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2 1) What is Linux 2) Founder and mascot of linux 3) Why Torvalds created linux ? 4) System advantages and disadvantages 5) Linux distributions 6) Basic commands in the linux terminal

3 Linus TorvaldsTux Founder and mascot of linux

4  Linux is a free and open source operating system  At it’s core, the Linux operating system is derived from the Unix OS. * Unix was created in the 1960s by Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson, both of them also invented the C programming language.  Linux was initilly named GNU and was developed by Richard Stallman  Linux was the name of the kernel created in 1991 by Linux Torvalds, a student at the University of Helsinki.  People started calling the GNU OS, Linux – because of the name of the kernel

5 In 1991, while attending the University of Helsinki, Torvalds became curious about operating systems. Frustrated by the licensing of MINIX, which at the time limited it to educational use only, he began to work on his own operating system kernel, which eventually became the Linux kernel. Torvalds began the development of the Linux kernel on MINIX and applications written for MINIX were also used on Linux. Later, Linux matured and further Linux kernel development took place on Linux systems. GNU applications also replaced all MINIX components, because it was advantageous to use the freely available code from the GNU Project with the fledgling operating system; code licensed under the GNU GPL can be reused in other computer programs as long as they also are released under the same or a compatible license.

6  stability  security  small hardware equirements  high configurability  high performance fast software development  webbyness  interesting system  Open Source

7  complicated  not for game lovers  it takes time to get to know each other  shortage of drivers  difficulties in configuration  necessary English

8 Most popular distributions: 1)Manjaro Linux 2)Linux Mint 3)Ubuntu 4)Elementary OS 5)Debian 6)MX Linux 7)Solus 8)Fedora 9)openSUS 10) Antergos

9 cd - change the current directory (from 'change directory') cp - copy the file mv - moves the file (thus also used to change the name) rm - deletes the file mkdir - creates a directory rmdir - deletes an empty directory chmod - changes the access rights to the file kill - kill the specified process cat - prints all the files given to it to the standard output ping - a diagnostic program that checks if there is a network connection with your computer.

10 1) Replace 3 linux distributions. 2) What is the name of the linux mascot? 3) Replace 2 advantages or disadvantages of the linux system

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