SURE - Kick of Meeting International Management Services Ltd. Assistant Contractor to Partner No. 9 Krakow representative (Poland) Team: Sławomir Podgórski.

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2 SURE - Kick of Meeting International Management Services Ltd. Assistant Contractor to Partner No. 9 Krakow representative (Poland) Team: Sławomir Podgórski Mariusz Szubra Małgorzata Broda

3 Team’s experience Małgorzata Broda - graduated in economics - international projects co-ordination - analysis of investment impact on local conditions (labour market, citizens needs satisfaction etc.) Mariusz Szubra - graduated in economics - experience in EC and EBRD projects - projects management - municipal finances expert Sławomir Podgórski - graduated in law and economics - experience in EC and EBRD projects - municipal infrastructure projects management

4 International Projects - Assessments for Implementation Agencies of EBRD Projects (EBRD) - Gdansk Urban Transport Project (PHARE) - VISION Project (Virtual Incubator System for the Initiation and Operation of Network; V FP) -EWEN (East-West Economic Network, EC co-operation initiative) -ENERGIA (V FP) - Local Environmental Management Program -LEM (USAID) - EURO ECOS GAZ (PHARE)

5 Publications 1. „Społeczeństwo Informacyjne” jako komponent Piątego Ramowego programu Unii Europejskiej (Information Society as a component of V Framework Programme), Małopolski Rynek Inwestycyjny, Kraków 2002 (co-author: M. Broda) 2. Małe i średnie przedsiębiorstwa w Unii Europejskiej, (SME’s in EU) Małopolski Rynek Inwestycyjny, Kraków 2002 (co-author: M. Broda) 3. Financing the communication investments in Krakow, (co- authors: S. Podgórski, B. Ciaranek)

6 Main tasks - local data collection - identification of citizens needs - involvement of local authorities - involvement of citizens in decision making process

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