredients and others. Hash browns are sometimes added, though this is not considered traditional. In general, the domestic breakfast is less elaborate, and most "full english" breakfasts are bought in cafés since having being replaced by cereals. A young child's breakfast might include "soldiers", finger-shaped pieces of bread to be dipped in the yolk of a lightly boiled egg.

It is believed by some that the English "drop everything" for a teatime meal in the mid-afternoon. This is no longer the case in the workplace, and is rarer in the home. A formal teatime meal is now often an accompaniment to tourism, particularly in Devon and neighboring counties, where comestibles may include scones with jam and butter or clotted cream. There are also butterfly cakes, simple small sponge cakes which can be iced or eaten plain. Nationwide, assorted biscuits and sandwiches are eaten. Generally, however, the teatime meal has been replaced by snacking, or simply ignored.

Tea itself, usually served with milk, is consumed throughout the day and is sometimes drunk with meals. In recent years herbal teas and speciality teas have also become popular. Coffee is perhaps a little less common than in continental Europe, but is still drunk by many in both its instant and percolated forms, often with milk (but rarely with cream). Italian coffee preparations such as espresso and cappuccino and modern American variants such as the Frappuccino are increasingly popular, but generally purchased in restaurants or from specialist coffee shops rather than made in the home. Sugar is often added to individual cups of tea or coffee, though never to the pot.

Things you should do: If you cannot eat a certain type of food or have some special needs, tell your host several days before the dinner party. If you are a guest, it is polite to wait until your host starts eating or indicates you should do so. It shows consideration. Always chew and swallow all the food in your mouth before taking more or taking a drink. You may eat chicken and pizza with your fingers if you are at a barbecue, finger buffet or very informal setting. Otherwise always use a knife and fork. Always say thank you when served something. It shows appreciation. When eating rolls, break off a piece of bread before buttering. Eating it whole looks tacky. When eating soup, tip the bowl away from you and scoop the soup up with your spoon.

Things you should not do: Never lick or put your knife in your mouth. It is impolite to start eating before everyone has been served unless your host says that you don't need to wait. Never chew with your mouth open. No one wants to see food being chewed or hearing it being chomped on. It is impolite to have your elbows on the table while you are eating. Don't reach over someone's plate for something, ask for the item to be passed. Never talk with food in your mouth. It is impolite to put too much food in your mouth. Never use your fingers to push food onto your spoon or fork. It is impolite to slurp your food or eat noisily. Never blow your nose on a napkin (serviette). Napkins are for dabbing your lips and only for that. Never take food from your neighbours plate. Never pick food out of your teeth with your fingernails.

Wales Traditional Welsh foods include: Laverbread - It's basically boiled seaweed (Laver is a kind of edible seaweed). Laverbread is often served rolled with fine Welsh oatmeal into little cakes and fried into crisp patties with eggs, bacon and cockles for a traditional Welsh breakfast. Bara Brith - A rich cake Welsh Rarebit - melted cheese on toast. Cawl - a rich stew made with bacon, scraps of Welsh lamb and vegetables. Welsh Cakes, also known as Griddle Scones A type of shellfish, cockles, is often served with breakfast.

Scotland Scotland is famous for its game and salmon, the national dish is haggis and neeps (innards and offal chopped up with spices and cooked in a sheep's stomach, served with mashed turnip). Glasgow is the home of the deep-fried Mars bar. What is haggis? Haggis is made from lamb’s offal (lungs, liver and heart) mixed with suet, onions, herbs and spices, all packed into a skin bag traditionally made of a sheep’s stomach. Haggis is often served with mashed potatoes and mashed swede or turnips. It is traditionally served on Burns’ Night,



Tae salmon with maple syrup INGREDIENTS:  1 glass maple syrup  3 tablespoons soya sauce  1 fillet of salmon (without hide and bone, cut to portions)  1 glass rice  1 glass sugar  1 glass tea leaves (green; Earl Greya or You favorite tea) METHOD: Mix the syrup and soya sauce, pour the fish, put in the fridge for 1 hour. 2. Line the wok with tinfoil; pour the rice, sugar and tea, than mix. Place the bamboo basket on top, wrap up with a humid dishcloth to make an isolation. 3. Place the wok over little heat, wait until it is smoked. 4. Drain the salmon (keep the pickle), put in to the basket, and keep on a little heat for 15 minutes in the meanwhile smoke the salmon in the tea smoke. 5. Pour the pick into the saucepan, cook until the syrup is thick. 6. Take the fish out of the basket, place in the oven on a pre - heated barbecue, roast for 3 minutes. 7. Serve the fishes with gnocchi noodles, fruit salse or boiled vegetables.


Dublin Coddle INGREDIENTS:  450g thinly cut bacon  900g pork sausage  2 tablespoons vegetable oil  2 big onions, thinly cut  2 claves of garlic  4 big potatoes, thickly cut  2 thickly cut carrots  1 big bundle fresh herbs, black pepper, fresh parsley METHOD: 1. Delicately roast the bacon until become crisp. Put in the big pot. 2. Bush the sausages in vegetable oil. Put in the sausages in pot. 3. Dip the cut onions and all garlic in FAT, next add in the pot, together with the potatoes on the carrots. 4. Place herbs inside the dish. Sprinkle pepper. 5. Boil for 1,5 hours over medium heat, don’t admit to boiling. 6. Decorate with parsley.


Chicken witch cashew nuts INGREDIENTS:  2 glasses boiled, cut chicken  2 glasses fresh cut asparaguses  2 teaspoons soya sauce  ½ glass cut champignons  ¾ glass chicken soup  2 tablespoons corn flour or potato flour  2 ½ glasses cashew nuts or hazel-nuts  salt, pepper  2 tablespoons oil METHOD: 1. Heat the oil, throw in the asparaguses, fry for 2 minutes, add the chicken, soya sauce, the seasons, the champignons, pour with the chicken soup and simmer under the cower for 5 minutes. 2. Mix the corn flour in a little cold water and together with nuts add to the saucepan, and fry for 50 seconds, until the sauce thicken. 3. Serve with the rice, pasta or potatoes.

Salad of melon and tomatoes PAPUA - NEW GUINEA Salad of melon and tomatoes INGREDIENTS: 1 unripe melon 4 tomatoes  1 glass roasted peanuts  Lemon juice  Sugar  Salt METHOD: 1. Peel the melon, remove the stone seeds and the white flesh, dice. 2. Dice the tomatoes also, chop the peanuts. 3. Mix the melon and tomatoes, sprinkle with the lemon juice, pour with pinch of sugar and salt, add some peanuts.

GREAT BRITAIN In English cuisine, appear a lot of sauces and the most important is mint sauce. British have grot also different meet dishes (mostly boiled), and puree of turnip or celery, mutton chops of combra by grill on spade. Of soups must distinguish for instance: oxtail soup and turtle soup of sea turtle. Is also popular so – called mock – turtle soup prepared of real head. Characteristic dish of English cuisine, except pudding, is so – called pie. It is another casserole prepared of chicken, ham, pieces of different meet and slices of hard – boiled eggs. Eggs and bacon is the most popular dish for breakfast. National beverages for English are tea and beer.


Fish and chips (serves 4) INGREDIENTS: Two fillets of cod or other fish (each by 100 grams)  Salt, fish spice  1 egg  100g flour  100 ml (millilitres) beer  A little water  Pinch curry  Oil METHOD: 1. Season the fillets. 2. Make dough of the egg, flour and beer, if it is too thick, add some water. 3. Add curry and salt. 4. Dip the fillets in the dough. 5. Heat the oil on a frying pan and fry the fillets until golden brown. 6. Serve with chips.


Scotch eggs (Sevres 4-6 ) INGREDIENTS:  8 hard – boiled eggs, without eggshell  1 egg and 2 tablespoons water, lightly beat together  700 g raw pork sausage  1 tablespoons corn flour or potato flour  Salt  Pepper Pastry:  2 or 3 crush slices bread or breadcrumbs  1 egg  Sunflower oil to fry

METHOD: 1. Bone the raw pork sausages, the meat fine – cut in food mixer. 2. Place in a bowl, add corn flour or potato flour, pepper and in case of must, salt too. Mix thoroughly all together. 3. Form thin cutlets of meat, so as to the egg to be situated inside. 4. Dip successively the hard – boiled eggs in beat egg with water, next entirely cover the eggs with the meat. 5. Prepare pastry: beat egg with two tablespoons of water in bowl. Spill the breadcrumbs or the crush bread on board for cut or clean table. 6. The eggs in meat dip in beat egg, next cover with the breadcrumbs or the crush bread. 7. After preparations all eggs in this way, put in these eggs in fridge for at least 30 minutes. 8. Heat the sunflower oil proper for deep – fry in deep saucepan. Fry the cutlet and take out colander spoon. 9. Serve with mustard or ketchup. For this dish, suit lettuce also.


Laverbread INGREDIENTS:  225 g Shortcrust pastry  300 ml milk  3 eggs  125 g laver bread  50 g chopped ham  50 g cheddar cheese  125 g cream cheese  fresh parsley  salt and pepper  225 g cooked chopped vegetables i.e. carrots, leeks, celery, onions etc. METHOD: 1. Line a 12 inch buttered case with pastry. Part roast in the oven. 2. Add all the other ingredients together, except for the cheddar cheese and place the mixture into a flan case. 3. Bake for 20 minutes on Gas Mouk 4 or equivalent. 4. Add grated cheddar cheese and grill. 5. Serve hot


Cake with the peanut INGREDIENTS:  2 glasses flour  1 glass sugar  ½ glass peanut butter  ½ slab of butter  2 tablespoons natural yogurt  ½ teaspoon soda  1 tablespoon vanilla sugar METHOD: 1. First connect all ingredients except flour in bowl (butter ought to be soft). Next, all the time gradually add the flour. Forms the smooth cake. 2. Mould the balls a 3-1, 57 inches diameter. Crush the each ball in palms. 3. Bake for 10-14 minutes; in preheat the oven to 347 degrees Fahrenheit, until golden. 4. These cakes have such exceptional taste, so it is not necessary that icing cover them.


1. A slab of butter - kostka masła 2. Asparagus - szparag 3. Bake - piec (ciasto) 4. Basil - bazylia 5. Batter - ciasto naleśnikowe 6. Bean - fasolka, bób 7. Beat - ubijać (białko), trzepać (trzepaczką) 8. Blanch - parzyć (owoce) 9. Blender - mikser 10. Blush - przyrumienić 11. Boiling water - wrzątek 12. Bone - obierać (mięso, rybę), kość, ość 13. Bottom - dno, spód 14. Bread - fruit - drzewo chlebowe 15. Bundle - wiązka 16. Buttered - posmarowany masłem 17. Casserole - naczynie żaroodporne 18. Champignon - pieczarka 19. Chicken soup - rosół z kury 20. Chill - chłodny, chłodzić

21. Chip - wiórek 22. Chop - siekać 23. Chunk - kawałek 24. Clods - grudki 25. Clove (garlic) - ząbek (czosnku) 26. Cloves - goździki 27. Cognac - koniak 28. Connect - połączyć 29. Coriander - kolendra 30. Couple - para 31. Crimb - marszczyć, karbować 32. Chips - chrupiący 33. Crumble - kruszyć, rozdrabniać 34. Curd - twaróg 35. Diameter - średnica 36. Dice - kroić w kostkę 37. Dish - potrawa, danie, półmisek 38. Disposable - jednorazowego użytku 39. Drain - odsączyć 40. Dried - suszony, sproszkowany, w proszku

41. Edge - krawędź, brzeg 42. Entirely - w całości 43. Evaporate - odparować (wodę) 44. Except - z wyjątkiem, oprócz 45. Fill - napełniać, zapełniać 46. Filling - nadzienie 47. Fine - drobno 48. Fine – cut - drobno pokrojony 49. Flesh - miąższ 50. Fluid - płyn 51. Foam - piana 52. Food processor - robot kuchenny 53. Frankfurter - parówka 54. Further - dalej, dodatkowy, dalszy 55. Gelatine - żelatyna 56. Gently - delikatnie 57. Giblets - podroby drobiowe 58. Glaze - szklić 59. Grate - ucierać na tarce, ruszt, palenisko 60. Gravy - sos pieczeniowy

61. Grease - smarować tłuszczem 62. Grind - ucierać 63. Ground - zmielony (kawa) 64. Hazel – nut - orzech laskowy 65. I.E. = Id est - to jest 66. Iced - mrożony, lukrowany 67. Imbibe - nasiąkać 68. Immediately - natychmiast, bezpośrednia 69. Inch - cal 70. Inside - w środku (wnętrze) 71. Layer - warstwa 72. Leave - pozostawić 73. Lentil - soczewica 74. Lid - pokrywka, wieko 75. Line - wyściełać, wyłożyć 76. Liquid - ciecz, płyn, ciekły, płynny 77. Liquidize - miksować 78. Mash - utłuc 79. Mayonnaise - majonez 80. Meanwhile - tymczasem

81. Melt - topić, topliwy 82. Meringue - beza 83. Minced - siekać, zemleć (mięso) 84. Mixture - mieszanka 85. Mousse - mus 86. Ounce - uncja, odrobinka, krztynka 87. Oven - piekarnik 88. Pancake - naleśnik 89. Parsley leaves - natka pietruszki 90. Pastry - placek, ciasto, ciastko 91. Peanut - orzech ziemny 92. Peanut butter - masło orzechowe 93. Peel - obierać (owoce), skórka (z owoców) 94. Pick with fork - nakłuć widelcem 95. Piece, bit - kawałek 96. Pinch - szczypta 97. Pint - półkwarty 98. Plain - zwyczajny 99. Pot - garnek 100 .Pre – heated - podgrzany

101. Pressed - tłoczyć, wyciskać 102. Refrigerate - chłodzić, ochładzać 103. Remaining - pozostały 104. Resembles - być podobnym, przypominać 105. Rinse - płukać 106. Roast - piec (mięso), prażyć 107. Roll (out) - rozwałkować 108. Salad bowl - salaterka 109. Saucepan - rondel 110. Scatter - brained - roztrzepane 111. Season - przyprawiać 112. Seed - nasiono 113. Serve - podawać 114. Shell - obierać (jajka), łupinka 115. Shortening - tłuszcz piekarniczy 116. Shred - szatkować 117. Shrimp - krewetka 118. Sieve - przesłać 119. Simmer - dusić na wolnym ogniu 120. Slice - kroić w plasterki

121. Slit - szpara, szczelina, rozcięcie, rozcinać 122. Smear - posmarować, natłuścić 123. Smooth - gładki 124. So as to - tak aby 125. Soak - moczyć, namoczyć 126. Sprig - gałązka 127. Sprinkle - skrapiać, posypać 128. Stalk - łodyga 129. Stiff - sztywny 130. Stir - mieszać 131. Stock - wywar, bulion 132. Strain - cedzić 133. Streap - pasek 134. Substance - masa 135. Swell - pęcznieć 136. Tender - miękki 137. Thicken - gęstnieć 138. Thoroughly - dokładnie 139. Tin - puszka 140. Tinfoil - folia aluminiowa

141. To cut to pieces - kroić na kawałki 142. Topping - przybranie (potrawy) 143. Uniform - jednolity 144. Unripe - niedojrzały (owoc) 145. Whipped cream - bita śmietana 146. Whisk - ubijać, trzepaczka (do piany) 147. White of an egg - białko jajka 148. Wok - duża patelnia (chińska) 149. Wrap - owijać, zawijać, zapakować