Last will cases Monika Drela. Jan had one son – Tomas and two grand-daughters – Alicia and Kate. He had 5 immovables. In 2012 Jan made last will in handwriting,


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Last will cases Monika Drela

Jan had one son – Tomas and two grand-daughters – Alicia and Kate. He had 5 immovables. In 2012 Jan made last will in handwriting, where he wrote that he wanted Alicia to have immovable no. 1 after he dies. In 2013 he learned about vindicative legacy entered into polish C.C., so he went to notary and made last will in notarial act, where he decided that Kate would be given an immovable no. 2 as a vindicative legacy. In 2014 he made third last will in handwriting, where he wrote, he wanted Alicia to be given a vindicative legacy of immovable no. 3 1.Who inherits the estate after Jan died on r. ? 2.Who is the owner of Jan’s immovables ? 3.Are there any claims to be pursued by grandaughters ? Who is the debtor ?

A was born in Krakow in His parents owned a building on the Main Square. As the family was of Jewish origin A after the outbreak of World War II, his parents were sent to a concentration camp, where he died. A joined the Anders Army and after the war he settled in London. He also acquired English citizenship. However, he never gave up Polish citizenship. As a result of nationalization, the property belonging to the family before the war was acquired by the Polish state. After 1989, A commenced action to recover the property. During this process, in April 2009, A died leaving a will in which the entire estate was given to her neighbour - a citizen of the United States, and A disinherited his son. Heiress joined the proceedings in Poland, which ended in March 2010 recognized the nationalization decision null and void. The heiress brought to court in the land and mortgage register of Krakow to enter her as the owner of the property. The court, however, refused to make such entries.

What is the law governing the succession case under polish international private law? Is there a conflict of law possible ? What do you think is the reason of the court decision ? Who is the legal successor ?

USTAWA z dnia 24 marca 1920 r. o nabywaniu nieruchomości przez cudzoziemców Art. 1 Acquisition of real estate by a foreigner requires a permission issued, by way of decision issued by the Minister of Internal Affairs, if the opposition is not presented by the Minister of National Defence, and in the case of agricultural property the minister responsible for dis-development of the village. Nabycie nieruchomości przez cudzoziemca wymaga zezwolenia. Zezwolenie jest wydawane, w drodze decyzji administracyjnej, przez ministra właściwego do spraw wewnętrznych, jeżeli sprzeciwu nie wniesie Minister Obrony Narodowej, a w przypadku nieruchomości rolnych, jeżeli sprzeciwu również nie wniesie minister właściwy do spraw rozwoju wsi. Exeptions – art. 8.

Art. 8 It is not required to obtain a permission by foreigners being citizens or entrepreneurs in States - parties to the Agreement on the European Economic Area or the Swiss Confederation, with the exception of the acquisition: 1) agricultural land and forests, over a period of 12 years from the date of accession of the Republic of Polish Union-European Union; When an appartment or premisses are the object of transaction or succession

Art. 7 The provisions of the Act do not apply to the acquisition of property through inheritance or vindicative legacy by persons entitled to statutory succession. If the law does not provide a statutory succession, in this respect, the Polish law applies. 3. If a foreigner who has acquired property under a will, does not obtain authorization from the Minister of Internal Affairs on the basis of an application made within two years from the date of opening of the inheritance, ownership of property or right of perpetual usufruct goes to the statutory successors. 3a.5) If an alien who acquired property based on vindicative legacy not obtains permission from the Minister of Internal Affairs on the basis of an application made within two years from the date of opening the inheritance, ownership of property or right of perpetual usufruct goes back into the estate. The provisions of paragraph. 2 and 3, will be applied, except that the term referred to in paragraph. 3 runs from the time when the foreigner learned of the entrance to the decline of property rights or the right of perpetual usufruct.

Art. 7 Przepisów ustawy nie stosuje się do nabycia nieruchomości w drodze dziedziczenia lub zapisu windykacyjnego przez osoby uprawnione do dziedziczenia ustawowego. Jeżeli prawo ojczyste spadkodawcy nie przewiduje dziedziczenia ustawowego, w tym zakresie stosuje się prawo polskie. 3. Jeżeli cudzoziemiec, który nabył wchodzącą w skład spadku nieruchomość na podstawie testamentu, nie uzyska zezwolenia ministra właściwego do spraw wewnętrznych na podstawie wniosku złożonego w ciągu dwóch lat od dnia otwarcia spadku, prawo własności nieruchomości lub prawo użytkowania wieczystego nabywają osoby, które byłyby powołane do spadku z ustawy. 3a.5) Jeżeli cudzoziemiec, który nabył nieruchomość na podstawie zapisu windykacyjnego, nie uzyska zezwolenia ministra właściwego do spraw wewnętrznych na podstawie wniosku złożonego w ciągu dwóch lat od dnia otwarcia spad-ku, prawo własności nieruchomości lub prawo użytkowania wieczystego wchodzi do spadku. Stosuje się wtedy przepisy ust. 2 i 3, z tym że termin, o którym mowa w ust. 3, biegnie od chwili, gdy cudzoziemiec dowiedział się o wejściu do spadku prawa własności nieruchomości lub prawa użytkowania wieczystego.