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ON THE RIGHT TRACK. Counselling methods on learning Polish as a foreign language in Poland prepared by Grażyna Zarzycka University of Łódź.

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1 ON THE RIGHT TRACK. Counselling methods on learning Polish as a foreign language in Poland prepared by Grażyna Zarzycka University of Łódź

2 Map of Poland                         

3 The outline of the presentation
Examples of universal counselling to foreigners in Poland on language and life problems 2. Examples of local counselling 3. Examples of typical and extraordinary forms of counselling 4. Conclusions: SWOT ANALYSIS

4 I. Universal system of counselling on how to learn Polish as a Foreign Language
The website of The Polish as a Foreign Language (PFL) Certificate Exams is the most developed, universal and up-to-date counselling system for everyone who wants to test their competences in PFL http: certyfikatpolski.pl

5 Examination sites in IN POLAND: Warszawa (x 22), Kraków (x 14), Poznań (x 4), Łódź (x 3), Wrocław (x 4), Cieszyn, Katowice, Lublin. IN OTHER COUNTRIES: Chicago (x 5), New York (x 6), Berlin (x 7), Tokio (x 2), Lille (x 3), Potsdam (x 2), Minsk, Dortmund, Moskow, Seul, Drezden, Novosibirsk, Lubliana, Beijing, Kiev, Madrid, Paris, Irkutsk, Athens. TOTALLY 91 exams 2361 examinees (859 - B1 level; B2 level; 545 – C2 level)

6   Pieces of information and advice provided by the website: http: certyfikatpolski.pl Egzaminy Certyfikatowe z Języka Polskiego jako Obcego CERTIFICATE EXAMS of POLISH as a FORIGN LANGUAGE Strona główna Main PAGE Państwowa Komisja About The National Examination Board O języku polskim About Polish Language

7 General information about the exams & benefits of passing them
It is the only national examination certifying the competences in Polish as a foreign language. While hiring a foreigner the employers in Poland may demand such a certificate Passing B1 level examination is expected from the nurses who want to work at the hospitals in Poland, B2 from the higher government workers, managers etc. B1 level exam - a condition for entering artistic universities and sports academies; B2 - other Polish universities; In the USA – PFL certificate is accepted by some universities as a Polish language class credit. In some Polish secondary schools abroad (for example in Chicago and New York) the certificate exams have replaced difficult school leaving examination (“matura” exams).

8 Pieces of information & advice
for the candidates Kto może zdawać egzamin Who can take the exam? Zgłoszenia How to register for the exam Przed egzaminem Before the exam Przygotowanie do egzaminu Preparing for the exam Samoocena Self-evaluation Podręczniki Handbooks Zbiory zadań Examination tasks’ collections

9 (Listening/ Reading / Grammar / Writing / Speaking) with the key
The model tests (Listening/ Reading / Grammar / Writing / Speaking) with the key B1 EXAMINATION SHEETS WITH CDs Pobierz arkusz egzaminacyjny Download examination sheet Pobierz plik dźwiękowy Download audio file B2 Pobierz arkusz egzaminacyjny Download examination sheet C2

10 Kryteria oceny Grading criteria
Przebieg i struktura egzaminu Examination procedure Regulamin dla zdających Examination rules Po egzaminie After the exam Kontakt Contact Sekretariat Komisji The Examination Board Office Aktualności Current events Formularz kontaktowy Contact form

On the website PFL learners can find self-evaluation sheets based on Common European Framework of Reference for Languages as well on the PFL Examination Standards

Wypowiedź ustna: ogólny opis umiejętności SPEAKING: GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF SKILLS A1 Zdający potrafi wypowiadać pojedyncze zdania na temat ludzi i miejsc. A2 Zdający potrafi przedstawiać proste opisy lub prezentować osoby, warunki życia lub pracy, codzienne rutynowe czynności, rzeczy lubiane/nielubiane itp. w formie krótkiego ciągu prostych zwrotów i zdań tworzących listę spraw. B1 Zdający potrafi dość płynnie prezentować omówienia jednego lub więcej tematów dotyczących jego własnego obszaru zainteresowań, odpowiednio porządkując kolejne zagadnienia. B2 Zdający potrafi przedstawiać klarowne, uporządkowane opisy i prezentacje, właściwie podkreślając znaczące kwestie  podając istotne szczegóły i przykłady. Potrafi przedstawiać klarowne, szczegółowe opisy i prezentacje zagadnień w szerokim zakresie tematów z dziedziny jego własnych zainteresowań, rozwijając i wspierając niektóre wątki za pomocą stosownych komentarzy i przykładów. C1 Zdający potrafi przedstawiać klarowne, szczegółowe opisy i prezentować złożoną tematykę, porządkując i rozwijając poszczególne zagadnienia oraz kończąc swój wywód stosownym wnioskiem. C2 Zdający potrafi prezentować klarowne, dobrze skonstruowane, płynne wypowiedzi o przejrzystej strukturze logicznej pozwalające odbiorcy wyodrębnić i zapamiętać najważniejsze treści.

Wypowiedź pisemna: ogólny opis umiejętności WRITING: GENERAL DESCRIPTION TF SKILLS A1 Zdający potrafi pisać proste pojedyncze wyrażenia i zdania. A2 Zdający potrafi pisać teksty składające się z prostych wyrażeń i zdań połączonych prostymi spójnikami, takimi jak „i”, „ale”, czy „dlatego że”. B1 Zdający potrafi pisać jasne, zwięzłe teksty na rozmaite tematy leżące w polu jego zainteresowań, w formie liniowego ciągu prostych, pojedynczych stwierdzeń. B2 Zdający potrafi pisać klarowne, szczegółowe teksty na rozmaite tematy związane z własnymi zainteresowaniami, przytaczając i oceniając informacje i argumenty pochodzące z wielu źródeł. C1 Zdający potrafi pisać klarowne i dobrze skonstruowane teksty na złożone tematy, podkreślając istotne kwestie, rozwijając wyrażane poglądy i uzasadniając je dodatkowymi argumentami oraz właściwymi przykładami, formułując przy tym stosowne wnioski. C2 Zdający umie pisać w sposób klarowny i sprawny złożone teksty, stosując odpowiedni styl i logiczną kompozycję, ułatwiające czytelnikowi odnajdywanie istotnych treści. WRITING: GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF SKILLS

14 Czytanie ze zrozumieniem: ogólny opis umiejętności

15 The impact of language certificate exams’ system on Polish as a foreign /second language education in Poland Counselling on how to pass the certificate exams of PFL is becoming an important offer in many educational centres; special classes for foreigners counselling them how to prepare and pass the examination are provided. Usually the classes are conducted by the members of The Examiners and the Examination Tasks Authors’ Team (around 40 persons from the leading PFL academic centres in Poland). Information on the certificate exams of PFL is becoming a curriculum offer of many university departments specialized in teaching Polish as a foreign / second language in Poland and abroad.

16 Government offices for migrants and foreign students websites as universal counselling platforms
Urząd do Spraw Repatriacji i Cudzoziemców (OFFICE FOR FOREIGNERS ); Polish and English version: Official pieces of information and formal instruction on: refugee status, legalization of the stay, centres for foreigners (refugees and asylum seekers) Access to the articles published in:„Biuletyn Migracyjny” / „The Migrants’ Bulletin”)

17 The government websites
Biuro Uznawalności Wykształcenia i Współpracy Międzynarodowej/ Department of International Programmes and Recognition of Diploma, Ministry of Science and Higher Education Step by step instruction on: how to obtain Polish government scholarships and student visas, pieces of information about higher education in Poland, the directives of Ministry of Science and Higher Education, and links to the website:

18 International organizations and migrant associations’ websites as informal ‘counselling platforms’
Useful information for foreigners is provided by non-governemental organizations and their websites like: Transitions Abroad.com. See for example the content of: Articles on: Poland, Business and Economy in Poland, Education and Study in Poland, Embassies and Consulates, Expatriates Websites and Resources, Government and International Organizations, Housing and Real Estate in Poland, Language Schools in Poland, News and Media in Poland, Travel Information about Poland. The agency Cudzoziemiec.eu offers complex asisstance in moving to Poland for foreigners and expats Servises offered: home service search and administration, education counseling, obtaining NIP, change of driving licence, setting private issues

19 Migrant organizations’ activities and websites
- modern website for returning Polish migrants provides useful information on how to settle in Poland after return form emigration, with interactive forum and chats with experts (sociologists, psychologists etc.) Association of the Poles Married to a Foreigner wants to have an impact on activities and legal precedures related to ”mixed marriages” website (interactive forum also provided) Association of Vietnamese Living in Poland, Instytut Afrykański, and similar organizations help people belonging to national minorities with adaptation, legal and language problems, organizing sport and cutural activieties and language classes. They promote their communities in Poland and fight for national equality in Poland.

20 II. Local ‘counselling systems’ aimed at how to teach and how to learn Polish as a second or foreign language

21 Main centres of Polish culture and Polish language for foreigners
The Centre of Polish Language for Foreigners (Studium Języka Polskiego dla Cudzoziemców Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego) Coloquial name of the centre is: The Babel Tower of Łódź; established in 1952. Around 20,000 foreign students educated since 1952; 650 every year. Specializes in ‘language and subject’ courses preparing for studying at Polish universities; Many students from ”exotic countries” were educated in this language centre.

22 Other centres with a long tradition of educating foreigners in Poland
The Centre of Polish Language and Culture for Foreigners ‘Polonicum’ of Warsaw University established in 1956 The Centre of Polish Culture and Language in the World of Jagiellonian University established in 1965

23 New centres of teaching Polish as a foreign language (PFL)
In late 1980s and 1990s several more centres of Polish culture and language for members of Polish community abroad and foreigners opened at the biggest Polish universities in: Wrocław, Poznań, Lublin, Katowice, Częstochowa, Rzeszów, Szczecin. The majority of them offer general PFL courses and summer language courses; 5 academic centres in Poland offer preparatory language and subject classes for those who want to study at the university. .

24 Increasing interest in teaching Polish language to foreigners
Private language schools and foundations known of their activities in the field of teaching Polish to foreigners are: Linguae Mundi Foundation (Warsaw), ‘Prolog’ Language School (Kraków). In the last decade new centres specializing in teaching Polish to foreigners were opened in majority of Polish universities, including economical, medical and technical academies.

25 The number of foreign students and their status in Poland
According to Eurostat’s statistics in 2009 there lived 60,000 foreigners in Poland. University students: 15,000 in 2009 17,000 in 2010 (1/3 in medical academies) Their status: Polish goverment’s scholarship holders - Native state government’s scholarship holders Various foundations’ scholarship holders Exchange students, e.g. Erasmus Program students Beneficiaries of European Union Projects Learners who pay for the language course

26 Examples of local language counselling activities
How to teach Polish as a second or foreign language? Academic specializations in Teaching Polish as a Foreign / Second Language are active in Jagiellonian University, Warsaw University, UMC, Vratislavian University, University of Lodz, Silesian University. In Chicago, N.Y, Germany, Ukraine, Hungary, Italy and other countries postgraduate courses in teaching PFL have been opened. Teachers’ trainings on how to prepare students for passing certificate exams in Polish as a foreign language become very popular.

27 New teachers’ guides and textbooks of Polish as a Foreign / Second Language
Teachers’ guides and textbooks for would-be teachers in Polish as a foreign and second language are published by local academic centres. Publishing House ”Universitas” – best known in Poland for publishing series of teachers’ guides and textbooks for Polish as a Foreign language. Some academic centres of Polish as a foreign language started cooperation with Polish Schools abroad – they prepare texbooks aimed at educating learners of Polish origin.

28 Foreign language & Polish as a Foreign language schools’ websites as local ‘counseling platforms’ for foreigners Diagnostic language tests for students placed in the websites. and TIPS on: consulates in Kraków, cultural events, electricity, business hours, emergency numbers, food, health in Kraków, international youth cards, living costs, money, time, public transport, taxis, car & bike rental, car parks & tourist information, water and weather.

29 Some Polish as a foreign language centres and international hostels developed websites for their students Advice, tips, important pieces of information for foreign students of School of Polish for Foreigners, University of Lódź are on: Maps of Łódź, links to different timetables (trams, buses, trains, airplaines, school timetable) School events’ chronicle & foto gallery A collection of press articles on the cultural school events Classified ads Description of state and church holidays in Poland Polish language curiosities Interactive forum See also: The ”Tower of Babel” of Lodz (i.e.: International student hostel) website:

30 Participation in EU projects aimed at helping refugees and Polish repatriates
Some language schools which are engaged in helping refugees’ projects provide the refugees and refugee seekers with free of cost classes preparing for PFL certificate exams; they also pay for the refugees exams; see the projects of Linguae Mundi Foundation (Warsaw): “Wspólny Cel – integracja uchodźców na Mazowszu” – Common Aim – refugees integration in the Mazovian Region Polish Language Course with elements of knowledge about Poland and professional orientation Polish Language course with e-learning component preparing for Polish as a Foreign Language certificate exam Polish language courses are organized in FU SHENFU Rafugees’ Centre and the centres for Polish repatriates; booklets and guides on how to live in Poland prepared by the organizations in writing (paper and Internet versions)

31 Most typical forms of interactive language counselling in the Polish as a foreign language schools
Advice and tips given to the foreigners by: language teachers, subject teachers and administrative workers on: language problems, strategies of learning language and subjects, their academic career: how to select proper level courses and academic studies’ profile. foreigners’ adaptation in Poland: accommodation, health care, shopping, contacts with the Passport Office, writing different kinds of applications, filling in different types of forms, how to behave in offices, banka, at a post-office, in medical centres and how to cope with difficult situations (theft, illness etc.)

32 Formal and informal counselling
Advice given during: language classes, the breaks, after-class meeting, office hours, on the phone. Some teachers communicate with students via the Internet or educational platforms (still very rare form of advising), providing them with tasks and evaluation and support (e-learning). Interviews and informal meetings with foreigners who succeeded in Poland are organized at the language centres.

33 Peer group member counselling
Office hours by would-be teachers of Polish as a foreign language’ & foreigner-to-foreigner informal counselling Effects: solving language, educational and personal problems of students from different perspectives: the expert native speaker perspective, the expert native speaker peer group member’s perspective the expert foreigner peer group member’s perspective

34 The schools of Polish Culture and Language’s cooperation with other institutions
-‘Wspólnota Polska’ Association (Polish Commonwealth) organizes cultural activities for the students of Polish origin, advising the students how to obtain maintenance grants. -The Office of Employment – advises unemployed foreigners on how to apply for language training grants. National minorities organizations; i.e. African Institute – helps African students in Poland with their adaptation in Poland based on the experiences of: The School of Polish for Foreigners, University of Łódź

35 Conclusions Among the activities listed above there are: ‘true’ counselling methods – face-to face formal and informal counseling, tips and instructions provided by the educational centres and migrant non-govermental organizations’ websites formal pieces of information for foreigners or repatriates on how to pass Polish exams or how to settle down, or manage in Poland (on government offices or Examination Board of Polish as a Foreign Language’s websites) Usually advising on how to learn Polish language and how to cope with adaptational problems while living in Poland are separated There is no fully developed interactive counselling system easily accessible to every foreigner in Poland yet. for more information see: SWOT ANALYSIS

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