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OpublikowałTomasz Romanek Został zmieniony 11 lat temu
I L.O. im. Mikołaja Kopernika in Bielsko-Biała The following presentation has been created within the confines of Socrates- Comenius Programme Teaching Tolerance
National clothes
The girls are wearing łowicki national dress, which is used for dancing oberek, a lively Polish folk dance.
This girl is wearing a national dress, which was used by Zywiec townswomen for dancing polonaise.
Again national clothes of Zywiec townspeople used for dancing polonaise.
The girls are wearing highlanders national dresses.
This girl is wearing a Silesian dress for dancing miners dances. The boy is wearing a national dress for dancing polonaise.
They are both wearing Silesian national dresses for dancing miners dances.
The above pictures have been made available thanks to one of our students who is a member of a dancing folk group.
Niniejszy projekt został zrealizowany przy wsparciu finansowym Wspólnoty Europejskiej w ramach Programu Socrates – Comenius.Treści samego projektu lub materiałów nie odzwierciedlają stanowiska Komisji Europejskiej czy Agencji Narodowej w danej sprawie, a w związku z tym ani Komisja Europejska, ani Agencja Narodowa nie ponosi za nie odpowiedzialności. The above project has been completed with the financial support of the European Union and within the confines of Socrates-Comenius Programme. Both the themes and materials do not reflect the point of view of the European Commission or the National Agency. So neither theEuropean Commission nor the National Agency bear the responsibility for the contents of the above project.
I Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. Mikołaja Kopernika ul. Listopadowa 70 43-300 Bielsko – Biała www.kopernik.neostrada.pl kopernikcomenius@op.pl
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