Ireland The Children OfLir The Children of Lir is an ancient Irish legendand is the inspiration for the famous ballet Swan Lake. The story is about the.

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2 Ireland

3 The Children OfLir The Children of Lir is an ancient Irish legendand is the inspiration for the famous ballet Swan Lake. The story is about the KingLir and his four children and itstarts with a sad news, the death of King Lir’s wife. After that terrible experience, the King decided to marry his wife’s sister, Aoife. However, in a jealous anger, Aoife used her magical powers to change the children into swans for 900 years; three hundred on Lake Derravaragh, three hundred on Straits of Moyle, and three hundred more on Isle of InishGlora. Nevertheless swans, still had their human voices and wereloved for their singing by locals. What is more, there are different versions of how the story ends but a general one is that the children has been rescued by St Patrick, who broke a spell and they are reunited with their fathera and Aoife was banished by King Lir.


5 Australian

6 . Bahloo the Moon and the Daens The story is about Bahloo, the moon who has three snakes as pets, which he called them dogs: the death adder, the tiger snake, and the black snake.His pets liked a play and run around at night,and one night, Bahloo sees the men preparing to cross a river. He asked them kindly if they could carry his dogs (snakes) across the river. The Daens (men)stated thatthey are afraid that the snakes will bite them. Bahloo assured them that even if they did bite, he would make the humans come back to life, so there is nothing to fear.Therefore, The Daenswere still fearful and refuse.Bahloodid not like the answer,and he decided to carry his dogs across the river himself.For not helping, Daens have refused immortality and shall remain dead after their deaths. Since then, humans feared and hated snakes, and they have done everything they could to kill Bahloo's pets. But unfortunately, even though they have killed many snakes, there are still many more roving the earth.


8 England

9 St George and the Dragon The story is about St George, the legendary dragon slayer and it’sdated back to the tenth century.It is about the West versus the East, and the victory of Christianity over other religions.In the past,his dragon was terrorising a town in Libya and was infected with the plague. As a result, the dragon was kept appeased by being fed two sheep a day – until the sheep ran out, and the townspeople had to give it their children instead.When the King’s daughter was chosen, and the King failed to convincethe people to replace her, St George came in and saved the day. Capturing the dragon, which then respectfully came back to the city with him, St George promised to kill it if the people converted to Christianity what they did.


11 Native American -USA

12 Skudakumooch: The Ghost-Witch One of the scariest figures in an ancient America was the Ghost-Witch. The story is about witch whowas born from the dead body of a shaman. She practiced black magic. She was some kind of the demonic entity which emerges each night with murder on its mind. She can be killed with fire, but be careful if approaching one: simply making eye contact or hearing the witch’s voice can bring a curse on the innocent.


14 Canada

15 The Wendigo The Wendigowas spotted in the forests of cold weather areas like Canada and Minnesota for many years. The Wendigo comes from Algonquian Native American folklore. The legend is about a lost hunter who changed into the Wendigo.During a brutally cold winter, his intense hunger drove him to cannibalism. He is called as a cold weather creature,.his skin is stretched tight across his bones, making them visible, he is at almost 15 feet tall and has massive eyes like an owl. People might call him as relative of Bigfoot, or Werewolf. During the turn of the 20th century, a number of people went missing mysteriously in that area of Canada.After that local people calling him the “spirit of lonely places.”


17 Wykonanie : Maksymilian Majak Kl.II b GIM

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