Hydrolysis & buffers.


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Zapis prezentacji:

Hydrolysis & buffers

Hydrolysis Reaction of ions with water molecules resulting in the decomposition of water molecule to release hydrogen or hydroxyl ion. Acidification or alkalinization of the aqueous solution it is thus possible.



Strong acid/weak base

Strong acid/weak base

Ammonium chloride

Aluminum sulfate (VI)

Weak acid/strong base

Weak acid/strong base

Sodium acetate

Sodium carbonate

Weak acid/weak base

Weak acid/weak base

Weak acid/weak base

Weak acid/weak base

Weak acid/weak base Hydrolysis efect, pH, of the weak acid and a weak base salt solution, depends on the of the respective dissociation constants of the acid and base.

Ammonium acetate

Ammonium acetate The pH of the solution will depend on the dissociation constant of acetic acid and the ammonium base and the ionic product of water. Because these constants little different from each other, pH of the solution practically neutral (pH about 7).

Buffer solutions Solutions retaining the pH constant and insensitive to small additions of acids and bases. These are usually solutions of weak acids and their salts, or weak bases and their salts.

Buffer solution Response of the buffer solution prepared on the basis of a weak acid HA and coupled to this acid anion A- (principle as defined Bronsted) involves the binding of an excess of H+ and HO- by reacting:

Buffer solution The pH of this buffer solution can be determined by appropriate selection of the concentration of a weak acid HA and its conjugated base, using the equilibrium constant for the dissociation of acid

Buffer solution

Acetate buffer

Ammonium buffer

Sources http://zasoby1.open.agh.edu.pl/dydaktyka/chemia/a_e_chemia/6_chemia_roztworow/05_07_00.htm http://zasoby1.open.agh.edu.pl/dydaktyka/chemia/a_e_chemia/6_chemia_roztworow/05_07_01.htm http://zasoby1.open.agh.edu.pl/dydaktyka/chemia/a_e_chemia/6_chemia_roztworow/05_07_02.htm http://zasoby1.open.agh.edu.pl/dydaktyka/chemia/a_e_chemia/6_chemia_roztworow/05_07_03.htm http://zasoby1.open.agh.edu.pl/dydaktyka/chemia/a_e_chemia/6_chemia_roztworow/05_08_00.htm

Hydrolysis & buffers