Rules of editing the documents


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Rules of editing the documents Great importance should be attached to the external appearance of the letter and its content. The impression - good or bad about the sender of the letter is made by form, i.e paper, cleanliness, layout on paper Katarzyna Gagan, Anna Krawczuk

Katarzyna Gagan, Anna Krawczuk In developing the layout of the document there should be taken into account: page margins - have a major impact on the appearance of the letter. Left margin min. 2.5 cm, right - 1.25 cm - top and bottom margins - also improve readability and give the aesthetic appearance (margins should not be less than 2 cm), paragraphs - division of content of the letter into paragraphs beginning with a new line. After discussing a particular point there should be another paragraph to discuss the next issue - from the indentation (a linea layout) or an additional interval of one line (block layout), layout of content - even distribution of content of the letter on the page, next pages of the document - if the letter consists of several pages, the next page we write on paper without print or printed, but then do not repeat all the standard data from the first page. Katarzyna Gagan, Anna Krawczuk

Katarzyna Gagan, Anna Krawczuk Layout of content Frequently, there are the following systems of the text in publications: All lines are written from the left margin, and every new thought (paragraph) is separated by extra spacing (blank line). Titles and subtitles in a block are written in the left margin. block Each new paragraph begins with indentation. Titles and subtitles are written in the middle, symmetrically on the text. a linea Katarzyna Gagan, Anna Krawczuk

Katarzyna Gagan, Anna Krawczuk Layouts of document Also, office correspondence and other official documents can be formatted in a block or a linea system typical for office correspondence all lines are written from the left margin single spacing      Block system comes from handwriting Increased spacing (1.5 to 2) indent the first line used for special letters, invitations, speeches          a linea system Katarzyna Gagan, Anna Krawczuk

Components of the document Poland has PN, which has identified the following components of letter: 1. Heading 2. Name (name and surname) and address of the recipient 3. Referring marks: - Your letter of the day, - Mark, - Our mark, - Date 4. Identification of the subject 5. Content 6. Signature 7. Additional elements Katarzyna Gagan, Anna Krawczuk

Name and address of the recipient Identification of the subject Components of the document Name and address of the recipient Treść Podpis City, date Nagłówek pisma Numer pisma Załączniki Określenie sprawy Content Signature Heaading Document number Attachments Identification of the subject Katarzyna Gagan, Anna Krawczuk

Katarzyna Gagan, Anna Krawczuk Heading We put it in the upper left corner or the middle of the sheet. It contains the name and address of the sender of the letter.. Agnieszka Kowalska ul. Rumiankowa 3 12-154 Łomża Tel. 0-86 143-052-115 Fax 0-86 143-052-117 Katarzyna Gagan, Anna Krawczuk

Katarzyna Gagan, Anna Krawczuk City, date We write it on the right side, in the same line, in which we begin to write the heading. Customary, there is a city put here. After the city, we put a comma and date - Arabic numerals, in a two-digit day, month and year ATTENTION: Americans write the date in other order - month - day - year, so in correspondence with the United States there should always be a name of month and not number Katarzyna Gagan, Anna Krawczuk

Katarzyna Gagan, Anna Krawczuk Recipient Data on the recipient enter in a block system on the right side of the paper, below the sender's address. Between the name and address of the institution we give extra space. Above the recipient we can enter the type of correspondence, e.g .: REGISTERED, AIR, etc. If you write to a specific person(s), before the first and last name, type: Ms., Mr. Katarzyna Gagan, Anna Krawczuk

Katarzyna Gagan, Anna Krawczuk Sender REGISTERED LETTER Ms. Agnieszka Kowalska ul. Dobra 3 18-117 Łomża or Mr. Krzysztof Zieliński Director Przedsiębiorstwo Handlowe - Usługowe„4Mat” w Łomży . Katarzyna Gagan, Anna Krawczuk

Katarzyna Gagan, Anna Krawczuk Refferring marks These include: recipient’s marks (his symbol), the date of the letter to which we write the answer, our mark (our symbol), the date of the document. Mark is the abbreviation - the number of the next letter slash a year, for example .: PZU 22/16 is a letter from PZU, the order in the record - 22 in 2016. Referring marks are placed in the left margin below the recipient's address. Katarzyna Gagan, Anna Krawczuk

Katarzyna Gagan, Anna Krawczuk Referring marks Agnieszka Kowalska Łomża, 10-07-2016 r. ul. Dobra 3 18-117 Łomża Mr Krzysztof Zieliński Director Przedsiębiorstwo Handlowe - Usługowe„4Mat” w Łomży Our symbol: C/34/16 Recipients symbol: Case: request for offer Katarzyna Gagan, Anna Krawczuk

Katarzyna Gagan, Anna Krawczuk Referring marks Przedsiębiorstwo Handlowo-Usługowe Łomża, 10-07-2016 r. ul. Kwiatowa 3 18-117 Łomża 086 117 234 56 Ms. Agnieszka Kowalska ul. Dobra 3 id.22/04 Case: response to a request for offer C/34/16 z 10 lipca 2016 r. Katarzyna Gagan, Anna Krawczuk

Katarzyna Gagan, Anna Krawczuk Content Documents can be formatted in a block or a linea system Do not mix systems, and if you start writing in one of the systems, the use it consistently to the end. You can use content scoring, a distinction of important pieces of text. You can also entitle a letter (e.g. "The Offer", "Administration", etc.) or write from the left margin: "Subject:" or "Case" and write in one sentence, what the letter is about. This is the topic of the letter. Most often it is expressed using slogan, it facilitates rapid orientation in the content of the letter, and enables efficient directing it to the proper department. Katarzyna Gagan, Anna Krawczuk

Structure of the ending Z poważaniem Łączę wyrazy szacunku, Z wyrazami szacunku, Pozdrawiamy (wtedy gdy znamy odbiorcę pisma). After the content within 3 spaces, on the right side, we write a polite farewell, e.g .: Sincerely Yours sincerely, Yours faithfully, Greetings (when we know the recipient of the letter). Katarzyna Gagan, Anna Krawczuk

Katarzyna Gagan, Anna Krawczuk Signatures On the right side of the sheet write the formula of signatures, which includes the position and the name of the signatory (can be entered also academic title). Formula signatures can be made in a block: Director (mgr Anna Nowakowska) or in a symmetrical arrangement President (mgr Anna Król) If the document is signed by two people, you can layout signatures - one on the left and one on the right: Chief Accountant Head of Commercial Department (Joanna Jagiełło) (Krzysztof Zieliński) Katarzyna Gagan, Anna Krawczuk

Katarzyna Gagan, Anna Krawczuk Attachments On the left side, at the same height as a signature, we write the word Attachments If the letter has two signatures - from right and left, an expression Attachments is placed below the signature on the left side. After the expression we place the names of attachments using a single spacing If we add information brochures, catalogs or leaflets, we are informing about it in the text of the letter, e.g .: As attachments you receive .......... Please read the enclosed leaflet ..... In this case, do not enterinformation about attachments below the content of the letter. Katarzyna Gagan, Anna Krawczuk

Katarzyna Gagan, Anna Krawczuk Attachments: Handwritten signature A copy of certificate of the Matura, A copy of the diploma for the taking third place ...... .. Yours sincerely, Or: Chief Accountant Head of Commercial Department (mgr Joanna Jagiełło) (mgr Anna Król) Załączniki: Katarzyna Gagan, Anna Krawczuk