Mariusz Pudzianowski.

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1 Mariusz Pudzianowski

2 Mariusz Zbigniew Pudzianowski was born on 7th Fabruary 1977
Mariusz Zbigniew Pudzianowski was born on 7th Fabruary He was born in Biało Rawska in Poland . His father is Wojciech Pudzianowski - Polish weightlifter.

3 Mariusz Pudzianowski started his career in December , 1990
Mariusz Pudzianowski started his career in December , He took part in weightlifting in polish Championship . It was his first tournamet . Pudzianowski is good at karate ,kyokushin and boks . Pudzianowski plays rugby . In 1999 he became the strongman and it was the begining of his career .

4 1st , 1999 in Płock he had his debut
1st , 1999 in Płock he had his debut . In the same year he got with Jarosław Dymek then first medal in history for Poland in Word Championship – strongman . He is the first the up till now the only person from Poland who is the strongest Man in the Word .

5 In 2000 he went to prison . He was there for 19 months .

6 In 2005 Mariusz Pudzianowski established school for Bdygrands and security- Pudzian Academy

7 27th May 2008 gradnated Społeczna Wyższa Szkoła Przedsiębiorczości i Zarządzania in Łodzi .

8 His Body : He has got in: - biceps -56cm neck -54cm waist -92cm
chest -148cm arm -45cm - height -186cm - weight -142kg

9 He has got:5 titles of thestrongest person of the Word
He has got:5 titles of thestrongest person of the Word titles of Strongman in European championship

10 Mariusz Pudzianowski thanks to his strength is very famous person in Poland and in the Word

11 The End

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