CIMA University Program 2017/2018 Be a business leader, not a number cruncher Poznan University of Economics and Business.


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Zapis prezentacji:

CIMA University Program 2017/2018 Be a business leader, not a number cruncher Poznan University of Economics and Business

What is CIMA? CIMA is the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants Established in 1919, we are the world’s largest professional body of Chartered Global Management Accountants We offer the most relevant qualifications for a career in business and finance Our mission is to help people and businesses to succeed A global community with over 229,000 members and students in 176 countries worldwide All seeking to create better business and sustainable success

CGMA competency framework Program CIMA at University is a joint program of The Chartered Institute of Management Accountants and Universities in Poland. The qualification develops you across four business and finance competencies CIMA Program enables University’s students to obtain certain exemptions from CIMA exams.  CIMA Program students complete the program based on their University’s curriculum and CIMA syllabus, reviewed and created to meet the needs of CIMA Accredited Employers around the world. CIMA Cert BA CIMA Dip MA

Warunkiem uzyskania CIMA Diploma in Management Accounting jest: ukończenie studiów magisterskich w UEP na kierunku Finanse i Rachunkowość Biznesu i specjalności Finanse i rachunkowość przedsiębiorstw, zdanie następującego standaryzowanego przez CIMA egzaminu/egzaminów w języku angielskim przed ukończeniem studiów magisterskich w UEP: Operational level case study (OCS) - dla studentów, którzy zaliczyli przedmiot do wyboru z grupy C: Managerial Accounting, P1 Managerial Accounting i Operational level case study (OCS) - dla studentów, którzy nie zaliczyli przedmiot do wyboru z grupy C: Managerial Accounting,

Warunkiem uzyskania CIMA Diploma in Management Accounting jest: ukończenie studiów magisterskich w UEP na kierunku Finanse i Rachunkowość Biznesu i specjalności: Analityka Usług Finansowych, Inwestycje kapitałowe i strategie finansowe przedsiębiorstwa, Zarządzanie funduszami inwestycyjnymi zdanie następujących standaryzowanych przez CIMA egzaminów w języku angielskim przed ukończeniem studiów magisterskich w UEP: P1 Management Accounting, F1 Financial Reporting and Taxation, Operational level case study (OCS).

§  Od 1 do 31.10.2017 rejestracja do Programu CIMA na Uczelni §  Od 1 do 12.11.2017 weryfikacja po stronie Koordynatora Programu CIMA §  Od 13 do 19.11.2017 weryfikacja po stronie CIMA §  Od 20 do 24.11.2017 nadawanie studentów CIMA ID §  27.11.2017 komunikacja mailowa do studentów zakwalifikowanych do Programu CIMA 2017/2018 z informacją o indywidulanym numerze CIMA ID i sposobie płatności opłaty rejestracyjnej 77GBP §  Od 28.11.2017 do 01.12.2017 studenci wpłacają opłatę rejestracyjną (informacja o opłacie rejestracyjnej wyświetla się studentowi po przejściu kroku 3 rejestracji (ostatni krok 4 to weryfikacja i akceptacja po stronie Koordynatora Programu oraz CIMA).

Policy of “Program CIMA na Uczelni” Academic Year 2017/2018 Poznan University of Economics and Business

BENEFITS for all CIMA Program students an invitation to the CIMA Top Talents Club; free hard copy textbooks with a code to online study resources (only for Public Universities students) - available to students who will sign up for an external exam in Pearson VUE test centers; free access to the CIMA Connect; free access to “Exam Success meetings”, training courses/workshops preparing to the Operational Case Study (OCS) external examination; free access to events/workshops conducted by CIMA experts in different Polish cities; CIMA Program students are directly supported by their University’s CIMA Program Coordinator and CIMA Ambassador;

BENEFITS for all CIMA Program students CIMA Program students obtain access to CIMA online resources, which include: - an individual MyCIMA account, thanks to which students receive support while studying, - effective and flexible study methods such as mind planning (preparatory materials for certificates, professional education materials, case studies, etc.), - CIMA My Jobs, a portal with job offers for CIMA students and members. CIMA Program students are invited to the Gala Awards Night & Christmas Party; Summer Special; business meeting e.g. Money Talks meetings with CEOs and CFOs of global companies. Results of external exams taken by CIMA Program students are taken into consideration in awarding CIMA community best exam prizes at various levels of the CIMA qualification.

Student participating in CIMA Program is obliged to: complete University courses that form a basis for exemptions from CIMA exams (as defined in the agreement); take part in a mandatory Induction/Welcome Meeting (presence confirmed by the participant's signature), designed to introduce new students to CIMA Program, familiarize the participants with the rules of CIMA Program; complete assessment, opinion and evaluation surveys prepared for the purposes of CIMA Program’s implementation; expand their knowledge with the use of online resources, CIMA textbooks, webinars, additional courses, CIMA expert workshops, etc.

Student participating in CIMA Program is obliged to: notify the University and CIMA, in writing, of the decision to withdraw from CIMA Program; pay the fees resulting from their participation in CIMA Program; refrain from disseminating educational materials obtained from CIMA; obtain Dean’s approval for a conditional suspension of studying CIMA Program in the event that, e.g., a student participates in the Erasmus student exchange program or takes a dean’s leave; notify University CIMA Program Coordinator in writing of any exceptional situation that prevents the implementation of CIMA Program.

Students who failed to complete CIMA Program: Can not apply to enroll in another level of CIMA Program; does not receive any document confirming his/her participation in CIMA Program; Student who failed to complete CIMA Program can pass the external CIMA exam as an individual CIMA student not as a student of CIMA Program; Student who failed to complete CIMA Program retains his/her exams exemptions and exemptions fee.

University CIMA Program Coordinator responsible for the substantive aspects of CIMA Program   CIMA Ambassador inform about CIMA Program work together with representatives of students’ research organizations, the University CIMA Program Coordinator and other University’s Departments/Units for the purposes of organizing and implementing different activities of CIMA Program  

CONTACT: CIMA University Coordinator: dr hab. Remigiusz Napiecek, prof. nadzw. UEP email: CIMA Ambassador: Błażej Karolewicz email: CIMA for University Pathways, Poznan University of Economics and Business, October 2017