What needs to be done for successful entry into the EU? Transformation of nursing education in Poland. Ministry of Health Department for Nurses and Midwives.


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What needs to be done for successful entry into the EU? Transformation of nursing education in Poland. Ministry of Health Department for Nurses and Midwives Belgrade, January 2013


Population Approx. 38 mln This places Poland as the eighth country in Europe as far as the population is concerned.

Population in Europe PROJEKT USTAWY O ZAWODACH PIELĘGNIARKI I POŁOŻNEJ Najistotniejsze zmiany

State of Nursing Number of registered nurses and midwives: 270,000 of that professionally active: approx. 180,000 Number of people completing nursing or midwifery education every year: approx. 8,000

Education: Historical context Education of nurses in the secondary school system 5-year nursing secondary schools (last enrollment in 1991), 2-year post-secondary/vocational schools (since 1991), 2,5-year post-secondary/vocational schools (last enrollment 2002/2003), In the years there were 10 vocational nursing schools carrying out a pilot educational programme, which provided 4600 teaching hours in 6 semesters and was in accordance with EU requirements.

Education: Historical context In 1999, the training of nurses and midwives was conducted in 129, and midwives in 53 post-secondary schools across the country. Reducing the number of medical schools, and thus the number of students and graduates was the result of the changing education in medical professions. Since 1993, in conjunction with the Polish accession to the EU, the transformation of education in the professions of nurse and midwife began in order to adjust Polish regulations to the directives of the Council of the European Communities. The Polish government decided to transform education of the professions of nurse and midwive in the system of higher education.

Bologna Process The creation of a European area of ​​ higher education as a key way to promote citizens' mobility and employability and the Continent's overall development. Objectives: Adoption of a system of easily readable and comparable degrees, also through the implementation of the Diploma Supplement, in order to promote employment opportunities for the citizens of Europe. Adoption of a system based on two cycles: lower - three years - the title of bachelor and higher - two years - the title of Master. Establishing a system of credits ECTS - as a means of promoting the mobility of students.

Directive 2005/36/EU The training must include at least 3 years or 4,600 hours of theoretical and clinical, with the theoretical training representing at least one-third, and clinical training at least one half of the minimum period of training. Member States shall ensure that institutions providing nursing training are responsible for the coordination of theoretical and clinical training throughout the curriculum. The training is conducted by the faculty of nursing or other competent persons.

Nursing education on an university level Since 1999, the first higher education institutes started Bachelor programme in nursing. Medical Academies still provided training in the 5-year Master level in nursing.

Present state Number of tertiary schools: 73 Education level : I - Bachelor 3 years 4600 hours II - Master 2 years 1300 hours

Ensuring quality of education National Council for Accreditation of Schools of Nurses and Midwives The statutory body appointed by the Minister of Health, conducting the assessment of compliance with the standards of education in the fields of nursing and midwifery.

Minister of Health accreditation Nursing and midwifery schools are required to obtain accreditation of the Ministry of Health, confirming compliance with the standards of education Universities and schools begin nursing and midwifery education are obliged to submit an application for accreditation no later than three months before the start of a college recruitment Minister of Health accreditation may be granted for a period of 3 to 5 years.

Education provided in the secondary school system did not meet the standard of required hours of vocational training set by the European Union in the Directives.

Comparison of the number of hours of medical lyceum graduates made ​​ in the peer review and Polish verification after 2004 On the basis of the curriculum and the T-39 training hours provided to the Commission in the years 2002/2004

Practical and technical training Godziny kształcenia wyliczone w 2002/2004 r. (wg dyrektywy 77/453/EWG) - Wiedza i etyka zawodowa 55 h Zasady zdrowia i pielęgniarstwa 27 h Zasady pielęgniarstwa w odniesieniu do Medycyny og ó lnej i spec. 211 h* Chirurgii og ó lnej i spec. 138 h Opieki na dziećmi i pediatrii 132 h Opieki położniczej 64 h Zdrowia psych. i psychiatrii 64 h Opieki nad os. starymi i geriatrii 0 h Overall: 691 h * Wynik por ó wnania liczby godzin przedmiot ó w zawartych w programie T-39 z przedmiotami zapisanymi w dyrektywie 77/453/EWG (uwzględniono wyłącznie te przedmioty, kt ó re były WPROST zapisane w dyrektywie). Nie znamy przyjętej metodologii liczenia godzin. Faktyczne godziny kształcenia wg planu nauczania T-39 (1981 r.) 52 h 152 h 742 h** 138 h 136 h 68 h 112 h 0 h 1400 h ** Uwzględniono wszystkie przedmioty kształcenia zawodowego wraz z liczbą godzin

Basic sciences Godziny kształcenia wyliczone w 2002/2004 r. (wg dyrektywy 77/453/EWG)  Anatomia i fizjologia 152 h  Patologia 36 h  Bakteriologia, wirusologia 222 h  Dietetyka 68 h  Higiena (profilaktyka, edukacja zdrowotna) 52 h  Farmakologia 72 h Overall: 602 h Faktyczne godziny kształcenia wg planu nauczania T-39 (1981 r.) 152 h 36 h 222 h 0 h 120 h 72 h  602 h

Social sciences Godziny kształcenia wyliczone w 2002/2004 r. (wg dyrektywy 77/453/EWG)  Socjologia, psychologia, Pedagogika, administracja 86 h  Prawne aspekty pielęgniarstwa 20 h Overall: 106 h Faktyczne godziny kształcenia wg planu nauczania T-39 (1981 r.) 112 h 0 h 120 h (przysposobienie obronne) 150 h (przysposobienie do życia w rodzinie) 148 h (język łaciński) 530 h

Clinical training Godziny kształcenia błędnie wyliczone w 2002/2004 r. (wg dyrektywy 77/453/EWG Pielęgniarstwo w odniesieniu do:  Medycyny og ó lnej i specjalist. 390 h  Chirurgii og ó lnej i specjalist. 326 h  Opieki nad dziećmi i pediatrii 292 h  Opieki położniczej 140 h  Zdrowia psych, i psychiatrii 112 h  Opieki domowej 308 h SUMA: 1568 h Overall 2967 h ** Plan kształcenia T-39 z uwzględnieniem liczby godzin kształcenia zawodowego w poszczeg ó lnych przedmiotach Faktyczne godziny kształcenia wg planu nauczania T-39 (1981 r.) ** 390 h 326 h 292 h 140 h 112 h 308 h 1568 h 4100 h *** *** Komisja Europejska w rozmowach z Polską uznała 3950 godzin kształcenia

Graduates were obliged to work the first 2 years in the hospital, under the supervision Content in the field of biophysics, biochemistry and radiology were carried out in the framework of other subjects, including the physics and chemistry, which are included in the group of professional and general items not shown in this analysis The curriculum does not include hours of self- study

Summary of the number of hours of vocational training proposed by Poland on, the example of medical secondary school graduates Number of training hours before 1980 Number of training hours after 1980 Directive 2005/36/EC Difference (column 1 +2 subtracted from number in column 3) Regulation of the Minister of Health* Proposed number of training hours ** ***

How was the lack of vocational training hours solved in Poland? BRIDGING PROGRAMS

NOTE ! Besides supplementing the number of vocational training hours, bridging programs also raise the level of education to Bachelor – tertiary vocational education (added value of bridging programs)

Thank you for your attention. Beata Cholewka Director Department for Nurses and Midwives Ministry of Health phone: fax: GSM: