MS SQL SERVER udział w rynku. Source: Gartner Dataquest (May 2006) Company20052005 Market Share (%)20042004 Market Share (%)2004-2005 Growth (%) Oracle6,721.148.66,

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1 MS SQL SERVER udział w rynku

2 Source: Gartner Dataquest (May 2006) Company20052005 Market Share (%)20042004 Market Share (%)2004-2005 Growth (%) Oracle6,721.148.66, IBM3,040.722.02,860.422.46.3 Microsoft2,073.215.01,777.913.916.6 Teradata440.73.2412.13.26.9 Sybase407.02.9382.83.06.3 Other Vendors1,134.78.21, Total13,817.4100.012,757.8100.08.3

3 MS SQL SERVER Silne strony Bezpieczeństwo

4 MS SQL SERVER Silne strony Cena

5 MS SQL SERVER Mocne strony ability to manage unstructured data such as images and audio files in addition to structured relational and XML data. policy-based management capabilities to help administrators reduce maintenance time and more easily manage databases by applying rules based on the user's role. New dynamic development tools based on the Language Integrated Query (LINQ) programming construct and an entity data model let developers work at the logical rather than physical level--focusing development on business entities and objects

6 MS SQL SERVER Mocne strony Database's pervasive insight business intelligence capabilities get a boost through improved integration with Microsoft Office apps such as Excel and PerformancePoint Server

7 MS SQL SERVER Mocne strony

8 report designer tools that allow developers to build customized reports by dragging and dropping database fields

9 SharePoint Server integration that makes it easier to pull data from the database into Office applications. MS SQL SERVER Mocne strony

10 Podsumowanie Dlaczego wybraliśmy MS SQL Server 2008? Jest to jeden z najbezpieczniejszych systemów bazodanowych na rynku. Integracja z pozostałymi produktami firmy Microsoft Jest stosunkowo tani (najlepszy stosunek cena/wydajność). Wydajność nie jest dla nas najważniejsza.

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