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LANDesk – zarządzanie infrastrukturą IT
Krzysztof Krawczyk
Jednym zdaniem… Przystępne cenowo inteligentne zarządzanie systemami, bezpieczeństwem, zasobami, procesami oraz usługami z jednej prostej w obsłudze konsoli.
Lider w zarządzaniu infrastrukturą IT - 85% firm z listy Fortune 1000 wykorzystuje Avocenta - “Avocent oszczędził ponad $23,000 dla każdych 100 użytkowników, co roku” – IDC Study - “Avocent jest liderem w magicznym kwadrancie w kompleksowym zarządzaniu cyklem życia” - Gartner Założony: 1985 jako ‘LAN Systems’ Zakupiony przez Intela: 1991 Odłączony od Intela: 2002 Zakupiony przez Avocenta: 2006 Avocent zakupiony przez Emersona: 2009 Wykupiony przez inwestora w 2010 Centrala – Salt Lake City, Utah Centra technologiczne w: Salt Lake City, USA Reading, UK Peking, China LANDesk: Przychód 2008 > US $ 144 million, 600 pracowników > 400 certyfikowanych partnerów na świecie, w tym Hardsoft-Telekom, Kapsch, Datacom, B3 Systems Gartner Magic Quadrant, Visionary Leader Page 3 Placeholder - Presentation title | 6 April, 2006 3
Oddziały LANDeska
Klienci Avocenta/LANDeska
Klienci LANDeska na świecie/w Europie/w Polsce
Honeywell International, Lotos Refinery (PL) Kazakhoil KZ Norilskgazprom RU Informika (Moscow) Dalkia Telefonica RTL Television Intel Corporation TGK1 Sharp Electronics Corp Unisys Corporation Yahoo! Inc. OTP Bank RU Naional Bank of Croatia Nomos Bank Royal Sun All Insurance Exportni Bank CZ Hypobank (CZ) Transkreditbank RU Sobinbank RU Incredbank RU Gazinvestbank RU Provident HU Surgutneftegazbank . Min of RegionalDev CZ Min of Interior CZ Prague Districts 1, 3 and 9 Moscow Tax Office Liberec County Warsaw districts ANRS RO Gdansk Police European Commission Czech government office Budapest XII The United States Army Russian Blood Transfusion Svc Russian Railways Brno Transport Authority Severstalavto Valeo RO & worldwide Fota Auto Parts PL Uzbek Airlines Honda Vnukovo Airport Royal Automobile Club Coca-Cola Enterprises Inc Kerry Foods US Steel SK SR Honeywell Nemak (CZ) Hercules Incorporated Placer Dome (CLA) Ltd Raytheon Company Schott Electronic Packaging Swisher International, Inc. US Steel Corporation SK LPP (Poland) Leroy Merlin Plus GmbH Cutisin CZ Foley’s Department Store Fleming Foods Kohls Department Stores Inc Lennox International Sotheby’s International Realty, NEXT UK Transportation/Automotive Manufacturing High-Tech/Energy Government Retail & Distribution Finance Henkel Polpharma PL & RU Bayer AG Merck & Co., Inc BASF American Association Cancer Research Columbia/HCA Geisinger Health System Pharma/Chemicals Chemical Institute Prague Moscow State University CZ Nuclear Research Inst Prague Agricultural University College of Notre Dame Harvard Business School Indiana Purdue University Tufts University Virginia Beach Schools Education
Idea LANDesk Obniż koszty Obniż ryzyko Zwiększ produktywność
Wiedz, co masz, kupuj tylko to, co potrzebujesz i odzyskuj niewykorzystane licencje na oprogramowanie, zarządzaj zasobami programowymi korzystając z ich kompletnego cyklu życia, oszczędzaj na kosztach zasilania, zarządzaj mobilnością pracowników i dostępem zdalnym do infrastruktury oraz wykorzystuj wirtualizację aplikacji Obniż ryzyko Zapewniaj zgodność ze standardami, warstwowe bezpieczeństwo infrastruktury, komputerów oraz urządzeń przenośnych, spełniaj wymagania korporacyjne, aktualizuj systemy, monitoruj warunki środowiskowe, spełniaj wymagania SLA Zwiększ produktywność Dostarcz zarządzanie usługami, przekaż je pracownikom, wyszkol dział IT, zautomatyzuj procesy IT, zapewnij łączność i usługi w trybie 24/7, dokonaj postępu w modelu dojrzałości systemów IT [LANDesk is extremely customer focused. Everything we do is assist our customer – saving money, reducing business risks and increasing efficiencies. Every feature/function is designed to that end.] LANDesk® Management Suite enables IT professionals to automate systems management tasks and proactively control desktops, servers and mobile devices by delivering management solutions to the distributed, enterprise IT environment. No management solution is more complete, integrated and easy to use. The Suite provides added value by reducing cost, minimizing business risk and increasing efficiency: Know what you have, reclaim software, manage assets thru complete lifecycle, save on power costs, manage mobility, deliver 24X7 services and connectivity Ensure compliance, layered security for infrastructure, endpoints & mobile data, meet regulatory demands, patch management and system updates Deliver service management, empower employees, automate IT processes, forward progress in IT maturity
Zwrot inwestycji dla klienta LANDesk
CEG (14k klientów) oszczędził $1m w pierwszym roku poprzez odzyskanie niewykorzystanych licencji na oprogramowanie DC Government (15k klientów) oszczędza $600k co roku na kosztach energii dzięki zarządzania zasilaniem stacji roboczych Convergys (54k klientów) od 1999 roku oszczędza miliony dzięki migracji systemów, spisowi sprzętu i aplikacji oraz dystrybucji oprogramowania i poprawek Obniż koszty China Construction Bank (210k klientów) wykorzystuje zarządzanie cyklem życia zasobów, wirtualizację aplikacji oraz warstwowe bezpieczeństwo z HIPS oraz zarządzanie uaktualnieniami w swojej światowej infrastrukturze Honeywell (110k klientów) zcentralizował usługi zarządzania stacjami roboczymi, uzyskując kontrolę i ponad 97% poprawnych aktualizacji w skali światowej, obniżając wymagania infrastruktury z 263 serwerów na 25 serwerów Obniż ryzyko Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (10k klientów) usługi wspomagające pomoc techniczną były w stanie obniżyć liczbę telefonów do helpdesku o 50% London Borough of Hillingdon (250,000 mieszkańców) podwoił liczbę rozwiązań problemów technicznych 1 poziomu z 30% do 60%, przy czym członkowie 2 i 3 poziomu odegrali w tym strategiczną rolę, oszczędzając $100,000 rocznie Zwiększ produktywność
Rynek zarządzania systemami oraz bezpieczeństwem IT
Łatwość wdrożenia / implementacji Rozległość rozwiązania Producenci ogólni +Szeroka funkcjonalność - Niski ROI Oddzielne konsole Utrata integracji Produkty w postaci zestawu + Najlepsza wartość do ceny + Szybki ROI + Niezależny od platformy + Pojedyncza konsola + Zintegrowane narzędzia Produkty dedykowane + Niski koszt - Pojedyncze rozwiązanie - Brak integracji - Kolejna konsola zarządzania
Rynek zarządzania zasobami oraz bezpieczeństwem IT
Producenci ogólni Produkty dedykowane Produkty w postaci zestawu Łatwość wdrożenia / implementacji Rozległość rozwiązania E-Eye digital security
Rozwiązania Avocent/LANDesk
Asset Lifecycle Management Systems Configuration Management IT Service Management Physical and Virtual Infrastructure Planning & Management Security & Compliance Anytime, Anywhere Access Connections Process Automation & Open Platform
LANDesk Management Suite
Systems Management LANDesk Management Suite
LANDesk® Management Suite
Systems Management IT Lifecycle
Integracja technologii ThinkVantage
Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia North Carolina AOC Sorenson Sherwin Williams InvesTools ArchBishop Moeller Callison Architecture Developers Diversified Realty St Vincent Hospital PPD Placeholder - Presentation title | 6 April, 2006 14 14
Wykrywanie Kilka opcji wykrywania: po adresie IP po domenie NT po LDAP
po IPMI lub vPro
Instalowanie agenta Własna konfiguracja agenta lub gotowa dla Windows, Linux i Mac
Zadania Zadania są podstawowym środkiem wykonywania wszystkich
operacji, np. instalowania agenta
Spis sprzętu i oprogramowania
Inventory zawiera wszystkie informacje, które LANDesk był w stanie zgromadzić po przeskanowaniu systemu
Zdalny dostęp Zdalny dostęp pozwala na przejęcie pulpitu użytkownika,
wymianę plików pomiędzy systemami oraz chatowanie
Własne formularze Własne formularze pozwalają na zbieranie informacji spoza systemu komputerowego od użytkowników (np. dział, do którego należą)
Zapytania Zapytania pozwalają na wyszukiwanie komputerów,
które spełniają określone warunki na podstawie informacji ze spisu sprzętu i oprogramowania
Ostrzeżenia Ostrzeżenia umożliwiają powiadamiać administratora lub użytkownika o pewnych zdarzeniach, np. zmianach w konfiguracji
Raporty Raporty mogą być wywoływane z dowolnej części LANDeska,
za pomocą gotowych szablonów lub za pomocą własnych stworzonych przez narzędzie projektanta raportów
Dystrybucja oprogramowania
Oprogramowanie można instalować zdalnie za pomocą kilku mechanizmów. Mogą to być m.in. pakiety MSI, specjalne pakiety SWD albo zwykłe pliki exe
Zarządzanie licencjami
Zarządzanie licencjami pozwala na analizę liczby posiadanych i wykorzystanych licencji na oprogramowanie
Zarządzanie zasilaniem
Zarządzanie zasilaniem pozwala na ustawienia schematów zasilania dla poszczególnych komputerów lub grup komputerów, co może spowodować znaczące oszczędności energii elektrycznej (kosztów)
LANDesk Server Manager
Systems Management IT Lifecycle
LANDesk Server Manager Always ON Availability
Hardware Monitoring Monitoring and alerting on Services,System/App/Security Logs Out of band monitoring and recovery through IPMI, AMT, ASF Low Resource Agents Only in use when called Device Monitor Check server response or connection status (Ping) Custom alerting methods Hundreds of possible alerts sent to , page, run .exe, SNMP
LANDesk Application Virtualization
“Next Generation Software Deployment” Application Virtualization Done Right! No agent. No infrastructure. No problem. A client-less Application Virtualization solution Windows applications can be packaged, distributed, and executed as a single EXE on a host PC without installation or changes to the local desktop's registry and file system. Unlike other solutions, LANDesk Application Virtualization requires no pre-installed software on the client or server. Virtualized applications can run from any device such as Desktop, LAN, WAN, USB Flash, etc. using the existing infrastructure. Portabel across Windows versions. Runs in compressed state -> small file size, improved network performance
LANDesk Security Suite
Security Management LANDesk Security Suite
LANDesk® Security Suite
Security Management Device Protection
Poprawki bezpieczeństwa
Zarządzanie poprawkami bezpieczeństwa umożliwia proste i szybkie uaktualnianie komputerów celem zredukowania ryzyka podatności na zagrożenia
Dlaczego LANDesk? Analizy Gartnera i Forestera
Dlaczego LANDesk? Prasa 2009
LANDesk Management Suite wins Systems Management Award in Network World's Best of the Tests '09 "LANDesk gave us virtually everything we wanted in a client management product – and more. Plus, the LANDesk Management Suite's support for diverse platforms was superb..." Full Article LANDesk Security Suite wins Datamation's 2009 Enterprise Security Product of the Year LANDesk Security Suite's multiple layers of malware protection, with anti-spyware and anti-virus tools and an agent that specializes in assessing endpoints, It is considered one of the more complete offerings on the market. LANDesk Security Suite noted for Innovation in Policy Management by SC Magazine LANDesk Security Suite’s promise as a hybrid of network and security policy management is being realized. The notion of managing the desktop and evolving that into security policy management makes a lot of sense. 2009 Channel Chiefs: The List - February 20, 2009 Mike Hall and Dudley DeVore made CRN's 2009 Channel Chiefs list. Read More
IDC White Paper: LANDesk ROI
Średnie roczne korzyści dla 100 użytkowników 3-letnia analiza zwrotu z inwestycji dla 100 użytkowników 3-letnie korzyści $87,352 3-letnia inwestycja $11,552 Różnica w postaci zysku $75,800 ROI (zysk z inwestycji) 656% Czas zwrotu (miesiące) 4.8
LANDesk 9 – najważniejsze nowości
Zarządzanie zasobami programowymi Kontrola twoich krytycznych zasobów programowych oraz redukcja wydatków na licencje na oprogramowanie Uproszczone zarządzanie infrastrukturą Zarządzenia złożonych środowisk rozproszonych oraz kontrola zwiększającej się liczby urządzeń Migracja do Windows 7 Kontrola i zarządzanie migracją do jakiegokolwiek nowego systemu operacyjnego z jednoczesną utrzymaniem istniejących danych i możliwości pracy przez użytkownika Wzmocnione mechanizmy bezpieczeństwa Chroń swoje dane dzięki rozbudowanym mechanizmom bezpieczeństwa oraz najlepszym rozwiązaniem antywirusowym [The four core, compelling capabilities of version 9 are …] LANDesk Management Suite leverages existing investments in database, application and directory service technologies across heterogeneous IT environments. While minimizing impact on network resources, LANDesk Management Suite extends enterprise management capabilities to include the following compelling capabilities: Complete Software Asset Management that help our customers gain control, ensure application compatibility and availability and reduce their software expenditures Discover devices across the network and monitor for new devices in real-time Decrease software licensing costs and respond to regulatory and security audits Efficiently install and maintain software on the desktop Manage physical, contractual and financial assets Simplified Management Infrastructure that provides more flexibility in architecture design, added scalability and improved authorization control Reduce the cost of helpdesk support Migrate users and their profiles to new operating systems Maintain security and keep up with patches and updates
Complete software asset management
Gain control of your critical software assets and reduce software license expenditures LANDesk Management Suite includes advanced discovery and software license control features—including a new user experience for seeing and managing data in familiar ways—new software normalization and inventory tools, and new ROI reports for reducing license costs and decreasing the likelihood of audits.
Software Asset Management
The Problem: Reducing Software Expenditure Controlling the environment Compliance risk The Value: Survive or Avoid an Audit Accurate Knowledge driving better decisions Complete Control Save money and rapid ROI The Solution in 9: Software License Monitoring (SLM) SLM user experience (views = Product / Device / License) Performance and reconciliation Detailed, accurate discovery w/ Nmap Application normalization Self Service Portal (Desktop Manager) ROI / Audit Reports Integrated combination of SLM and Asset Lifecycle Manager (ALM) LANDesk delivers the most complete software asset management solution with advanced discovery, software license control, and information to help you make better informed decisions and manage software costs. Problems facing customers today include: High cost of gathering data for an audit Under buy licenses because of not knowing how many people are using applications Over buy licenses but software is never used Over buy software licenses to attempt to ensure company is in compliance Risk a big penalty when found to be under buying licenses during an audit
Enhanced Software Asset Management
Good Better Best LDMS with SLM LDMS/SLM with ALM LDMS/SLM, ALM, LDSD Discovery engine Fulfillment engine Usage monitoring Discovery engine Fulfillment engine Usage monitoring Proofs of purchase Software catalog Entitlement program Reconciliation tool Discovery engine Fulfillment engine Usage monitoring Proofs of purchase Software catalog Entitlement program Reconciliation tool Program elements Change management Key use cases Survive the audit License tracking / cost savings Key use cases Survive the audit Advanced cost recovery Drive operational control Key use cases Survive the audit Advanced cost recovery Drive operational control Avocent Confidential. Internal Use Only.
New Tailored User Experience
Perspective Views “New users experience” Products based License based Computer based Software Data Normalization Improved performance Real-time calculation is replaced with schedulable compliance calculation Minimizes the time and effort required by IT staff Dynamic Product definitions Unique to LANDesk Merge multiple product versions into a single dynamic product through version wildcarding Greater accuracy in the reporting of all the different versions in the environment
Software License Management Enhancements
Improved support for license types Usage Tracking Ability to turn off usage tracking (European Countries) Reset Usage tracking by product Comprehensive Reports Software Lifecycle Reports Budget & planning Cost Savings Reports Save money Compliance Reports Avoid the audit Usage Reports How is the software used?
Software “Self Service” Portal
Customer Benefit Lower total cost of PC ownership by reducing helpdesk calls and interaction Empower end-users to initiate approved software installs Faster trouble shooting with detailed status of download, install and history Desktop Manager – A “self service” portal which allows an end-user to install their own software and offload the burden on IT
Software “Self Service” Portal
What’s new Customization of branding, personalized message, columns, order, and behavior Searchable fields and sorting “Grouping” of policies End-user can see the size of the download Select multiple installations Download status Cancel the download and start where it left off History of optional policies executed on the client
Discovery Improvements
Discovery recognition improved from 10% to upwards of 90% Interrogates open sockets and services LANDesk teams up with ‘NMap’ content source for continued recognition in the future System Name LANDesk "BEFORE" LANDesk "AFTER" RAID UNKNOWN Microsoft Windows Server 2003 SP1 or SP2 SEVEN FreeBSD 6.1-RELEASE - 6.2 TVT88 D755 Microsoft Windows Vista BLACK XP002 Aggressive OS guesses: Microsoft Windows XP SP2 (98%) SLCDSCNW65-W Novell NetWare September Novell NetWare 6.5 Open Enterprise Server SP6 SLC-MSNOW-PDC SLC-ISVSANLAB Linux SLC-SCHRO-CORE1 Windows Version 5.2 (Build 3790 Uniprocessor Free) SLC-MSNOW-OSXS SLC-AMP-DB2 SLC-QLIKVIEW W2K3-AUTHN SLCPSESQL Aggressive OS guesses: Microsoft Windows Server 2003 SP1 or SP2 (97%) SLC-BCAMPBELL04 SLC-BCAMPBELL07 SLC-BCAMPBELL03 ISVAD2 SLC-BCAMPBELL01 SLC-BCAMPBELL05 Linux SLC-NWOLF-CABRA Apple Mac OS X (Leopard) (Darwin 9.0.0b ) SLC-SVN-TEST Aggressive OS guesses: Linux (Fedora Core 6) (98%) SLC-TRONRAMP2K3
Simplified Management infrastructure
Manage the complex distributed environments and control the expanding workplace boundary LANDesk Management Suite handles complex, distributed environments of any size and helps you control expanding workplace boundaries with new administration capabilities that can be assigned by role or team membership. Version 9 also enables you to synchronize from one core to another, its rollup supports multiple core versions, and its new configurable reports and dashboards make it fast and easy to get the actionable information you need.
Simplified Management Infrastructure
The Problem: Complex distributed environment Expanding workplace boundaries Need for centralized control The Value Flexible design Actionable information Scalable architecture More with less infrastructure The Solution in 9: Enterprise core extended Core Synchronization Rollup Core enhancements Extended role-based administration(RBA) Secure RBA delegation UTF8 Support Configurable, drillable reports and dashboards Apple Mac enhancements Power Management Problems that customers face today I have multiple cores because I have too many clients to run on one core (performance issues) It is burdensome maintaining similar configurations across all cores User rights aren’t granular enough. I have to give my users more rights than I want to in order for them to get their job done Each user has their own set of rights. If I need to change rights to multiple users, I have to touch each one. Security of files on the core. All console users have full access to the LDMAIN directory Rolling up data to the rollup core takes a long time and sometimes times out during the process The web console is not feature-rich enough to manage the rollup core I can’t rollup different versions of cores A scalable management infrastructure that supports enterprises no matter how large or small and no matter how geographically or departmentally dispersed.
Improved Role-Based Administration
Customer benefit Increased granularity of rights to prevent over-empowering users Simplify the process of assigning rights to console users Better integration with Active Directory Support for multi-department organizations that need to share ownership of configurations and tasks without others seeing these items
Improved Role-Based Administration
What’s new Larger list of rights and more granularity of how the rights apply View Edit Deploy Roles – A collection of rights that can be assigned to multiple users Teams – A group of users that can view and share ownership of configurations and tasks that belong to the team
Core Synchronization Customer benefit
One place to manage configurations and tasks for multiple cores Keep multi-core environments synchronized Move packages and configurations from a test environment to production without recreating
Core Synchronization What’s new
Core Synchronization tool in the console Right-click an object to copy to another core or export Configurations can be copied: Automatically (set it and forget it) On demand (manually copy as needed) Through export/import
Rollup Core Customer benefit
Gather and view data from cores running different versions of LANDesk Improved console experience when managing the rollup core Roll up data quicker and more reliably Customer pain: Rolling up data to the rollup core takes a long time and sometimes times out during the process The web console is not feature-rich enough to manage the rollup core I can’t rollup different versions of cores Competitive Most vendors in the market today have hierarchy administration built into their main console LANDesk is the only vendor that can aggregate data from autonomous systems and manage that process and report on the results within one console
Rollup Core What’s new Support for rolling up multiple versions of cores Use the feature-rich LANDesk Windows console to manage the rollup core Real-time rollup of vulnerability data Faster and more reliable rollup process Improved reporting Customer pain: Rolling up data to the rollup core takes a long time and sometimes times out during the process The web console is not feature-rich enough to manage the rollup core I can’t rollup different versions of cores Competitive Most vendors in the market today have hierarchy administration built into their main console LANDesk is the only vendor that can aggregate data from autonomous systems and manage that process and report on the results within one console
Configurable Reports and Dashboards
Customer benefit Configure and customize reports to meet your unique needs Better decision making power with reports that can leverage any data in the database Know exactly how a report was created and with what data sets Customized dashboard reports show what you care about most Leverage the simplicity of the LANDesk query tool to create custom reports. Problem: Can’t drill down from a chart or dashboard graphic to see details of the devices that are being represented Can’t create a truly customizable dashboard New Reporting service provides a platform for long-term Business Intelligence solutions, from Pixel-Perfect Reporting, to Dashboards, to Data Analysis, and Data Integration. Standard reports are no longer sufficient to help customers understand their operations. With a series of new Business Intelligence (BI) tools on the horizon, customers can see what they want, how they want, in a way that best fits their unique environments and business processes.
Configurable Reports and Dashboards
What’s new Modifiable standard reports. Use standard reports as templates. Choose any table from the LANDesk database. Allow user to see SQL query details behind a report. Combine reports to create your own dashboard, including multiple data sources. Save LANDesk queries as a report Problem: Can’t drill down from a chart or dashboard graphic to see details of the devices that are being represented Can’t create a truly customizable dashboard New Reporting service provides a platform for long-term Business Intelligence solutions, from Pixel-Perfect Reporting, to Dashboards, to Data Analysis, and Data Integration. Standard reports are no longer sufficient to help customers understand their operations. With a series of new Business Intelligence (BI) tools on the horizon, customers can see what they want, how they want, in a way that best fits their unique environments and business processes.
Drillable reports and dashboards
Customer benefit Better visibility of underlying data Confidence in knowing where you need to take action Visual report designer gives report designers total control over the contents as well as the look and feel of every report What’s new Interactive graphical charts and graphs Drill into charts to see the data behind reports Powerful report designer tool
Unicode (UTF-8) Convert Core Server and DB from ASCII code-page to Unicode (UTF-8) Seamless migration from 8.8 code-page to LDMS 9 UTF-8 (Unicode) Supports multiple-language Rollup Core Servers Queries and Reports valid across multiple languages Core Server Benefits: Enables multiple language clients to report to a single Core Server Requires that the language support packs are installed on the core Requires fewer Core Servers in multi-language environments Unicode offers better support for “double-byte” languages (such as JPN, CHS, CHT, KOR, etc.) by allowing these languages to co-exist on a single core/DB Custom data remains in original language (not translated, but converted to Unicode) Client Benefits: New agents will always pass data to Core as UTF-8 data Includes an updated Unicode-enabled Scanner Ability to Remote Control multiple-language clients from single Core Server
Macintosh Improvements
Mac Inventory leverage Apple System Profiler Battery information Additional Video Adapter Display & Attached Monitor Memory & Slot information Optical Drive Information LANDesk Agent Version Integration into new Targeted Multicast framework New Features Management Gateway agent support for Mac LANDesk Mac agent deployment (Push) Discovery now detects Mac’s App Blocker for Mac SLM Deny replaced Patching for Mac Agent Ability to update only pieces of Mac agent vs. complete agent
Green IT / Power Management Opportunity
Customer Challenge No Central Control or Management of PC and Peripherals Power Settings Alarming Statistics* 90% disable PCs power settings 60% PCs left operating at night 50% Energy wasted Solution Centralized enforcement of power policies Measure and report energy consumption and savings Don’t impact User Productivity *Source: Verdiem Survey 2009
Successful windows 7 migration
Enables you to control the migration to a new OS while maintaining existing data and end user productivity
Enabling Windows 7 Migration
The Problem New OS Migration Application Availability Maintain Business Data Increasingly Mobile workforce The Value Complete Compatibility Heterogeneous Support Ensure Successful Migration The Solution in 9: Agnostic Hardware Independent Imaging (HII) OSD/Provisioning Enhancements Comprehensive User Migration Assistant (UMA) Windows 7 OS Support Application Virtualization Software Self Service Portal / Desktop Manager LANDesk enables you to manage the adoption and control the migration to Windows 7 while maintaining existing data and end user productivity. Customer Questions: I have all these XP systems, how do I get them to Windows 7? I have many hardware platforms I must maintain the end-user’s data I must upgrade quickly and not break the network OS Imaging is complex – I need remote insight Which systems are capable of adoption? How much will this cost us to upgrade? How do I migrate existing capable systems? Different PC vendors using a single image. Maintain user profiles and data Help me manage the Windows 7 lifecycle. - 72% of enterprises did not migrate to Vista (Source: Forrester) - XP is turning 8 this year (release Oct 2001) Enterprises see Windows 7 as Vista SP1, 40% plan upgrades - April, 2010 sees OEM licenses for Windows 7 drop the “previous version” ability. - XP support drops from EA customers in 2013 –24 months until forced adoption. - Hardware Vendors no longer writing XP drivers for new hardware
Migrating to Windows 7 72% of enterprises did not migrate to Vista
Source: Forrester research XP is turning 8 this year (release Oct 2001) Enterprises see Windows 7 as Vista SP1, 40% plan upgrades Source: April, 2010 sees OEM licenses for Windows 7 drop the “previous version” ability. XP support drops from EA customers in 2013 –24 months until forced adoption. Hardware Vendors no longer writing XP drivers for new hardware
Windows 7 Adoption Challenges
Customer Questions I have all these XP systems, how do I get them to Windows 7? I have many hardware platforms I must maintain the end-user’s data I must upgrade quickly and not break the network OS Imaging is complex – I need remote insight Which systems are capable of adoption? How much will this cost us to upgrade? How do I migrate existing capable systems? Different PC vendors using a single image. Maintain user profiles and data Help me manage the Windows 7 lifecycle. LANDesk 9 Solutions Prepare Windows 7 System Readiness Reports Migrate Hardware Independent Imaging User Migration Assistant Provisioning Speed and reliability enhancements Maintain Full agent support for Windows 7 Discovery, Inventory, Remote Control, SWD, Patch Antivirus for Windows 7 HIPS for Windows 7
LANDesk Hardware Independent Imaging
New Capabilities: Create single, common image for all managed systems Populate LANDesk Driver Library for hardware unique to the environment Auto-detect and inject proper HAL and MSD drivers Auto-detect and stage appropriate Plug-n-Play drivers for each unique machine Advantages: Immediate ROI Reduce costs of maintaining a depot of different computers and separate images for each system Purchase any hardware brand without worrying about existing image compatibility Create one image, reuse over & over Rollout systems/migrations in less time Deploy updates, security patches, service packs & fixes sooner Update drivers once vs. updating numerous images Focus on more critical projects Eliminate the busy work, focus on strategic initiatives
I have many hardware platforms
Hardware Independent Imaging Create a single Enterprise-wide driver library for all hardware platforms Reduce effort by maintaining only a single image per OS. Break Hardware Vendor-Lock Patent-Pending Mass Storage Driver technology
Hardware Independent Imaging
All Systems Core Server Common Image Repository Driver Library PnP Drivers HAL Drivers (Hardware Abstraction Layer) Mass Storage Controller Drivers HP Systems Dell Systems IBM/Lenovo Imaging Server 1 Imaging Server 2 Imaging Server 3 Laptop Image #1 Laptop Image #2 Laptop Image #3 Desktop Image #1 Desktop Image #2 Desktop Image #3 Server Image #1 Server Image #2 Server Image #3 … [Brian Wistisen] Revolutionary new Hardware-Independent Imaging breaks the barrier of having to build unique, 1-to-1 images for each respective hardware type in the environment. With Hardware-Independent Imaging, customers can significantly reduce the number of images they manage, resulting in immediate ROI and cost savings. Hardware-Independent Imaging empowers administrators more time to do what they do best (solving complex, strategic problems) and technology automation to do what it does best (solving redundant, repetitive tasks).
I must maintain the user data
User Migration Assistant (UMA) Rebranded Lenovo System Migration Assistant Stable, robust, proven technology Reliably back up relevant user data and restore Not reliant on 3rd party
User Migration Assistant (UMA)
Easy-to-use graphical interface for end-user driven migrations Robust, highly configurable Large OS platform support Quickly & accurately migrating their individual data and settings to Windows 7 IT personnel can automate migrations to a large number of systems and customize the migration process Save time and IT costs by automating simultaneous migrations to a large number of systems in a single migration process
I must upgrade quickly and not break the network
32-bit Multicast in WinPE Save time by once-across-the-wire technology. Clocked as fast in lab tests as Ghost32 Multicast. Preferred Server Save bandwidth by using local copies of images. No dedicated resources (UNC)
OS Imaging is complex. I need remote insight
Remote Control agent baked into our WinPE If something goes wrong, see what broke and where from remote Save desk side visit Monitor break/fix re-images Unique in the industry
Next Generation Application Deployment
Application Virtualization Done Right! No agent. No infrastructure. No problem. A client-less Application Virtualization solution Windows applications can be packaged, distributed, and executed as a single EXE on a host PC without installation or changes to the local desktop's registry and file system. Unlike other solutions, LANDesk Application Virtualization requires no pre-installed software on the client or server. Virtualized applications can run from any device such as Desktop, LAN, WAN, USB Flash, etc. using the existing infrastructure.
Hardened endpoint security
Secure your data with layered endpoint security and best-in-industry anti-virus solutions. LANDesk Security Suite secures user systems with complete layered endpoint security that now includes data protection, a personal firewall, management of remote users and unmanaged devices, and the industry’s best anti-virus solution.
Hardened Endpoint Security
The Problem Meeting regulatory and security compliance Data Loss Prevention Unwanted Applications The Value Layered protection Configuration integration and enforcement Strong Remediation Application Control What’s new in 9? Security Agent Consolidation Security Activity View Standards Compliance for PCI and FDCC SCAP LANDesk Firewall Device Control Manager Location Aware Policies Antivirus for Mail Server (MS Exchange) Enhanced Patch Management Data loss issues for IT: Unable to effectively control access to devices that are attached to machines Uncertain what and when files are being copied to removable media Enforcing policies for file copy, including encryption requirements What does LANDesk offer as a solution? Agent and UI consolidation Improved patch management Updated Anti-Virus New mode and added reporting capabilities in Host Intrusion Prevention System (HIPS) Personal Firewall Device Control Manager next version of Connection Control Manager leveraging HIPS technology and focusing on ease of use and ease of deployment Improvements in Client UI Network Access Control PEAP Authentication Patch management – control CPU utilization while agent is scanning for vulnerabilities; drastic performance improvements due to database re-architecture; not repair when in full screen mode. LANDesk helps secure your data with layered endpoint security that includes a personal firewall, control of remote users and unmanaged devices, and best-in-industry anti-virus solutions.
Security Agent Consolidation
Customer Benefit Single point of administration Single agent to deploy and update Smaller footprint Activity view – Location aware policies (trusted vs. Untrusted) – See core – doesn’t work on LDMG You can add cores DCM Shadow Copy Application Control AV – Security Agent Consolidation Working off the same list
Security Agent Consolidation
What’s New Single location for rule enforcement Agent processes have been consolidated: Device Control (CCM/”DCM”) HIPS Firewall Redundant services, drivers removed Consolidated agent pieces can be individually turned on and off
New Security Activity view
Customer Benefit Single pane of glass for security activity What’s New Security activity for AV, Application Control, Firewall, Device Control Sort by primary then secondary views
Device Control Manager
Customer Benefits Protect confidential information Reduce exposure to litigation and clean up costs Enforce corporate usage policies on removable media Easily identify violations and potential data leaks Competitive No other vendor in the market offers integrated DLP abilities with advanced functionality such as shadow copy. Microsoft offers no DLP abilities in SCCM Symantec has DLP abilities built into their non-integrated Vontu products BigFix has integrated DLP abilities but without archiving functionality Matrix42 does not offer integrated security much less DLP advanced capabilities
Device Control Manager
What’s new Data transfer logging – record what files are transferred to removable storage devices and search within the console Shadow copy – copy of files transferred to be used for forensics Activity window – View “file copy” and “device blocking” actions Simpler and more intuitive UI for device control configuration Improved client functionality leveraging HIPS technology Competitive No other vendor in the market offers integrated DLP abilities with advanced functionality such as shadow copy. Microsoft offers no DLP abilities in SCCM Symantec has DLP abilities built into their non-integrated Vontu products BigFix has integrated DLP abilities but without archiving functionality Matrix42 does not offer integrated security much less DLP advanced capabilities
Improved Patch Manager
Customer Benefit Faster time to remediation Less impact to end-users productivity Improved performance resulting in rapid ROI Easier troubleshooting and report creation Corporate wide policies and reporting across multiple core servers A holistic security solution, which includes antimalware, Application control, whitelisting, blacklisting, device control, USB Encryption, and now, an enterprise-ready personal firewall, managed from the same console as all other desktop services. Consolidated security agents to minimize the impact of your security protection. Reduces the total number of scanners on the system, thereby freeing up memory resources and CPU consumption to be used by your applications, not security Improved, cutting-edge methods of malware detection keep you better protected, faster, and with fewer resources consumed (AV SDK 8, HIPS, new Lavasoft scanning engines, etc) Better manage security by having a one-stop-shop to view threats and violations Improved HIPS LANDesk desktop firewall Data leakage prevention through improved device monitoring and control Location-aware policies allow flexibility in protection
Improved Patch Manager
What’s New Increased performance Drastically reducing number or rows in the database Flag definitions when deleted – to delete scan information “View as report” option in the “Security and Patch Information” dialog Faster troubleshooting with: Download errors from the last content download at the core Better status of failed machines Alert for failed downloads at core Don’t patch when an application is full-screen, such as PowerPoint (Auto-defer) Support for multiple MSI settings in Scan and Repair CPU utilization control for ‘vulscan’ Ability to synchronize definitions with their status, custom groups, scheduled repairs, scan and repair settings, etc. across multiple cores A holistic security solution, which includes antimalware, Application control, whitelisting, blacklisting, device control, USB Encryption, and now, an enterprise-ready personal firewall, managed from the same console as all other desktop services. Consolidated security agents to minimize the impact of your security protection. Reduces the total number of scanners on the system, thereby freeing up memory resources and CPU consumption to be used by your applications, not security Improved, cutting-edge methods of malware detection keep you better protected, faster, and with fewer resources consumed (AV SDK 8, HIPS, new Lavasoft scanning engines, etc) Better manage security by having a one-stop-shop to view threats and violations Improved HIPS LANDesk desktop firewall Data leakage prevention through improved device monitoring and control Location-aware policies allow flexibility in protection
LANDesk Antivirus New Exchange AV SDK 8 support
Multilevel Protection for Microsoft Exchange 2007 mail servers Detection of outbreaks Mailing clusters support SCR (Standby Continuous Replication) CCR (Continuous Cluster Replication) Objects scanning (up to 1 MB) in system RAM Mail scanning optimization Scalability SDK 8 support Latest Kaspersky Engine Technology Optimized Signature format requires less RAM and disk space Older (8.8) signatures still supported Advanced heuristics – object execution emulated in a secure virtual environment NEW!“Generic” malware detection Detects “families” of malware with a single signature Effective in detecting many new threats without an updated signature NEW! DeepUnpack technology Better handling of compressed objects (.zip, etc) Largest number of Packer and Archive formats supported (~3000) Multi-volume archive processing/detection Increased processing speed NEW! Native multi-threading support Signatures require less RAM and Disk space (specifics TBD) NEW! Updatable AV Engine NEW! Advanced heuristics module Emulates malware object’s execution in a secure virtual environment Discovers and blocks suspicious actions, typical malware behavior NEW! Scanning of Startup objects
LANDesk Firewall Customer Benefit
Reduce the costs associated with point products Multiple consoles/agents Training Contracts Support Single point of management for application control and firewall configuration Dynamically change policies depending on if the device is connected to a trusted or untrusted network
LANDesk Firewall What’s new Centrally managed in LANDesk Console
Incoming connections Outgoing connections Location Awareness Turn on/off rights based on trusted/untrusted networks Automatic/background switching Automatically “Learn” current configuration and trusted applications Allow/Deny access in/out-bound by Application or by Port Ability to learn and trust “current” subnet (rather than admin having to enumerate each machine’s subnet) Alerts and logging of Firewall violations Firewall settings/configurations Integrated into Agent Configuration Supported Platforms (32- and 64-bit): XP, Vista, 2003, 2008, Windows 7 Lock-down of Client UI All of core’s trusted networks automatically added to the list of trusted IP’s
Host Intrusion Prevention (HIPS)
Agent Consolidation (HIPS, CCM, DCM, Firewall) 64-bit support for Windows Client UI enhancements Storable columns Date/time stamps Pop-up/Warning message controls New mode: Logging Allow admins to simply monitor what HIPS is seeing, without doing any blocking Promotes familiarity with HIPS Logged application “violations” can be automatically “learned” as part of the security configuration Better Reporting/Alerting
Summary LANDesk 9 product investment meets customer needs:
Reduce Cost Reduce Risk Increase Productivity LANDesk 9 customer priorities extend capability within the enterprise include: Complete Software Asset Management Simplified Management Infrastructure Windows 7 Migration Support Hardened Endpoint Security Complete Software Asset Management that helps our customers gain control and reduce their software expenditures Simplified Management Infrastructure that provides more flexibility in architecture design, added scalability and improved authorization control Windows 7 Migration Support for planning and executing an OS Migration while minimize user disruption and ensuring application compatibility and availability Hardened Endpoint Security to help organizations reduce risk and meet regulatory compliance guidelines
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