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University of Economics and Innovation in Lublin

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1 University of Economics and Innovation in Lublin

2 Erasmus+ programme assumptions
Erasmus + Programme emphasises the dessimination and the exploitation of the reults; Actions serving for dessimination and exploitation of the results are a way to present work, which has been done in the Erasmus+ project; Sharing the results beyond the participating organizations will enable the wider community to exploit the work, which received EU funding; Each of the project Each of the projects supported by the programme is a step towards achieving the overall objectives of Erasmus + programme. Program Erasmus+ kładzie większy nacisk na rozpowszechnianie i wykorzystywanie wyników, ponieważ wywierają one bezpośredni wpływ na skutki programu oraz przyczynia się do podnoszenia świadomości publicznej na temat jego funkcjonowania i wyników, a także na temat możliwości jego ulepszenia w przyszłości i zwiększenia ich przydatności w procesie kształtowania polityki.

3 The aim of the dissemination and the use of the outputs of the Erasmus+ project
Strenghtening of the values of the achieved results by the dissemination and the exploitation, and their permanent implementation into teaching practice.

4 The form (KA201) – stretegic partnerships the demands conncected with the dissemination and the exploitation of the results E. Description of the Project - project justification; project’s aims G.2. Multiplier Events – in what way will the outputs be disseminated H.1. Impact - the expected influence on the patricipants, deducing institution, partner institutions and other targeted groups; H.2. Dissemination of Projects' Results - sharing the project’s outputs outside the intitution that is implementing the project H.3 Sustainability - actions taking place after the end of the projects’ actions

5 The report from the implementation of Strategic Partnerships Project (KA2) – general thoughts
5.3. Intellectual output results – information about the obtained results, also in the context of their potential influence and their wide usage possibility; 6.1. Impact – of the project on the suuroundings, local environment, chances in education, participants, participating organizations, target groups and other interested; 6.2. Dissemination of project results – the ones that will be shared with others, specific examples 6.3. Balanced progress – the way how project actions and outputs will be maintained after the end of UE fundings

Dissemination will be conducted with accordance with a Project Dissemination Plan (PDP). Direction of dissemination actions: At the level of partner organizations: Staff working in partners organizations. Each of them will spread information about the project among existing networks and partnerships. Outside of the partners organizations: Teachers, pupils and their parents form Primary and Secondary schools. Also chess associations, chess clubs, associations of chess trainers along with magazines and specialist branch press, dedicated to chess.

Project’s dissemination events, in order to promote MATE aims and to ensure project outputs, will be addictionally supported by: presentations at conferences, events, meetings.

8 Reporting on the dissementation. How will the progress report look like.
Progress Report - list of dissemination activities No of financial agreement Organization Date Type of action (for example , newsletter, article, information on the webpage) Descritpion of action Audience Effects University of Ecomics and Innovation in Lublin meeting Internal project presentation for the authorities of WSEI internal target group Raise of awareness among stuff about the project, spreading information to potential target group (deans,vice-deans of the faculties, as also administrative staff) (...) University of Economics and Innovation in Lublin conference Innovative solutions and technologies in the economy - commercialization of studies, , Lublin, Poland external and internal target group: universities, schools, students, pupils, private and public comapnies Raise of awareness about the project, spreading information to potential target group

9 Award criteria/Assesment criteria
Maximum points at application stage Maximum points at report stage Relevance of the project 30 20 Quality of the projects implementation 25 Quality of the project team and the cooperation agreements 15 Impact and dissemination 40 total 100

10 Characteristics of project tangible results:
exceptional connected with quality; value ( in a substantial and non-substantial sense) relevance, meaningful, adequacy to needs universality, timelessness; progress potencial; measurable, subjected to assesment; contextual; effective, effects to expenditure ratio.

11 The results of Erasmus+ Programme project (Strategic Partnerships)
The results are a key element of financial projects. The type of the result will be different depending on the project type. The results can have a different character and can include either concrete substantial results or non-substantial results, which were obtained by project’s organizer and participants

12 Sample products / results established partnerships (KA201)
Modernization of educational institutions offer (new programme offer in the field of school education); Preparation of teaching manuals preparing teachers to the role of mentors in schools; Raising the level of professional skills of school education staff; Knowledge, skills, experience and practice in the use of ICT (Informational- communicative technologies) acquisition; Development of innovative teaching methods - eg. E-learning courses, strategy games, interactive books, on-line training materials; Working out recommendations concerning changes in education policy in the region; Improving the quality and effectiveness of teaching in the schools involved in the project; Creating a strategy for the exchange of innovative ideas and technology in schools in Europe.

13 Dissemination of project results
Channels Tools Web sides, social media Social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest) newsletters articles, photo reports, videoconference, webinary Direct contacts presentation, meetings, conferences training courses, seminars, demonstrations TV, Radio, Press reports, press articles interviews with participants, instructors, profession teachers, Events conferences, seminars, displays, fairs, galas, symposiums Printed documents leaflats, broshures guides


15 Strategic partnerships (KA201)
Indicators that help in determining, describing product and result Mobility of partnerships’s project : product indicator: measurable, number-based result indicator: qualitive, based on effects, based on the effects, a scale of benefits, a degree of changes implementation, the impact assessment etc.

16 The disamination of results is a process
Step (1) The characteristics of an obtained result Step (2) Identifying audience Step (3) The choice of tools and distribution channel Step (4) Dissamination actions

17 Impact, Sustainability Erasmus+ programme guide
Impact is the effect that the activity carried out and its results have on people, practices, organizations, and systems. Sustainability is the capacity of the project to continue and use its results beyond the end of the funding period.

18 In what form will the results be available?
What do we have to take into consideration if we want to ensure an impact and sustainability of project results? Who, after the end of the project, would be interested in what has been implemented in it? In what form will the results be available? W jaki sposób rezultaty będą bezpośrednio wykorzystywane przez instytucje partnerskie? How will the results will be directly used by partnership institutions? Projekty są realizowane w jakimś celu –jakim jest wykorzystywanie rezultatów projektu w dłuższej perspektywie. Jak projekty będą wdrażane? Kto to zrobi? Jakimi środkami? Przygotowując projekt należy być przekonanym, i najlepiej żeby to przekonanie było poparte analizami, że nasz projekt i jego rezultaty są potrzebne przede wszystkim instytucjom partnerskim i również są pożądane przez szersze grono odbiorców

19 The functioning of the project in terms of evaluation criteria
Needs, problems, topic areas PROJECT STAKEHOLDERS influence results Source: European Commission, Working Document No. 1. Indicative Guidelines on Evaluation. Methods: Ex ante Evaluation, August 2006, s.4. products contribution PROJECT Aims EFFECTIVENESS ACCURACY EVALUATION CRITERIA EFFICIENCY UTILITY AND SUSTAINABILITY


21 Evaluation tools Questionnaire – paper, electronic version;
Interview - individual or group; according to the scenario; Observation - active or passive participation in project activities; Group techniques - meeting of participants, representatives of other target groups, policy makers, members of the project team; Analysis – e.g. of documents, substantial results, contextual documents (eg. Training programs, recommendations, articles) implemented in the project.

22 Erasmus+ Project Results Platform
Platforma Rezultatów Programu Erasmus+ służy upowszechnianiu i wykorzystaniu rezultatów projektów finansowanych ze środków programu Erasmus+. Jej celem jest rozprzestrzenianie na szeroką skalę informacji o rezultatach projektów oraz ich sukcesach, a także ułatwienie wymiany doświadczeń oraz promocja dobrych praktyk. Korzyści z korzystania z platformy Dostęp do rezultatów zrealizowanych projektów – możliwość skorzystania z wypracowanych rozwiązań Inspiracja dla przyszłych beneficjentów – inspiracja dla nowych działań, nowe pomysły, metody realizacji, nowe sposoby upowszechniania rezultatów. Wyróżnienie – szansa dla najlepszych projektów na lepsza widoczność i skuteczniejszą promocję.

The access to the results form implemented projects – the possibility of using realized solutions. Inspiration for future beneficiaries, new activities, new ideas, innovative methods of implementation and ways of dissemination of results. Distinction - a chance for the best projects for a better visibility and more effective promotion and development of international cooperation.

24 Platforma Rezultatów Projektów Erasmus+ wsparcie FRSE
Kontakt: lub

25 Ad memoriam : The most frequent mistakes
the lack of planned stategy (plan) of dissemination results; mistaking dissemination for promotion; mistaking tools for product and result; the lack of documentation of obtained results; skipping target groups groups other than the closests; poor quality (product, result); lack of action to strengthen the sustainability of the results; password reporting, without giving qualitative and quantitative data. Narzędzia Procedury, karty, raporty, manuale, wytyczne do realizacji mobilności edukacyjnej. Monitorowaniu projektów służą wskaźniki produktu i rezultatu: Produktu: dotyczą one realizowanych działań. Produktem jest wszystko to, co zostanie uzyskane w wyniku działań zrealizowanych w ramach projektu – dobra i usługi świadczone na rzecz uczestników podczas realizacji projektu. Powinny one obrazować finalny efekt danego działania. Wskaźniki produktu odnoszą się do osób lub podmiotów objętych wsparciem; Rezultatu: dotyczą one efektów wsparcia. Określają efekt zrealizowanych działań w stosunku do osób lub podmiotów. Wskaźniki rezultatu powinny być jak najściślej powiązane z działaniami i dotyczyć tylko tego, na co projekt ma wpływ. Informują o zmianie jakościowej w sytuacji danej osoby/podmiotu.

26 Than You for your attention!

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