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SINTEF Byggforsk/Building and Infrastructure
Workshops Poland, February 2015 SINTEF Byggforsk/Building and Infrastructure Concrete Building physics Materials- and building technics Laboratories Energy and environment Architecture and technology Building technics Sanitation and wet rooms Road and Railway Engineering Coast and Harbour Research Rock and Soil Mechanics Water and Environment Knowledge systems SINTEF Academic Press SINTEF Certification Michael Klinski, Research Scientist, Architect
Our services promotes innovation
Advanced laboratories for building and infrastructure
Product Documentation from SINTEF Certification
Satisfies the documentation requirements of the Norwegian Building Regulations SINTEF Product Certificate indicates that the product is in accordance with a standard or other technical specification SINTEF Technical Approval verifies that a building/construction product or constructive solution is suitable for use in Norway and includes documentation of all relevant properties for the product European Technical Approvals (ETAs) issued by an approval body appointed by a national authority to be a member of EOTA SINTEF Certification is a department of SINTEF Building and Infrastructure which issues certificates and approvals for construction products. Documentation is issued as SINTEF Product Certificates, SINTEF Technical Approvals and European Technical Approvals. Product Documentation from SINTEF Certification satisfies the requirements of the Technical Regulations under the Planning and Building Act regarding the documentation of product properties. SINTEF Product Certificate issued by SINTEF Certification is an attestation of conformity to a technical specification for a building product, and confirms that the product is subject to satisfactory product and factory production control. SINTEF Product Certification is a voluntary system. SINTEF Certification is accredited for certification of construction products SINTEF Technical Approval (TG) is a national approval system for building materials, components and construction systems, managed by SINTEF Certification. The purpose of an approval is to certify that a building product has been found fit for its intended use, when applied as stated in the approval. A SINTEF Technical Approval shall in also fulfill the requirements for documentation of construction product performance imposed by the Norwegian building regulations. European Technical Approvals (ETAs) are issued by an approval body appointed by a national authority to be a member of EOTA . In Norway SINTEF Building and Infrastructure is the appointed body for Norwegian membership of EOTA.
Example: Polish manufacturer
SINTEF Building Research Design Guides
First published in 1958 Guidelines, solutions and recommendations that encourage high quality in the planning, design and construction of buildings Adapts experience and results from research and practice In conformity with building regulations The most used planning and design tool amongst architects and engineers Continuously updated to comply with the building code and experience-based knowledge About 800 design guides, available online only Approximately 3700 subscribers, users The first Building Research Design Guides were published in 1958, and today the series has become a national web-based knowledge system for the whole construction industry in Norway. The main purpose is to provide guidelines, solutions and recommendations that encourage high quality in the planning, design and construction of buildings. The design guides adapt experience and results from research and practice in order to be of practical benefit to the construction industry. The concise guidance on the principles and practicalities of construction is in conformity with the regulations of the building act (TEK), and has become a standard of quality and the most authoritative and important tool to secure that buildings in Norway achieve good quality. The series is the most used planning and design tool amongst Norwegian architects and engineers, and the design guides are continuously being updated to comply with the building code and experience-based knowledge. The SINTEF Building Research Design Guides consists of about 750 design guides, available online only. There are approximately 3700 subscribers and between fifteen and twenty thousand users.
http://bks.byggforsk.no Design guides for all components
U-values, material characteristics … Energy performance calculation program
Byggforskserien (Seria budowlana) po polsku
Seria budowlana (Byggforskserien) stala sie, przez okres 50-ciu lat istnienia, baza naukowa budownictwa norweskiego. Seria sklada sie z 760-set osmostronicowych wydawnictw i obejmuje zestaw rozwiazan i wskazan budowlanych w zakresie projektowania, wykonawstwa i zarzadzania budynkami. Wydawnictwa serii budowlanej spelniaja wymagania prawa budowlanego w Norwegii (TEK), sa norma jakosci budowlanej i glównym narzedziem w zakresie wykonawstwa zgodnie z prawem budowlanym. Kompletny zestaw rozwiazan budowlanych serii sklada sie z trzech czesci (Planowanie, Rozwiazania budowlane i Zarzadzanie) i zawiera usystematyzowane rezultaty praktyki i dzialalnosci naukowo-budowlanej. Nastepujace wydawnictwa serii budowlanej zostaly przetlumaczone na jezyk polski: Osadzanie okien w scianach drewnianych Osadzanie okien w scianach murowanych i betonowych. Czesc I i II Drewniany dach spadzisty z nieogrzewanym strychem
Research-based consultancy
Construction solutions Pilot projects Passive Houses Retrofit with Passive House components Plus energy buildings Zero emission buildings Energy concepts for settlements and neighbourhoods
Research and development
Norwegian and international projects IEA, EU, Nordic … Norwegian project with international partners: European projects with partners from Poland: Nearly Zero-Energy Building Strategy 2020
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