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Woda – podstawa życia na Ziemi

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1 Woda – podstawa życia na Ziemi

2 Woda, dieta i ruch to Twoje ZDROWIE !

3 Ciało człowieka składa się z 75 % wody
Mózg 80 % Funkcjonowanie całego organizmu czyli ZDROWIE zależy od jakości wypijanej wody Kości 13 % Nerki 83 % Mięśnie 73.% 21:25 – 22:15 You know we’re made up of water 70 to 75%. Your blood is 90% water. Look at your filtering system. Here’s the question. What kind of water is filtering this machine, which is your body? What kind of water is filtering all the things that this machine is injesting because the healthier the water and the more you filter it, the better your body will perform. If, for example, you change the oil in your car regularly, you have a better performing engine. Or if you have an aquarium, you change the water every 2 weeks, you’re sure to have healthier fish. It’s common sense, isn’t it? So better water, healthier body. So when the micro-cluster is your filtering system. Krew 91 % 3

4 Warto dbać o najwyższą jakość wypijanej wody !
Woda jest naturalnym sposobem oczyszczania organizmu i wymiany płynów ustrojowych istotnych dla naszego ciała. Brak wystarczającej ilości dobrej wody może mieć wpływ na nasz system odpornościowy, powodować problemy trawienne, zgagę, wzdęcia, zaparcia, nadmiar tkanki tłuszczowej, zespół przewlekłego zmęczenia, bóle głowy, starczy wygląd, skłonność do depresji, zaburzenia pamięci i wiele innych problemów zdrowotnych.

5 Zakwaszenie organizmu i choroby
Zdrowe komórki mają odczyn alkaliczny. Istnieją dowody naukowe na to, że w przypadku prawie wszystkich chorób w organiźmie stwierdza się nadmiar kwasów. Prawidłowe pH to 7,35 – 7,45 4.5 5.0 6.5 7.0 8.5 9.0 9.5 :15-25:04 The third property of Kangen water is alkalinity. When you see the word alkaline, doesn’t it remind you of batteries? Yes, alkaline batteries. But that’s not what it means here. Alkalinity is measured by what we call pH which means potential hydrogen. Let me share with you more interesting and relevant information about this subject. It is a common fact that alkaline in your body always equals health. Acid in your body always equals sickness. There is one author – Dr. Baroody in his book Alkalize or Die. He said “all disease comes from one root cause – right there acid (point to slide). Another relevant information that you should remember here, is that human disease has a hard time surviving in an alkaline state. At this state the body has the ability to heal itself and also the ability to fight disease. Here’s another thing we learned. When a child is newly born the child’s biological system, or being, is mostly in an alkaline state. But when an older human person gets older, it tends towards being acidic (point to slide). Isn’t it something? You want to stay on this side, right? Here’s one more thing we found out. What’s the number one health problem in America today? Several years ago it used to be heart disease. Until today. Cancer is now the number one issue in both US and Canada. You know the statistics. When they check out cancer patients, many as much as 99.9%, are actually loaded with acid. You’re probably wondering who’s saying all this? Here’s the report we got back. Odczyn Kwaśny Odczyn Zasadowy Choroba Zdrowie 5

6 Zakwaszenie organizmu i choroby
Każda choroba, poczynając od przeziębienia, a kończąc na nowotworze rozpoczyna się po przekroczeniu limitu zatrucia, powyżej którego organizm nie może sobie poradzić z usuwaniem kwaśnych pozostałości i nie posiada możliwości przeciwdziałania wolnym rodnikom. :15-25:04 The third property of Kangen water is alkalinity. When you see the word alkaline, doesn’t it remind you of batteries? Yes, alkaline batteries. But that’s not what it means here. Alkalinity is measured by what we call pH which means potential hydrogen. Let me share with you more interesting and relevant information about this subject. It is a common fact that alkaline in your body always equals health. Acid in your body always equals sickness. There is one author – Dr. Baroody in his book Alkalize or Die. He said “all disease comes from one root cause – right there acid (point to slide). Another relevant information that you should remember here, is that human disease has a hard time surviving in an alkaline state. At this state the body has the ability to heal itself and also the ability to fight disease. Here’s another thing we learned. When a child is newly born the child’s biological system, or being, is mostly in an alkaline state. But when an older human person gets older, it tends towards being acidic (point to slide). Isn’t it something? You want to stay on this side, right? Here’s one more thing we found out. What’s the number one health problem in America today? Several years ago it used to be heart disease. Until today. Cancer is now the number one issue in both US and Canada. You know the statistics. When they check out cancer patients, many as much as 99.9%, are actually loaded with acid. You’re probably wondering who’s saying all this? Here’s the report we got back. 6

7 Chcesz mieć więcej energii ?
Ważne pytania !!! Chcesz żyć dłużej ? Chcesz żyć lepiej ? Chcesz mieć więcej energii ?

8 5 rodzajów wody z urządzenia SD 501

9 Woda Kangen jaka była na ziemi, zanim nasza planeta
Kangen to japońskie słowo oznaczające powrót do natury. Woda Kangen posiada właściwości wody, jaka była na ziemi, zanim nasza planeta uległa zanieczyszczeniu.

10 „Cudowna woda” Lourdes, FRANCJA Tlacote, MEKSYK Nordenau, NIEMCY
8:20-9:55 In the 1950’s, scientific research was conducted in several unique water source locations around the world, known for bringing health benefits to those who used what they call “miracle water”. For thousands of years, people have been going to these wells. There are about 7 of these all over the world and researchers were able to confirm remarkable healings attributed to the water coming from these same sources. Even today people are flocking to these wells to get this water. In Lourdes, France, for example, many Catholics and even non-Catholics experienced healings for decades because of this water. In Tlacote, Mexico, about 10,000 people flock to get water from that spring every year. One such well-known person, Magic Johnson, has been reportedly going to Mexico for about 5 years getting water there for his HIV condition. In Nordenau, Germany, the water source is coming from a mine. And, in whichever country or location this water is found, there is one notable fact found by these researchers which is common to all these places: that all these “miracle healing waters” have active hydrogen -- also known today as ALKALINE WATER. Let me repeat that: all these places which I have just mentioned, are essentially rich sources of Alkaline water, or “miracle healing waters”, as they are more popularly known. Tlacote, MEKSYK Nordenau, NIEMCY 10

11 Mikro klastry Zasadowość Anty-oksydant Cechy wody Kangen
10 14:12-14:20 Let’s focus on the 3 properties of Kangen water: Number 1, it has anti-oxidant properties. Number 2, it’s micro-clustered. And number 3, it’s alkaline. Let me just explain each of these important properties about Kangen: Anty-oksydant 11

12 1. Mikro klastry Zwykła cząsteczka H2O składa się z 15 – 20 molekuł
Cząsteczka wody Kangen składa się z 5 – 6 molekuł 19:20-21:25 The next property of Kangen water is its micro-clustered molecules. I never heard about this before. The regular water cluster is 15 to 20 molecules. These larger clusters limit absorption by the cells in the body. Większe cząsteczki ograniczają absorbcję (wchłanianie) przez organizm Mikrocząsteczki powodują większą penetrację i zwiększają wchłanianie 12

13 być usunięte przez nerki.
2. Zasadowość wody Tajemnica dobrego zdrowia i długowieczności tkwi w zdolności organizmu do neutralizacji i pozbywania się kwaśnych zanieczyszczeń. Wiemy, że zasady neutralizują kwasy. Organizm nie jest zdolny do wytwarzania zasad i może je uzyskać jedynie z pożywienia oraz płynów do picia. Woda Kangen ( pH 8,5 – 9,5 ) rozpuszcza kwaśne zanieczyszczenia stałe i dzięki temu mogą one być usunięte przez nerki. :15-25:04 The third property of Kangen water is alkalinity. When you see the word alkaline, doesn’t it remind you of batteries? Yes, alkaline batteries. But that’s not what it means here. Alkalinity is measured by what we call pH which means potential hydrogen. Let me share with you more interesting and relevant information about this subject. It is a common fact that alkaline in your body always equals health. Acid in your body always equals sickness. There is one author – Dr. Baroody in his book Alkalize or Die. He said “all disease comes from one root cause – right there acid (point to slide). Another relevant information that you should remember here, is that human disease has a hard time surviving in an alkaline state. At this state the body has the ability to heal itself and also the ability to fight disease. Here’s another thing we learned. When a child is newly born the child’s biological system, or being, is mostly in an alkaline state. But when an older human person gets older, it tends towards being acidic (point to slide). Isn’t it something? You want to stay on this side, right? Here’s one more thing we found out. What’s the number one health problem in America today? Several years ago it used to be heart disease. Until today. Cancer is now the number one issue in both US and Canada. You know the statistics. When they check out cancer patients, many as much as 99.9%, are actually loaded with acid. You’re probably wondering who’s saying all this? Here’s the report we got back. 13

14 Każdy rodzaj wody jaką pijemy jest źródłem wolnych rodników.
3. Anty-oksydant Każdy rodzaj wody jaką pijemy jest źródłem wolnych rodników. Zdrowe Szkodliwe Woda Kangen jest bardzo silnym antyoksydantem, ale zdolność neutralizacji wolnych rodników zachowuje w pełni tylko przez kilkanaście godzin.

15 Inne przyczyny powstawania wolnych rodników

16 Oksydacja = utlenianie = proces starzenia

17 Oni są w tym samym wieku 68 lat
Przykład – oceń sam Oni są w tym samym wieku 68 lat Prezydent firmy Enagic Hironari Oshiro Pije wodę Kangen od 35 lat Dyrektor Enagic USA Business Advisor 12 16:22-17:49 Check this out right here. This is our founder & CEO, Mr. Oshiro. On the far right, is his US business advisor. Whenever people ask how he old is, they say around 40 or 45; or, 50-55, 60? How about this guy 65? The funny thing is they’re both identical in age. He’s 68. He’s 68. Someone asked him why his appearance was like that. His response is mentioned only 2 things: one, is keeping stress out by living in simplicity; and, second, he’s also been drinking Kangen water, 3 to 4 liters, a day for the last 20 years. The water is very high in anti-oxidants that helps out in the anti-inflammatory and anti-aging process that helps you maintain your health. 17

18 Działanie wody Kangen na organizm
Regularne picie wody Kangen powoduje usuwanie z organizmu zgromadzonych zanieczyszczeń i neutralizację wolnych rodników. Jest to nie tylko oddalanie starości, ale również odbudowa funkcji ciała. Następuje odmładzanie ciała na poziomie molekularnym.

19 Średnia długość życia w różnych krajach

20 Certyfikat Ministerstwa Zdrowia Japonii
6,500 lekarzy poleca wodę alkaliczną jako medykament.

21 Szpitale w Japonii stosują wodę Kangen

22 Liczne nagrody i dowody uznania
Poparcie z Japońskiego Stowarzyszenia Zapobiegania Chorób u Dorosłych. . Nagroda Grand Prix International Earth Environmental University ISO 14001, ISO 13485 5 10:50-11:05 As you can see from this slide, they have won all kinds of awards and endorsements, with consistent phenomenal ratings with the Japan Better Business Bureau which is a living proof of their leadership position in the industry. If you go to Enagic.com you’ll see all these awards and endorsements. I’ll let you do the checking and discover for yourselves, that these awards are very hard to get from. They don’t just come by easy and they are given only to deserving companies like Enagic. Certyfikat Japońskiego Ministerstwa Zdrowia , Pracy i Opieki Społecznej Certyfikat rejestracji w USA Certyfikat członkostwa w Stowarzyszeniu Sprzedaży Bezpośredniej 22

23 Certyfikaty Certyfikat Japońskiego Stowarzyszenia
Medycyny Prewencyjnej

24 chorobom u osób w podeszłym wieku
Wyróżnienia Firma Enagic otrzymała za SD 501 specjalne wyróżnienie w dziedzinie zapobiegania chorobom u osób w podeszłym wieku

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