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Stakeholder Analysis Lazarski University May, 2011 Edward T. Jennings, Jr. University of Kentucky Martin School of Public Policy and Administration
Projekt : Odpowiedź na wyzwania gospodarki opartej na wiedzy: nowy program nauczania na WSHiP. Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Unii Europejskiej w ramach Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego.
What are stakeholders? Individuals or organizations that have a stake in the organization They are affected by what the organization does They affect what the organization does They can be internal or external
Examples of Stakeholders--Internal CEO Management Professional employees Clerical employees Technical staff Divisions or units
Examples of Stakeholders--external Prime minister Parliament Clients Partners Regulators Peer organizations Competitors Public
Stakeholder analysis takes several forms Identification of stakeholders Identification of criteria stakeholders use to assess the organizations performance Assessment of what the organization needs from the stakeholders and what they need from the organization Assessment of importance of stakeholder Deciding what role, if any, the stakeholder should have in the strategic planning process
Stakeholder analysis--Lazarski Internal External
Criteria Used by Lazarski Stakeholders
Who needs what? Stakeholders from Lazarski Lazarski from Stakeholders
Importance of stakeholders Very important Somewhat important unimportant
What role for the stakeholder? _____Part of planning team _____Source of ideas and information _____Part of review of plan _____Part of plan implementation
Projekt : Odpowiedź na wyzwania gospodarki opartej na wiedzy: nowy program nauczania na WSHiP. Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Unii Europejskiej w ramach Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego.
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