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OpublikowałNadzieja Kopański Został zmieniony 10 lat temu
Project Comenius Regio Sentimental tourism in regional and civil education
Project aims Creating a definition of Sentimental tourism in regional and civil education Making young generations aware of the sentimental bond with their environment Strengthening the cooperation between the educational institutions, schools and other institutions supporting regional and civil education in context of sentimental tourism. Widening the horizons Improving English language
Local Partners Assignee: Wydział Edukacji Urzędu Miasta Łodzi Partner I: Zespół Szkół Ogólnokształcących nr 7 w Łodzi Partner II: Łódzkie Centrum Doskonalenia Nauczycieli i Kształcenia Praktycznego
Foreign Partners Aksaray-Turkey Assignee: Aksaray İl Milli Eğitim Müdürlüğü (Władze oświatowe Aksaray) Partner I: Ortaköy Anadolu Lisesi, Yunus Emre Anadolu Lisesi, Merkez İmam Hatip Lisesi (Szkoła ponadgimnazjalna) Partner II: Aksaray Eğitimciler Derneği (Centrum Doskonalenia Nauczycieli)
Honourable Patronage
Cultural context Łódź region and Kapadocja are situated in central parts of both countires Both regions have long and interesting historical background. This influences the emigration to those regions, and creates sentimental tourism
Project activities: Debate about „Sentimental tourism in teaching Polish language, civil education, history and cultural education” (December 3th 2012 ) Workshops for teachers pt. ”Places of sentimental tourism in multicultural region of Łódź”. Creating a map of sentimental value in region of Łódź (February 2013) Preparation for mobility - English language (February 2013 ) Computer workshops for teachers – preparation of educational presentation on” Places of sentimental tourism in multicultural region of Łódź” (March 2013)
Project activities: Preparing for the publication of ”Łódź sentymentalna” (October 2013 ). Organisation of seminar”Multicultural Łódź in sentimental tourism”. (November 2013) Organisation of the Conference summing up the whole project Releasing publication about the project ” Sentimental tourism in regional and civil education”.
Thank you for your attention Anna Rogala Katarzyna Paroń
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