„Forest fire protection in Poland and Europe”


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Zapis prezentacji:

„Forest fire protection in Poland and Europe”

Afforestation in Europe

Afforestation in Poland

Forest For many people forest is a friendly, known from childhood, easily accessible  and nice to look at place. It is also an area to relax and to pick mushrooms. On the other hand for the biologist natural forest is very complex ecosystem where trees are one of the most important elements.

Wildfires Fire is main danger for our forests. It quickly spreads around the area which deprives animals their lives and destroys nature.

Causes Adults’ carelessness while using open fire, for example: cigarettes, matches Machines’ failure and breaking electrical cables Lightings Intentional burns caused by mentally ill people Playing with fire and using fireworks

Since many years the main reason of wildfires in forests in Poland and Europe is human activity which causes from 95 to 99% of all fires.

After effects Financial losses connected with firefighting action Costs of cleaning site after fire Trees damage Costs connected with bringing the enviroment back to normal Discharge toxic compounds

Prevention Don’t make bonfires Don’t leave glass bottles on the ground Care and control electrical installation Don’t smoke cigarettes Don’t burn down grass gl

Organisations CPFA Europe The Confederation of Fire Protection Associations Europe (CFPA-Europe) is an association of national organisations in Europe concerned primarily with fire prevention & protection and also safety & security and other associated risks.

EAPFP (European Association for Passive Fire Protection) was formed in 1988 to act as a "European" voice on behalf of national associations representing manufacturers, contractors and other institutions involved in fire protection to steelwork, timber, and other passive fire protection applications, including penetration seals and ductwork.

Bibliography http://dzienniklesny.pl/przyroda/lasy-w-liczbach/ http://www.instytutobywatelski.pl/25148/komentarze/polityka- komentarze/puszcza-to-nie-tylko-drewno http://www.edukacja.psp.wlkp.pl/index.php?option=com_content &view=article&id=110:poary-lasow&catid=45:bezpiecznie-w-lesie-i- na-wsi&Itemid=105 https://olawa998.wordpress.com/2014/03/06/przyczyny-pozarow- lasow-w-polsce/ https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Po%C5%BCar#Po.C5.BCary_las.C3.B 3w http://cfpa-e.eu/ http://www.eapfp.com/index.php https://www.google.pl/search?q=po%C5%BCar+lasu&espv=2&sour ce=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiu6vKCvNHSAhWFuxQ KHYCjBFAQ_AUIBigB&biw=1440&bih=794#tbm=isch&q=destruct ive+fire'&*&imgdii=UQwfwlSObjJ1cM:&imgrc=bvfQoE4KuAxJUM:

Authors: Zuzanna Gajewicz Kinga Wójcik Gabriela Dziubek