Linux Live CD Alternatywne Systemy & Webmarss 2009.

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1 Linux Live CD Alternatywne Systemy & Webmarss 2009

2 Live CD - Alternatywne systemy & Webmarss 2009 First level bullet would look like this here o Second level gets a size change and indent Try to keep bullets short and sweet o The more bullets you have, the less likely someone is going to actually read them  Third level gets really deep and actually kind of small Having less than six bullets is a good rule of thumb Last bullet falls in this area here

3 Live CD - Alternatywne systemy & Webmarss 2009 Column Heading 1 Column Heading 2 WattOS Knoppix UBUNTU Tiny Core GeexBox Slitaz Pardus Slax ZenWalk

4 “Acrius appetimus nova, quam iam parta tenemus - Silniej pożądamy rzeczy nowych, niż trwamy przy już nabytych.” @ Webmarss Sierpień 11, 2009

5 Transitional Slide Placeholder

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