Wyprawa nurkowa CAIRNS - AUSTRALIA

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1 Wyprawa nurkowa CAIRNS - AUSTRALIA

2 Katamaran dostosowany do potrzeb klienta
Na początek:: Katamaran dostosowany do potrzeb klienta - Usługi fotograficzne - Nitrox - Indywidualny program nurkowania Supersport –larger more modern version of Watersport. Introduced to expand Townsville Coral Sea operations Port Douglas to Osprey. Built in Perth to coincide with Alan Bond’s defence of the America’s Cup. (mb tell toilet story)‏

3 Paradise lounge

4 Paradise premium cabin
Rajska kabina premium


6 New engines, gensets, air/nitox compressor system, Club Cabins w private ensuites, furnishings, artwork and LCD TV’s. Komfortowe i przestrzenne wnętrze katamaranu

7 Serwis sprzętu nurkowego
Nitrox $20 perday

8 Nurkowanie samotne dla zaawansowanych.…
5 specialties in one dive ie photo/solo/nitrox/wreck/deep

9 Nieograniczona ilość nurkowań…

10 od zmierzchu do nocy… from from dawn to night…
Unlimited diving night dive

11 Program Ekologiczny Rafy
Female Lyre Tailed Anthias. Seqential hermaphrodite, (changes from female to male) same as your operation Ronnie! uczysz się o tym co widzisz…

12 Wyprawa Coral Sea Safari – 7 Nights
Dla Pasjonatów Wyprawa Coral Sea Safari – 7 Nights Great Barrier Reef & Coral Sea Shows just the 1st half of Spoilsport itinerary Dla nurków zaawansowanych – oswojonych do warunków na otwartym morzu, i głebokich ścian z prądem wodnym . . .

13 Pierwsze nurkowanie płytkie ale jakże fantastyczne - cudne ogrody koralowe…
Friday- wake up at Challenger Bay Shallow but fantastic pristine coral gardens

14 Cod Hole … 2 dives Friday afternoon. vibrant coral cover-

15 (cod and Ulla)‏ here diver size fish swim with you- one of the worlds most exciting dive experiences! Nurek jest wielkości ryby, obok której pływa…

16 Piątkowy wieczór, płyniemy na Morze Koralowe…
Friday night heading NE t o Coral Sea how far??? Spoilsport Eats up the weather, without exception crew and guests say “they have never been on better sea going liveaboard”. Don’t include below history 2004 MB Inducted into the International Scuba Diving Hall of Fame (significant contribution to Liveaboard Industry)‏ At launching All MBDE vessels have raised the industry standard for diver comfort and convenience First operator in the world to provide a legitimate solo diving service First vessel in Oz with Nitrox membrane system onboard First vessels in Oz with Trip Directors onboard – (ensures great diving and great time)‏ First vessels in Oz with photo pro onboard !

17 Rekiny w przejrzystej i lazurowej wodzie…
Not the girl- the fantastic viz and swags of sharks!! Grey Whalers Sharks depleting on most of worlds reefs however not at Osprey. Rekiny w przejrzystej i lazurowej wodzie…

18 Poczuj smak przygody na własnej skórze…
She only did one dive anyway!! We spend 2 days in Coral Sea enjoying…

19 spectacular plummeting walls to - huge soft coral trees. 1000m (3300ft)
Podziwianie różnokolorowej, kwitnącej Rafy…

20 Spektakularne nurkowanie z rekinami w North Horn . . .
(Grey tipped Whaler)‏ Spectacular shark attraction dive at North Horn. Spektakularne nurkowanie z rekinami w North Horn . . .

21 Shark Feed, controlled diet, to match local fish species and quantity
Shark Feed, controlled diet, to match local fish species and quantity. normal 1- 2 kg per week) white tip and grey whalers live to approx 30 Grey Whalers (Grey Reef Shark) 24(15-20) at North Horne. White Tip reef shark, 36(30-35) nocturnal, sleep in day time, open mouth pump through gills, feed down to 20meters. Male travel 3mile, female, 1mile. Skupisko rekinów to jedna z głównych atrakcji nurkowania…

22 Focus?

23 Big fish action… Liz how good is the Shot with the Trevally and the girl looking up?
Ławice podróżujących ryb…

24 Need new hammerhead shot here (1m to 1000m
Ignore following Should try to find them in a southerly current like we do at Hammerhead Reef 35 metrów pod wodą…

25 Dolphin fish –Mahi Mahi in pairs (male has blunt head- for additional brain space )hunting flying fish. Mahi Mahi …

26 Round the bend (Steep wall 1m -1000m, 10mile from Nth Horn)‏
(28-15metre)‏ Manta with rostral paddles in furled hydrodynamic position Manta z rozłożonymi ramionami….

27 Unikalne życie morskie
Coral Sea Angel Fish- coral rubble meters Named after Phil Woodhead,

28 Black Butterfly Fish- reef top- 8-10 meters

29 Cave Anthias - inverted in caves & crevices- 10-50 meters

30 White Barred Wrasse-cryptic hides on reef slope- 20-50meter

31 What heading are we on? Goannas are a species of monitor lizard. There are 58 living species of goanna and most of them are carnivores. Goannas find their food by searching widely across the landscape, catching animals by stalking or digging them out of shelters and nests. They are aided in their search for food by their long forked tongues which they flick in and out, picking up chemicals in the air and on the ground. The goanna is about 160cm in length with its head and body measuring about 70cm.  Its flattened body has strong legs with toes and claws and can give a fierce blow with its long tail. Goannas can climb trees and swim strongly. They dig a system of burrows which they use to keep in cool in and after mating the female will lay her eggs in the burrow and then seal the entrance and hides it from other predators. Niedzielna noc na Lizard Island w połowie drogi…

32 Green turtle, feeding on turtle grass off Lizard Island-Raine Is
Green turtle, feeding on turtle grass off Lizard Island-Raine Is. one of the worlds largest Green turtle rookeries is 150 miles north! 6 of the worlds 7 turtle species found on GBR other species: Green- most common on reef Flatback- only species endemic to Australia (low domed carapace with upturned edges- olive grey colour)‏ Loggerhead-(large head compared to others)‏ Olive Ridley- rarely seen, prefers shallow protected waters Hawksbill-attractive transparent scale makes this commercially valuable. Leatherback- not common in tropical waters. Zielony żółw karmi się trawa przy Lizard Island…

33 Wyprawa Lot i Nurkowanie – 3 Night
W programie: Różnorodność ryb i koralowców, Mniej podróżowania Więcej Komfortu, Najleprze pływanie ABC


35 Dugong: Dugongs, or sea cows as they are sometimes called, grow to about 3 metres in length and weigh as much as 400 kilograms (1000 lbs) Living mainly on seagrasses, which form meadows in sheltered coastal waters.  Dugongs are more closely related to elephants than dolphins and whales.  Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Communities have taken steps to reduce hunting and, in areas south of Cooktown, to cease hunting of dugong altogether for the time being. Dugongs – Morskie Krowy rosną do 3 metrów i ważą do 400 kg.

36 The Great Barrier Reef has 400 species or coral and 1500 species of fish ranging from ….pto
Wielka Rafa Koralowa ma 400 rodzajów korali…

37 Coral Spawn: One night each November, the waters of the Great Barrier Reef and Coral Sea come to life as more than 200 species of coral spawn.  The shifting waters are filled with colourful polyps made luminescent by your torch light.  The coral spawn is the first stage in a remarkable chain of events that sees the reef rejuvenated for future snorkellers and divers. W listopadzie ponad 200 rodzajów korali rozpyla się w Rafie Koralowej i Morzu Koralowym

38 to magnificent whales sharks-(unlikely to see whale sharks)‏
Na Wielkiej Rafie Koralowej żyje ponad 1500 gatunków ryb… oto rekin wielorybi

39 Goby on whip coral maleńki goby’s . . .

40 Krab pająkowy – adoptuje sie do kolorów środowiska
Spider Crab on whip coral – can adapt colour to suit surroundings – How rare? Krab pająkowy – adoptuje sie do kolorów środowiska

41 This 55 mile chain of reefs from Lizard Island to Cooktown is the most prized dive region of Australia’s Great Barrier Reef. This is where you can see more of the Great Barrier Reefs 1500 fish and 400 coral species than elsewhere. The currents that channel between the ribbon reefs attract large fish populations. Marine life encounters range from pygmy seahorses to manta rays and whales. … while feeding the rostral paddles direct plankton to mouth 55 mil łańcucha Rafy od Lizard Island do Cooktown - najbardziej ceniony obszar do nurkowania na Rafie

42 9 rodzajów błazenków mieszka na Wielkiej Rafie Koralowej…
Anemone fish 9 GBR pink/true/black back/clarke/ red black/ orange fin/ gbr/(27 worldwide)‏

43 43 gatunki Butterfly Fish …
Dot and dat Butterfly Fish – 43 species

44 Over 1001 species of nudibranch in Aus – 4 common body shapes.
This is the most common (Doridaceans, Chromodors coi) with a pair of tentacles (rhinopores) on top of head and feathery gills on back.

45 Spinner Dolphin small dolphin in large pods feed at night in deep water on fish and squid.

46 Cod Wall – 7 day guests head out in inflatables to do drift at Cod Wall while new guests are having dive brief. exciting alternative to the Cod Hole. At the reef’s outer edge the deep, pristine, Cod Wall, is a series of stepped ledges to 60 metres. Grey reef sharks, bull sharks, flowery cod and diver size Queensland groper roam this deep wall. Zalety nurkowania w prądzie wodnym przy Cod Hole –zewnętrzynm brzegu rafy...

47 Cod Hole

48 Day #4, Monday – dive the Cod Hole again or Cod Wall (weather side of reef) before heading off to our prime Great Barrier Reef sites; ..i wiecej Cod Hole .

49 Challenger Bay’s Baza! (1/Monday, pm)‏
home of Baza the barracuda, many moray eel, lionfish use the light of your torch to find their supper. Pixie Pinnacle, Vertical Gardens.(2/ Tuesday)‏ Pixie Pinnacle where you may find harlequin ghost pipefish, leafy scorpion fish and lace scorpion fish. Vertical Gardens is a natural amphitheatre, and home to a herd of large green bump head parrotfish. They make an awesome procession crunching their way through the reef! (giant clam)‏ Późne popołudnie w Pixe Pinnacle …

50 Barracuda w Challenger Bay …
Challenger Bay’s Baza! (1/Monday, pm)‏ home of Baza the barracuda, many moray eel, lionfish use the light of your torch to find their supper. Barracuda w Challenger Bay …

51 Many lined Sweetlip Pixie Pinnacle, Vertical Gardens.(2/ Tuesday)‏ Pixie Pinnacle where you may find harlequin ghost pipefish, leafy scorpion fish and lace scorpion fish. Vertical Gardens is a natural amphitheatre, and home to a herd of large green bump head parrotfish. They make an awesome procession crunching their way through the reef! (giant clam)‏ Pixie Pinnacle . . .

52 Specjalna ekspedycja – wieloryb Minke
Lighthouse Bommie (2/ Tuesday)- Top 5 Minke sites: Lighthouse/Cod Hole/Pixie Pinnacle/Challenger/Steves Lighthouse Bommie is a pinnacle rising from the sand at 30 metres. This site is also famous for its olive green sea snakes, turtles, schools of bream and large colonies of anemones.(leaf scorpion fish)‏

53 szczytowy miesiąc: czerwiec - lipiec
Nasza licencja pozwala nam na wyszukiwanie i interakcję z wielorybem Minke… Dwarf Minke Whale SIZE INFO 2006 is the 11th year we assisted James Cook University’s Minke Whale Research. In the months, of June to August you can enjoy more Minke whale sightings and longer encounters than elsewhere in the world. Sezon – maj do sierpnia szczytowy miesiąc: czerwiec - lipiec

54 Humpback: The GBR is a breeding ground to about 30 species of whales and dolphins.  Between May and September, humpback whales trek north to the warmer waters of the reef to court, mate, give birth and rear their calves. Quick Facts:  Length: Adults: 14m to 18m; (40-60’) Calves: 4m to 5m (12-16’) at birth Weight: Adults: up to 50 tonnes; Calves: 2 tonnes at birth Humpback whales are one of the most exuberant of all whale species, and are celebrated for their energetic antics and haunting 'songs'.  During migration, male humpback whales often 'sing' complex, lengthy and distinctive songs to communicate their presence to females to entice them to mate. They use syllables and rhyming phrases with a complex sequence of clicks, moans and eerie high-pitched wails that can last for a few moments or an hour. The sounds range from canary-like chirps to deep rumbling sounds that carry for hundreds of kilometres. The 'songs' change subtly each year and different humpback populations have different songs.   Humpback whales were nearly hunted to extinction. The last whaling station in NSW, at Byron Bay, closed in 1962 because so few whales could be found. Humpback whales are now protected throughout Australia and in NSW are listed as a vulnerable species under the Threatened Species Conservation Act Maj do września wieloryb Humpback (długopłetwiec) przenoszą się do ciepłych wód Wielkiej Rafy Koralowej

55 Clam Beds,(2)‏ Clam Beds is a beautiful shallow coral garden where dozens of giant clams show off their majestic mantles. (anthias)‏ Clam Beds . . .

56 Andy’s Postcard (2) is an isolated bommie rising from 80 metres
Andy’s Postcard (2) is an isolated bommie rising from 80 metres. Fluorescent purple and orange anthias attract trevally and barracuda to these photogenic sites. Female Lyre Tailed Anthias. Seqential hermaphrodite.

57 'Profuse Species' Square Spot Anthias, male Females are yellow, they group with dominant male). When the male dies a female may change to a male. Many species do this. Exceptions are anemone fish and blue ribbon eels, which live as males and change to females.

58 Long Nose Hawk fish, mimic red gorgonian,

59 Yellowfin goatfish Steve’s Bommie, Flare Point, Joani’s Joy. (3/Wednesday)‏ find lion fish, frog fish and leaf scorpion fish. Fluorescent anthias amass on the reef edge while lined snapper, big eye trevally and barracuda circumnavigate the pinnacle

60 Yellow striped goatfish, closely resembles the Yellow fin goatfish when black blotch is turned off. When feeding the yellow strip is replaced by black blotch. Tube Anemone- with two cleaner shrimp

61 Tube Anemone with Anemone Shrimp

62 Grape Coal with Anemone Shrimp

63 Grape Coral with cleaner shrimp (cleans visitors not coral)‏

64 Steve’s Bommie – Scorpion liściasty. . .


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