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Why cloud? 1960s – Mainframe era: Access for users by the terminal
1970s – Minicomputing era: Local computer, "smaller" size, compared possibilities 1990s – PC/Client Server era: Calculations on the PC with some server-side functions 2000s – Internet era: Continue to development of client-server model. Development of networks and infrastructure. Services provided by servers available to millions of users in distributed locations. 2010s – Virtual era: Flexibility in resource use and reduce the total costs of IT. – prediction: 40% of IT expenditure invested in the cloud 45% of new applications dedicated to the cloud model 25% of IT services is a cloud services
Ancestors of Cloud The Internet as a cloud:
the concept of distributed data processing combination of different techniques in a competent manner "fashionable" nature of the project
Ancestors of Cloud Mainframe’y:
One of the fundamental characteristics of cloud computing technology - accounting for the actually used resources. Odra 1003: constructed in 1963 in 1976 execution million of operations = 49 PLN exhibit the Warsaw Museum of Technology
Grid Computing Distributed processing. Is it already Cloud Computing?
Grid computing is an efficient allocation of processing cycles between the machines that provide their resources. The essence of the clouds, all without exception, is the service character.
Virtualization flexible adaptation of power to customer needs
AMD-V i Intel VT-x mainframe’y once again 64 PCs connected to a 128-processor Beowulf cluster. The device used by the Computational Science & Engineering Research Institute, a research facility owned to the Michigan Technological University
Definition of Clouds WIKIPEDIA:
...model przetwarzania oparty na użytkowaniu usług dostarczonych przez zewnętrzne organizacje. Funkcjonalność jest tu rozumiana jako usługa (dająca wartość dodaną użytkownikowi) oferowana przez dane oprogramowanie (oraz konieczną infrastrukturę). Oznacza to eliminację konieczności zakupu licencji czy konieczności instalowania i administracji oprogramowaniem. Konsument płaci za użytkowanie określonej usługi, np. za możliwość korzystania z arkusza kalkulacyjnego. Nie zakupuje sprzętu ani oprogramowania.
Definition of Clouds NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology): ...nowy model dostarczania i korzystania z zasobów informatycznych, takich jak zasoby obliczeniowe (serwerowe), magazynowanie danych, przepustowość sieci, a nawet aplikacje. Model cechuje się takimi funkcjami, jak samoobsługa na żądanie, duża elastyczność, taryfikacja usług (pay-as-you-use), implementacja puli zasobów i szeroki dostęp do sieci.
Definition of Clouds Gartner agency:
...styl obliczeń, w którym dynamicznie skalowalne (zwykle zwirtualizowane) zasoby są dostarczane jako usługa za pośrednictwem internetu. Użytkownik nie musi mieć wiedzy na temat tego, w jaki sposób ta usługa jest realizowana, nie musi też zajmować się aspektami technicznymi niezbędnymi do jej działania.
Definition of Clouds Tomasz Kopacz - Microsoft:
Chmura to pewnego rodzaju abstrakcja dla klienta i to dobrze, że on nie wie, jak to dokładnie działa. Dla klienta chmura to po prostu „gniazdko z mocą obliczeniową”. On tam podłączy jakieś urządzenie, „coś” się wydarzy i jego nie będzie interesowała niedostępność. To ma działać, tak jak jest teraz w przypadku prądu elektrycznego. Klient nie wnika w to, skąd on mu się „bierze”, on go po prostu ma. I ja widzę chmurę jako trend przesuwania IT w kierunku koncepcji spotykanych u innych dostawców infrastruktury (woda, prąd itp.).
Characteristic Properties of Clouds: Payments
- The application using time - The number of busy computing cycles - The number of transmitted or stored data Functionality as a service Scalability and flexibility Sharing of services Internet
Characteristic Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2)
Standard Instance: 32-bit station 1,7 RAM 160 GB HDD EC2 Compute Unit (Xeon 2007 r. 1,0–1,2 GHz)
Types of Clouds Depending on the scope of services Clouds are divided into: Colocation: Datacenter + IT Specialist Colocation ≠ Hosting IaaS – Infrastructure as a Service: Datacenter + IT Specialist + Hardware/Server(s) Dedicated and virtualized servers PaaS – Platform as a Service: Datacenter + IT Specialist + Hardware/Server(s) + OS Windows Azure SaaS – Software as a Service: Datacenter + IT Specialist + Hardware/Server(s) + OS + application(s) Gmail, Office Web Apps, Google Apps, SharePoint Online S+S – Software + Services: SaaS + desktop application(s) Microsoft Office 2010 and Office Web Apps
Types of Clouds The relationship between the cost of implementing the solve and a range of control over it
Types of Clouds In terms of location Clouds can be divided into:
Public Cloud services offered by external supplier Private Cloud the recipient of a services is a concrete company Dedicated Cloud isolated part of the provider resource for a specific customer Hybrid Cloud partly private and partly public Cloud
Where is the Cloud? A typical response:
Services are provided via data centers located around the world IBM: Services provided for Polish customers are located in the neighboring country, a member of the European Union Microsoft: European customers are serviced by the centers in Amsterdam and Dublin. Poles uses the resource center in Dublin. Customers of PaaS model may indicate the data center who provide them/their service.
Where is the Cloud? Microsoft’s European Data Centers:
Dublin (main data center) Amsterdam (backup data center).
Where is the Cloud? Dublin Microsoft’s Datacenter: 28 thousand m2 size
5,4 MW maximum Power 22 MW total Power
How it looks like? Microsoft's cloud is a container consisting of hundreds of servers Each container is an independent module
How it looks like? If the number of faulty machines in the container exceeds the permitted number, it is replaced by a new one
OS under Cloud Amazon Web Services (Amazon) App Engine (Google)
Force.com (Saleforce.com) Windows Azure (Microsoft) - data store - automatic management - monitoring - load balancing - DNS
Windows Azure Platform as a Service type solution A huge scalability
High performance The giant data container Ability to create ASP.NET, PHP, Ruby, JAVA, Python, SQL applications Programming environment like Eclipse or Visual Studio Online Services Security and Compliance Team from Global Foundation Services (GFS) – Microsoft Web page, Hotmail, Bing Microsoft’s pricing: 12 cents per hour to share computing power units 15 cents for month, for storing 1GB of data 1 cent per database transactions 10 cents for download of 1GB of data 15 cents for upload of 1GB of data
In the Cloud Google: SaaS type solution - Gmail, Google Apps IBM:
SaaS type solution - Lotus Live PaaS type solution - Tivoli Live (service manager) Construction of a private or hybrid Clouds Microsoft: A complete package of solutions Cloud version of applications to 10 months after the PC version 15 years of experience: Hotmail, Windows Update, Microsoft Advertising adCenter, XBOX LIVE, Bing, MSN, Windows Live, Zune, Tellme, Windows Live ID, Windows Messenger
In the Cloud
Cloud for company Predecessors of Cloud: outsourcing leasing Costs:
Maintenance (OPEX) Investment (CAPEX) OPEX are included directly into the cost of running business. CAPEX can be deducted as depreciation.
Costs Exchange Online Cloud postal system
Equivalent of Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 Mailbox capacity - 25GB The maximum size of one message - 30 MB Antivirus and antispam security Monthly subscription - 4,26 euro per user Microsoft SharePoint Online Workgroup tool: Monthly subscription - 4,47 euro per user
Costs Microsoft Office Live Meeting
Video conferencing tool. It provides communication functions. Allows to share applications and desktop: Monthly subscription - 3,84 euro per user Microsoft Office Communications Online Communicate in real time - instant messaging, voice or video call : Integrates with Microsoft Outlook and Microsoft SharePoint Server Monthly subscription - 1,70 euro per user Microsoft Office Communicator 2007 R2 must be installed
Costs Exchange server deployment in the 300-users enterprise:
Hardware euro License - Windows Server 2008 Active Directory, Exchange 2010 with access-license euro Power infrastructure and virus protection euro Total cost euro Cost of Exchange Online services euro Order in the Microsoft Business Productivity Online Standard Suite (BPOS) can save an additional 40% of the overall price: Monthly subscription per BPOS user - 8,52 euro
Advantages Scalability Dynamic resource allocation Availability
Any computer connected to the internet Performance Power unreachable for even the most advanced workstation Easy management Using the convenient to use software in an individual point Flexibility The development of IT technology is simpler than in the classical sense Reliability Secure infrastructure providing uninterrupted operation Ecology More efficient use of resources and computing power
Disadvantages Security - Risks associated with the scalability
- The issues of data location Limited Solutions - The scope of services is limited and in fact imposed by the supplier - We do not have access to third-party solutions - Compatibility (applications are constantly being developed and updated) - When we integrate the work with the clouds, service prices could rise Performance - Limited transmission rate
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