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Proprietary and Confidential: This presentation may not be used or disclosed to any person other than employees or customer, unless expressly authorized.
Kjnjnjnlkjnéíáýžřčšě. 0 o 2009 Lorenc Logistic Polska rozpoczyna działalność o 2012 Otwarcie własnego Serwisu dla Pojazdów Ciężarowych o 2014 Certyfikacja.
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Zapis prezentacji:


Company history 2009 Lorenc Logistic Poland opens for business Company history 2009 Lorenc Logistic Poland opens for business 2012 The company´s garage has been opened

Profil Lorenc Logistic Polska Profile of Lorenc Logistic Poland Firma głównie skupia się na logistyce i transporcie w Europie zachodniej i środkowej, jak również dystrybucji na terenie Polski Lorenc Logistic nieustająco ulepsza swoje standardy i zawsze dąży do równowagi w dywersyfikacji zakresu swoich usług Najszerszy zakres działania Lorenc Logistic Polska dotyczy dużych firm, w tym korporacji i międzynarodowych spółek Cele firmy: Kompleksowe usługi logistyczne celem dostarczenia najlepszych rozwiązań swoim klientom Ciągłe inwestycje w rozwój firmy dla ulepszania standardów obsługi i rozszerzania zakresu świadczonych usług The company´s main focus is logistics and transport in western and middle Europe as well as distribution within Poland Lorenc Logistic keeps improving their services continuously and always tries to achieve diversification amongst all company activities The company´s widest range of clients are big companies, incl. corporations and international companies Company´s goals : Complex logistic services for our customers so we can provide the best service Continuos investments in company development for service standards improvements and it‘s range enlargement.

Rozwój firmy Company development Employees Vehicles

Company turnover in mln PLN

Company services in percentages

Lorenc Group focus Logistics and Warehousing Transport HGV Service Forwarding

Customer focused activities in the transport area Road transport International/Domestic FTL / LTL shipments Transport ADR Specialist transport Transport Logistyka i Magazynowanie Forwarding International/Domestic forwarding FTL/LTL shippments Serwis Pojazdów Ciężarowych Spedycja

Transport services range Middle, Southern East Europe PL CZ SK HU RO Western Europe B NL D A F(north) LUX GB Southern Europe SLO HR Balkans GR TR

HGV Service Station Professionally equipped service station Own fleet servicing as well as external customers Repairs of all types of trucks and trailers Regular inspection and maintenance services offer Mobile service 24h Expertly equipped van available around the clock, seven days a week Repairs at the scene

Quality of the services Know-how and personal approach KPI Reports Team of professionals Active knowledge of at least one international language is a set standard for all of our dispatchers/system operators and sales managers ADR equipment (for transport of dangerous goods) in all company vehicles as a standard set by the ADR European agreement Regular training for all company drivers including ADR training (for transport of dangerous goods) Company´s own internal dangerous goods and safety advisor (DGSA) since 2009 The company´s drivers knowledge of at least one international language at a communicative level Satelite monitoring of all shipments that enables not only the contact between the driver and the dispatcher, but also allows the customer to track the shipment via web interface An e-mail address for possible customer claims/complaints has been set up reklamacje@lorenc-logistic.com.pl

Lorenc Group Fleet

Company´s membership Kuyavian-Pomeranian Association of International Carriers 2009 Polish Foundation of Techical Gases 2011 2013 Association of International Road Carriers in Poland

LORENC GROUP - CONTACTS Lorenc Logistic Poland based in Włocławek Tomasz Kuźnicki – Director tel: +48 515 174 118; e-mail: kuznicki@lorenc-logistic.com.pl +48 54 428 28 89 Sales Department: Agnieszka Rymar – Customer Service Specialist tel: +48 517 250 409; e-mail: customerservice@lorenc-logistic.com.pl +48 54 428 28 89 Logistics Department: Rafał Sobieraj - Logistics Department Administrator tel: +48 54 428 28 89; e-mail: logistyka@lorenc-logistic.com.pl fax: +48 54 428 28 84 HGV Service Station: Paweł Bujalski – Kierownik Serwisu tel: +48 797 418 754; e-mail: bujalski@lorenc-logistic.com.pl +48 54 426 22 62

Lorenc Logistic s.r.o. Head office based in Klatovy/ Czech Rep. LORENC GROUP CONTACTS Lorenc Logistic s.r.o. Head office based in Klatovy/ Czech Rep. Václav Lorenc – CEO tel: +420 376 377 319 e-mail: lorenc@lorenc-logistic.cz Sale Department : Iveta Rychtáříková rychtarikova@lorenc-logistic.cz tel: +420 376 377 342, +420 602 249 639 Lenka Schweiglová schweiglova@lorenc-logistic.cz tel: +420 376 377 347, +420 602 464 848 Jiří Šelmát obchod1@lorenc-logistic.cz tel: +420 376 377 320, +420 602 129 556 Branch Kněževes Irena Vašková – managing director tel: +420 724 027 382 e-mail: vaskova@lorenc-logistic.cz mob: +420 724 027 382 Branch Pohořelice Irena Vašková – managing director tel: +420 519 324 384

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