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Pobieranie prezentacji. Proszę czekać

Rites and rituals in Poland. Funeral In Poland, the bodies of the dead are buried on the third day after death, rarely on Sunday. Candles and flowers.

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1 Rites and rituals in Poland

2 Funeral

3 In Poland, the bodies of the dead are buried on the third day after death, rarely on Sunday. Candles and flowers in the honor of the deceased are placed on the grave.

4 Wedding

5 In Poland, the wedding begins with the blessing given by the parents of the young couple. After the church wedding guests and the young couple have fun at the wedding reception.

6 Birth

7 In Poland when a child is born, all the family members already know about that. They buy clothes and diapers, crib and a pram. When the child is about 3 months old it shall be baptized.

8 Bibliography ● http://ekalinowska.pl/zaplanowany-slub-i-zobowiazania-finansowe-nie-pozwalaja-mi-odejsc http://ekalinowska.pl/zaplanowany-slub-i-zobowiazania-finansowe-nie-pozwalaja-mi-odejsc ● http://chelmno.blox.pl/2008/11/Grob-Nieznanego-Zolnierza.html http://chelmno.blox.pl/2008/11/Grob-Nieznanego-Zolnierza.html ● http://www.nieustajacapomoc.belchatow.pl/additional/slub.html http://www.nieustajacapomoc.belchatow.pl/additional/slub.html ● http://dzieciowo.pl/2009/03/jak-wybrac-dobry-wozek-dla-dziecka.html

9 Thank you for watching By Bartosz

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