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Software Engineering 0. Information on the Course Leszek J Chmielewski Faculty of Applied Informatics and Mathematics (WZIM) Warsaw University of Life Sciences (SGGW) www.lchmiel.pl
Software Engineering 0. Information on the Course 2/6 Sources Materiały dra Waldemara Karwowskiego, wykładowcy w poprzednich semestrach Materiały z ważniaka: http://wazniak.mimuw.edu.pl Ian Sommerville, Inżynieria Oprogramowania, WNT, Warszawa 2003 Ian Sommerville, Software Engineering, Pearson Education Limited, 2001 Włodzimierz Dąbrowski, Kazimierz Subieta, Podstawy inżynierii oprogramowania, Wydawnictwo PJWSTK, Warszawa 2005. Inne materiały, osobno cytowane
Software Engineering 0. Information on the Course 3/6 Points, credit Forms of activity during the course 1. Base: active participation in all the lessons: lecures and laboratories. 2. Presence. 3. Group project in a 2-person group. 4. Short tests works can be carried out without notice. 5. Home works are to be expected after some labs.
Software Engineering 0. Information on the Course 4/6 Punktacja, zaliczenie Points and marks 1. Up to two absences in a semester are admissible, three are a threshold value. 2. A student can gain 100 points maximum. Marks: 2 (0-49 pt) - 3 (50-59 pt) - 3,5 (60-69 pt) - 4 (70-79 pt) - 4,5 (80-89 pt) – 5 (90-100 pt). 3. The following elements are taken into account: - presence during the lab: –5 pt for one absence - activity, short tests, home works: up to 20 pt - test at the end of the course: up to 40 pt - project: up to 40 pt (input of each person will be checked separately). 4. Absence on the day of project presentation and final test will result in the lack of points for the element. 5. Contact me in the case of any special circumstances.
Software Engineering 0. Information on the Course 5/6 Lecture Books are out of print Internet materials do not fit this lecture Therefore I encourage, ask, advice, or even command to attend the lectures
Software Engineering 0. Information on the Course 6/6 Contact with the lecturer Leszek Chmielewski Ph.D., D.Sc. (habil.), Eng., prof. SGGW leszek_chmielewski@sggw.pl http://www.lchmiel.pl Consulting hours: Thursday 09:00-10:30 Room 3/68
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