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Presentation about : Grodzisk Mazowiecki Podkowa Le ś na
Grodzisk Mazowiecki
For the investors, the township of Grodzisk Mazowiecki is one of the most attractive town in Poland. Grodzisk took the 1st place in Mazowsze, in the category of the townships of 15 to 40 thousand inhabitants. The characteristic feature of the township of Grodzisk is a constant, dynamic increase of the number of the economic entities and also the number of inhabitants (besides the negative population growth). Each year about 30% of the township's budget is allocated for investments.
The township of Grodzisk has an area of 10,723 ha and consists of the town of Grodzisk Mazowiecki (1,319 ha) and 33 villages: Adamowizna, Adamów, Chlebnia, Chrzanów Duży, Chrzanów Mały, Czarny Las, Izdebno Kościelne, Izdebno Nowe, Janinów, Kady, Kałęczyn, Kłudno Nowe, Kłudno Stare, Kozerki, Kozery Nowe, Kozery Stare, Kraśnicza Wola, Książenice, Makówka, Marynin, Mościska, Natolin, Odrano Wola, Opypy, Radonie, Szczęsne, Tłuste, Wężyk, Władków, Wólka Grodziska, Zabłotnia, Żuków.
Podkowa Lesna
Map – where is Podkowa?
Something more about Podkowa! It is a beautifull place where you can go for a walk! Meny green strets and park! You must see it! So go now for a wolk!
Autor: Thank you for time that you spend for reading that presentation Alexandra Drzewicka
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